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1997 Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information Conference


MONDAY, APRIL 14, 1997 (joint with FNLM - HII97)

  • 4:00pm - 6:00pm Registration
  • 5:30pm - 6:30pm Reception in Exhibit Hall
  • 6:30pm - 9:00pm Banquet Dinner. "Using the Information Superhighway to Reach the Underserved."
    • Speaker: Reed Tuckson, MD, President, Charles Drew University of Medicine and Science, Los Angeles, CA

TUESDAY, APRIL 15, 1997 (joint with HII97 until 3:30 p.m.)

  • 7:30am - 5:00pm Registration
  • 7:30am - 8:45am Continental Breakfast in Exhibit Hall
  • 7:45am - 8:45am Sponsored Breakout Sessions
    • Breakfast Sponsor Workshop: Information Technology and Services in Managed Care.
      Case studies of successful implementations of health information infrastructure to support efficient, cost-effective, quality healthcare. Sponsored by SAIC.
  • 9:00am - 9:30am Plenary Session: "Welcome and Remarks."
    • Speaker: The Honorable Donna Shalala, Secretary of Health and Human Services
    • Speaker: The Honorable Al Gore, Vice President of the United States
  • 9:30am - 10:00am Plenary Session Keynote: "Networked CHI: Redefining Roles in Health and Health Care."
    • Speaker: Molly J. Coye, MD, MPH, Vice President of Strategic Development, HealthDesk Corporation, Berkeley, CA
    • This session will focus on the ways in which networked consumer health Information (CHI) is helping to redefine roles throughout the health care system.
  • 10:00am - 10:15am Break
  • 10:15am - 11:15am Response to Keynote Panel 1: "Redefining Roles of Health Professionals."
  • Moderator: Donald M. Vickery, MD, Chairman and Chief Medical Officer, Health Decisions International, Golden, CO
  • Albert Mulley, Jr., MD, MPP, Chief of General Internal Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA:
    Response on Behalf of Physicians
  • Charles L. Jacobson, MD, Executive Vice President, Premier, Charlotte, NC:
    Response on Behalf of Provider Organizations
  • Caswell A. Evans, DDS, MPH, Director of Public Health Initiatives, Department of Health Services, Los Angeles County, CA:
    Response on Behalf of Public Health
  • Beverly Malone, PhD, RN, FAAN, President of the American Nurses Association, Washington, DC:
    Response on Behalf of Nurses
  • Health professionals face changing demands and expectations. This response panel will address the impact of networked CHI on providers, provider organizations, and the public health system.
  • 11:15am - 12 :15pm Response to Keynote, Panel 2: "Redefining Roles of Consumer and Patients."
    • Moderator: Molly Mettler, Senior Vice President, Healthwise, Boise, ID
    • Samantha Scolamiero, Brain Tumor Mailing List
    • Loren Buhle, Jr., PhD, Associate Director of Information Management, SmithKline Beecham; Creator of OncoLink
    • James S. Gordon, MD, Director, Center for Mind-Body Medicine, Washington, DC
    • Panelists will describe how the changing and more pivotal role of consumers will be placed within the context of a more responsive, effective and humane health care system.
  • 12:15pm - 2:00pm Box Lunch in Exhibit Hall
  • 1:00pm - 2:00pm Town Hall Meeting: "Key Issues and Priorities for Action."
    • Meeting Facilitator: Shannah Koss, Government Segment Executive, Health Care Industry, IBM, Inc.
  • 2:00pm - 2:30pm Plenary Session. "Implications of the 1996 Telecommunications Act."
    • Speaker: The Honorable Reed Hundt, Chairman, Federal Communications Commission, Washington, DC
    • The Telecommunications Act includes subsidies for advance telecommunications to schools, libraries, and rural health care providers (including public health departments and teaching institutions). Chairman Hundt will describe proposed regulations. Panelists will examine implications for diverse health-related activities.
  • 2:30pm - 3:30pm Plenary Response Panel.
