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Advisories Incident Reports Other Information
Air Pollution Complaints Inspections

Policies and Procedures Manual

Asbestos Programs Manual of Procedures Refinery Flare Monitoring and Control
Compliance Assistance Notice to Comply Stipulated Enforcement Program for Portable Diesel Engines
GDF Inspection Procedures Notices of Violations Wood Smoke
Idling Trucks Open Burning  


The Compliance and Enforcement Division's (C&E Division) goals are to provide companies with assistance in complying with air quality rules and regulations and when they cannot comply, to apply an appropriate level of enforcement action proportionate to the non-compliance. The enforcement of air quality regulations must concentrate first on obtaining compliance and second providing an effective deterrence for non-compliance. The Division is committed to fair, reasonable, and equitable treatment of regulated sources. The compliance assistance activities include a full range of educational and technical assistance programs such as a Compliance Hotline, Courtesy Facility Reviews, a Speakers Bureau, Industry Compliance Schools, and the publication of Policy and Procedure Guidelines which provide a basis for self-inspection programs. The Division works with individual companies, industry groups, trade associations, small business assistance programs, and green business programs to promote self-compliance with air regulations.

The Division has approximately 70 field-based, inspection staff that conduct inspections of air pollution sources, verify compliance, investigate breakdowns, document violations, and respond to citizen complaints about air pollution and accidental releases of air contaminants. The Inspection Staff are assigned geographic areas throughout the nine bay area counties. They are responsible for all the permitted sources and inspection activity within that area. In addition the Division has several specialized inspection groups that handle refineries, auto body shops & dry cleaners, gas stations, and asbestos demolition and renovation activities. Routine inspections combined with targeted audits of sources of air pollution help ensure emission reductions written into regulations are actually achieved. The enforcement program utilizes a cooperative working relationship with the regulated sources in conjunction with graduated levels of enforcement actions to maintain compliance with air quality regulations.

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