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Program Overview
Kurt Nihei

Fractured Reservoir Modeling: Coupled Seismic and Fluid Response
Thomas M. Daley, Michael Schoenberg, Jonny Rutqvist, and Kurt Nihei

A Portable X-Ray Computed Tomography Sysytem
Barry M. Freifeld, Timothy J. Kneafsey, Jacob Pruess, and Liviu Tomutsa

Joint Crosswell and Single-Well Seismic Studies of
CO2 Injection in an Oil Reservoir at Lost Hills, California

Roland Gritto, Thomas M. Daley, and Larry R. Myer

Joint Geophysical Imaging
G. Michael Hoversten

Gas-Hydrate Imaging Using X-Ray Computed Tomography
Timothy J. Kneafsey, Barry Freifeld, Liviu Tomutsa, and Jacob Pruess

Fracture Quantification in Naturally Fractured Gas Reservoirs
Ernest L. Majer

Classification of Gas Hydrate Deposits and Corresponding Production Strategies
George J. Moridis

Anisotropic Properties of Compacted Clay-Rich Rocks
Kurt T. Nihei, F. Reverdy, and Larry R. Myer

Simulation of Partitioning Tracers
Chao Shan and Karsten Pruess

Physics-Based Reconstruction of Sedimentary Rocks
Dmitriy Silin and Tad Patzek

Nanoscale Three-Dimensional Rock Imaging Using Focussed Ion Beam
Liviu Tomutsa (ESD) and Velimir Radmilovic (NCEM)

Finite-Difference Modeling of 3-D Anisotropic Wave Propagation Using Variable Grid Spacing
Aoife Toomey and G. M. Hoversten

Changes in Noncondensable Gases in Steam from the Cerro Prieto Geothermal Field
Alfred H. Truesdale, Marcelo J. Lippmann, M. H. Rodriguez, and A. Perez

3-D Resistivity Imaging of Single-Hole EM Data
Hung-Wen (Ocean) Tseng and Ki Ha Lee

Rapid Imaging of Interwell Fluid Saturations Using
Seismic and Multiphase Production Data

Don Vasco and Akhil Datta-Gupta

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