    • Moderator: Jo Ivey Boufford, MD, Acting Assistant Secretary for Health, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC
    • Gregory Lawler, Chairman, FCC Advisory Committee, Bethesda, MD
    • Jay Sanders, President and CEO, Global Telemedicine Group, Reston, VA
    • Gwen Edwards, Vice President, Health Care Market Group, Pacific Bell, San Francisco, CA
    • Kevin Patrick, MD, MS, Editor-in-Chief, American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Graduate School of Public Health, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
  • 3:30pm - 3:45pm Break
  • 3:45pm - 5:15pm Breakout Sessions
    • Customizing Information #1: Telemedicine and Telehealth Programs Reaching Into Patients' Homes
      • Moderator: Patricia F. Brennan, RN, PhD, FAAN, Moehlman Bascom Professor, School of Nursing and College of Engineering, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI
      • Speaker: James E. Gray, MD, MS, Director of Newborn Services, Department of Neonatology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Boston, MA
      • Speaker: Max E. Stachura, MD, Director, Telemedicine Center, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, GA,
        "The Electronic HouseCall Project--Clinical Aspect"
      • Speaker: James C. Toler, MSE, Principal Research Engineer, Biomedical Interactive Technology Center, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA,
        "Engineering Considerations in the Design of a Tele-Home Care System
      • Learn about two innovative test beds that are using the latest in interactive technologies to meet health needs of newborn babies and elderly patients in the home.
    • Customizing Information #2: Patient Records for Patients
      • Moderator: Margret Amatayakul, Executive Director, Computer-based Patient Record Institute, Chicago, IL
      • Speaker: David Forslund, PhD, Deputy Director, ACL, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM,
        "Patient Access to Distributed Records"
      • Speaker: Ross D. Fletcher, MD, Chief of Cardiology, Department of Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Washington, DC,
        "The National VA Pacemaker Project: Collecting Data From Patients at Home"
      • Speaker: Peter Szolovits, PhD, Professor of Computer Science, Department of Electrical Engineering/Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA,
        "Guardian Angel: Personal Lifelong Active Health Information Systems"
      • Electronic patient records are bringing benefits to providers, payers and patients. Applications for specific groups, such as diabetics and patients with pacemakers, will be highlighted.
    • Redefining Roles #1: Embracing the Patient as Partner
      • Moderator: Caroline M. Clancy, MD, Director, Center for Outcomes and Effectiveness, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC
      • Speaker: Richard Rockefeller, MD, President, Health Commons Institute, Falmouth, ME,
        "Patient and Knowledge--Underutilized Health Care Resources"
      • Speaker: Edward Bergmark, PhD, President, Optum Division, United Health Care Corporation, Minneapolis, MN,
        "A New Partnership--Because Health Is More Than Medicine"
      • Speaker: David Feffer, Health Care Consultant, Chester, CN,
        "The Patient/Provider Partnership--Making It a Reality"
      • Speaker: Dorothy Weitzel, Director, Customer Advocacy, U.S. Pharmaceuticals Group, Pfizer, Inc., New York, NY,
        "From Patient to Partner: A Technology Driven Evolution"
      • Strategies for patients and providers to develop better health partnerships will be discussed.
  • 5:30pm - 7:00pm Reception

    WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1997

  • 7:30am - 5:00pm Registration
  • 7:30am - 8:30am Continental Breakfast in the Technology Theater
  • 7:30am - 5:00pm Visit the Technology Theater
  • 8:30am - 9:30am Penary Session. "The Promise and the Uncertainty of Networked Consumer Health Information."
    • Moderator: Lisa A. Simpson, MB, BCh, MPH, Acting Administrator, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC
    • Speaker: Vicki S. Freimuth, PhD, Associate Director for Communication, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Atlanta, GA,
      "Lessons Learned From Evaluations of Mass Mediated Health Campaigns"
    • Speaker: Jeanne Gleason, EdD, Executive Producer, NMSU Video and Multimedia Studio, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, NM,
      "The Power of Formative Evaluation"
    • Speaker: Shoshanna Sofaer, DrPH, Director, Center for Health Outcomes Improvement Research, George Washington University, Washington, DC,
      "Assessing Information Interventions To Support Decisions"
    • Speaker: Holly Jimison, PhD, Director, Informed Patient Decisions Group, Oregon Health Sciences University, Portland, OR,
      "Challenges and Potentional for Evaluating Networked Consumer Health Interventions"
    • Speakers will discuss lessons from existing evaluations, types of outcomes that can be targeted, the importance of meeting special needs, and the need to focus on evaluation from the very inception of networked CHI products.
  • 9:30am - 11:00am Concurrent Breakout Sessions
    • Customizing Information #3: Using Interactive Environments to Change Behaviors
      • Moderator: Alan Andreasen, PhD, Professor of Marketing and Associate Dean, Georgetown University School of Business, Washington, DC
      • Speaker: Timothy Kieschnick, Strategic Development Manager, Interactive Technologies Initiative, Kaiser Permanente, Oakland, CA,
        "Technology-Supported Patient Empowerment: What's Real, What's Vaportalk"
      • Speaker: Deryk Van Brunt, DrPH, Research Fellow, University of California Berkeley, CA,
        "Using Networked Interactive Environments to Change Lifestyle and Environmental Risk Factors"
      • Speaker: Christopher J. Dede, EdD, Senior Program Director, National Science Foundation, Arlington, VA,
        "Emerging Technologies for Learning"
      • Speakers will analyze the potential impact of specific interactive environments for health. Also, a National Science Foundation initiative supporting the development of interactive environments will be discussed.
    • Customizing Information #4: Global Health Connections
      • Moderator: Roberto Rodrigues, MD, Program Coordinator, Health Services Information Systems, Pan American Health Organization, Washington, DC
      • Speaker: Salah H. Mandil, PhD, Director of Informatics, World Health Organization, Washington, DC,
        "World Health Strategies"
      • Speaker: Eugene Boostrom, MD, DrPH, Senior Public Health Specialist, Economic Development Institute, Human Resources and Poverty Division, World Bank, Washington, DC,
        "Global Health Networking and International Organizations"
      • Speaker: Warren B. Buhler, Coordinator, Informatics 2000 Initiative, InterAmerican Development Bank, Washington, DC
        "The InterAmerican Development Bank's Informatics 2000 Initiative"
      • Organizations are considering ways in which telematics and telehealth can be utilized to improve health care and health status in many corners of the globe. Strategies for developing partnerships globally will be examined. Session Summary.
    • Tools and Toolboxes #1: Provider-Patient E-mail
      • Moderator: Larry Pfisterer, MSSM, RRA, Supervisor of Outpatient Records, Group Health Cooperative, Seattle, WA
      • Speaker: Karen Sarpolis, MD, MBA, President/Medical Director, A Forum for Women's Health, GenneX Healthcare Technologies, Inc., Evanston, IL,
        "Bringing Value to Consumers and Payors While Guarding Security"
      • Speaker: Paul Ford, MD, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, CA,
        "Patient-Physician Electronic Mail Exchange in the Generalist Practice"
      • Speaker: Paul Hattis, MD, JD, MPH, Community Care Network Coordinator, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Boston, MA,
        "Legal Duties of Provider-Patient E-Mail"
      • How does provider-patient e-mail work? Do managed care organizations use it? What are the potential legal ramifications for physicians and other providers?
    • Tools and Toolboxes #2: Tales from the Trenches
      • Moderator: Stephen J. Downs, Acting Director, Telecommunications and Information Infrastructure Assistance Program, National Telecommunications and Information Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce, Washington, DC
      • Speaker: Jean A. Wooldridge, Project Director, Cancer Information Service for the Pacific Northwest Demonstration Project, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA,
        "Reaching Underserved Populations for Breast and Cervical Cancer--A CDC/NCI Demonstration Project"
      • Speaker: Linda R. Cooperstock, MPH, Planning/Coordination Manager, Integrated Technology Services, University of Missouri,
        "Consumer Health Information at the University of Missouri-Columbia"
      • Speaker: Barry Silverman, PhD, Director, Institute for Artificial Intelligence, George Washington University, Washington, DC,
        "Intelligent, Web-Based Reminder Agents"
      • Speaker: Naomi Broering, MLS, President, Medical Library Association, Texas Medical Center Library, Housten Academy of Medicine, "The Library Connection--Consumer Health Informaiton"
      • Developing Web sites for underserved populations, "intelligent" computerized patient reminder systems, and information systems for public access will be discussed.
    • Redefining Roles #2: Engines of Empowerment: Community-Based Networks
      • Moderator: Nancy Milio, PhD, Professor of Health Policy and Administration, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina , Chapel Hill, NC
      • Speaker: Barbara Hau, RN, MS, Clinical Coordinator, LaPlaza Telecommunity Foundation, Taos, NM'
        "La Plaza Telecommunity--Diabetes Wellness Connection"
      • Speaker: Jerome McCarthy, Principal/Consultant, Fairhill & Company, Denver, CO
        "The Ideas of Community in the Reality of Information Culture"
      • Speaker: Kenneth Ramirez, Director, LatinoNet, Los Angeles, CA
      • Speaker: Mark Whittier, Director, Integrated Community Networks, Northern Telecom Limited,
        "Integrated Community Networks: The Promise of a Brighter Future"
      • Community­based networks typically involve grassroots efforts to create computer­based information networks at the local level. Projects from across the nation will be described.
    • Redefining Roles #3: From Vision to Reality: Implementing CHI on a Community-Wide Basis
    • Moderator: Vince Kuraitis, Vice President, Corporate Development and Specialty Services, St. Alphonsus Regional Medical Center, Boise, ID
    • Speaker: Donald W. Kemper, MPH, MSIE, Founder and CEO, Healthwise, Boise, ID,
      "Implementing Consumer Health Information on a Community-Wide Basis"
    • Speaker: Tonda Johnston, Benefits Specialist, Hewlett-Packard, Boise, ID,
      "Healthwise Community Project: An Employer's Point of View"
    • Speaker: Sylvia G. Rickard, Idaho Breast Cancer Coalition, Boise, ID,
      "An Idaho Consumer's Perspective"
    • One Idaho community is trying to change the fundamental way in which people and their doctors work together. This three-year partnership effort involves employers, insurers, providers and the people of four Idaho counties.
    • Does It Work? #1: The Science Panel on Interactive Communication and Health
      • Co-Moderator: David H.Gustafson, PhD, Professor, Industrial Engineering & Preventive Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Science Panel Co-Chair and
      • Co-Moderator: Molly Joel Coye, MD, MPH, Executive Vice President for Strategic Development, HealthDesk Corporation, SciPICH Co-Chair
      • The Science Panel is developing a framework for the evaluation of interactive health communication. Preliminary work will be discussed and audience input received. A web site will be established to share the panel's work. Session Summary.
    • Does It Work? #2: Quality: What Is It? How Do We Know? Who Is Responsible?
      • Moderator: Helga E. Rippen, MD, PhD, Director, Health Information Technology Institute, Mitretek, McLean, VA
      • Speaker: John H. Renner, MD, President, Consumer Health Information Research Institute, Independence, MO,
        "Criteria for Evaluating Consumer Health Web Sites"
      • Speaker: Susan Alpert, PhD, MD, Director, Office of Device Evaluation, Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Food and Drug Administration, Rockville, MD,
        "Quality Assessment in the Regulatory Environment"
      • Speaker: Kiyoshi Kuromiya, Founder and Director, Critical Path AIDS Project,
        "Assessing and Controlling Quality of Life: What Patients and Providers Look For"
      • Speaker: George D. Lundberg, MD, Editor, Journal of the American Medical Association,
        "Assuring the Quality of Health Information on the Internet"
      • The discussion will include different perspectives of the problems and solutions and efforts underway to address the issue of quality.
    • 11:00am - 12:00 noon Break - Visit the Technology Theater
    • 12:00 noon - 1:15pm Luncheon. "Health Information, Support Groups and Self- Help Communities in Cyberspace."
      • Speaker: Tom Ferguson, MD, Senior Associate, The Center for Clinical Computing, Harvard University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
      • State-of-the-art applications in the new field of consumer health informatics will be reviewed.
    • 1:15pm - 2:00pm Break - Visit the Technology Theater
    • 2:00pm - 3:30pm Concurrent Breakout Sessions
      • Customizing Information #5: Long Term Care and Disability
        • Moderator: Arlette Lefebrve, MD, Founder and Past President, Ability Online Network
        • Speaker: T. Bradley Tanner, MD, President, Clinical Tools, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA,
          "A Discussion of Internet and CD-ROM Products for Depression, Schizophrenia and Senior Care"
        • Speaker: Anthony Margherita, MD, Associate Professor of Neurology and Orthopedic Surgery; Director, The Rehabilitation Learning Center, Washington University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO,
          "Developing Client-Centered Multimedia for Spinal Cord Injury: The Rehabilitation Learning Center"
        • Speaker: Linda Roman, CEO, Help Innovations, Lawrence, KS,
          "A Model for Nurse Case Managed Home Care Using Televideo"
        • Speaker: Tom Koch, Research Associate in Bioethics, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada,
          "Barriers Have Been Broken; Barriers Still Remain"
        • People with disabilities and chronic diseases can gain better access to health information and to providers directly from their homes or even their hospital beds. Speakers will describe simple, inexpensive and effective technology to assist them.
      • Tools and Toolboxes #3: Let's Make A Deal - Marketing Consumer Health Products to Managed Care
        • Moderator: Rick J. Carlson, CEO, HealthMagic, Inc., Denver, CO
        • Speaker: Hugh M. Brownstone, Vice President, Strategic Business Development, IMS America, Meeting, PA,
          "The New 800-Pound Gorilla in Health Care"
        • Speaker: Mary Ann Stump, RN, Senior Vice President for Quality, Outcomes and Consumer Education, BlueCross/BlueShield of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN,
          "Consumerism: Moving Consumers from Medical Recipients to Health Customers"
        • Speaker: Robert G. Blank, Jr., PhD, Director of Health Content Services, AT&T, Parsippany, NJ,
          "The Intersection of Consumer and Managed Care Priorities"
        • Speaker: Dave H. Gustafson, PhD, Professor of Industrial Engineering and Preventive Medicine, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI,
          "The CHESS Health Education Consortium"
        • This session will focus on ways in which networked CHI can affect the larger universe of care, including disease management and the pursuit of health.
      • Tools and Toolboxes #4: Building Confidentiality into Consumer Health Information Products
        • Moderator: John P. Fanning, LLB, Privacy Advocate, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC
        • Speaker: Skip Walter, President, Personal Health Connections, Seattle, WA,
          "Moving From Information to Action for Lifestyle Related Disease"
        • Speaker: Marcos Athanasoulis, MPH, Vice President of Engineering, Windom Health Enterprises, Berkeley, CA,
          "Personal Health Records, Confidentiality and Ethics"
        • Speaker: Nelson B. Hazeltine, Chief Technology Officer, Celebration Health, Columbia, SC,
          "Security and Privacy Requirements for Consumer-Oriented Service"
        • Consumers are sensitive to the confidentiality of information that resides within CHI products and is transmitted to aggregated databases. Panelists will discuss different ways to ensure confidentiality.
      • Redefining Roles #4: Developing Sustainable Partnerships in Public Health
        • Moderator: Jordan H. Richland, MPA, Executive Director, Partnership for Prevention
        • Speaker: Barry Mittan, MSP, Health Services and Facilities Consultant Supervisor, Office of Planning, Evaluation and Data Analysis, Florida Department of Health, Tallahassee, FL,
          "Florida's Statewide Public Health Information Network"
        • Speaker: Vincent Lafronza, EdD, Deputy Program Director, Turning Point Program, National Association of County and City Health Officials, Washington, DC,
          "Turning Point: Collaborating for a New Century in Public Health"
        • Speaker: George B. (Peter) Abbott, MD, Acting Deputy Director, Health Information and Strategic Planning, California Department of Health Services, Sacramento, CA,
          "In Search of Partners--The California Experience"
        • Public health agencies recognize the need to reevaluate and redefine their roles, especially in light of the changes resulting from networked CHI.
      • Redefining Roles #5: Faith and Health and Technology
        • Moderator: Gary Gunderson, Director Operations, Interfaith Health Program of the Carter Center, Atlanta, GA
        • Speaker: Dennis Fey, Director, Congregational Relations, St. Francis Hospital of Evanston, IL,
          "Networking Faith and Health Partnerships"
        • Speaker: Sister Marie Sullivan, Executive Director, Sullivan Center, Atlanta, GA,
          "Technology at Work in Grass Roots Social Service Agencies"
        • Speaker: Ann Solari-Twadell, RN, BSN, MPA, MSN, Director, Congregational Health Services and The International Parish Nurse Resource Center, Park Ridge, IL,
          "Meeting Consumers Where They Are At--Use of Personal Records"
        • Where does faith fit in the health equation? What happens when technology is thrown in for good measure? Speakers will discuss these and other issues related to the relationship among these different, but very much connected, areas.
      • Redefining Roles #6: Making Informed Health Decisions
        • Moderator: Joseph Henderson, MD, Director, Interactive Media Laboratory, Dartmouth Medical School, Hanover, NH
        • Speaker: David S. McWaters, PharmD, JD, Research Director, Direct Medical Knowledge, Mill Valley, CA,
          "Using Evidence-Based Guidelines to Structure Consumer Health Information"
        • Speaker: Elizabeth W. Hoy, Director of Health Systems Management, Institute for Health Policy Solutions,
          "Choosing a Health Plan: What Do Consumers Want to Know?"
        • Speaker: James F. Fries, MD, Professor of Medicine, Department of Medicine, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA,
          "Health Reforms That Improve Health"
        • Speakers will discuss development of quality content that can be used by consumers for making decisions and the enhancement of the decision process itself.
      • Does It Work? #3: Evaluation for Media Products Designed to Alter Behavior
        • Moderator: Linda Adler, PhD, MA, Interactive Media Technology Group, Kaiser Permanente
        • Speaker: John Noell, PhD, Research Scientist, Oregon Research Institute,
          "Formative and Outcome-Based Evaluation of Interactive Behavior Change Interventions"
        • Speaker: Joseph L. Fava, PhD, Research Associate Professor, Cancer Prevention Research Center, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI,
          "Applications of an Expert System Intervention for Smoking Cessation"
        • Victor Strecher, PhD, MPH, Director, Cancer Prevention and Control, University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center, Ann Arbor, MI,
          "Evaluating Consumer Health Informatics Programs"
        • When the goal is to promote healthier lifestyles, CHI applications need to be evaluated against rigorous measures. Speakers will describe methodological issues and preliminary findings of evaluation efforts.
      • Does It Work? #4: And the Winners Are . . .
        • Moderator: Jim Hake, Chairman of the NII Awards, Access Media, Inc., Santa Monica, CA
        • Speaker: Karen A. Chapman, MD, MPH, Director, Center for Health Information, Division of Public Health, Georgia Department of Human Resources, Atlanta, GA,
          "The Judging Process for the NII Awards"
        • Speaker: George Hripcsak, MD, Principal Investigator, Columbia University, New York, NY,
          "Applied Informatics Project - Using the NII to Coordinate Healthcare"
        • Speaker: David L. Rosenbloom, PhD, Project Director, Boston University, School of Public Health, Boston, MA,
          "Join Together Online: Linking Communities Fighting Substance Abuse"
        • The NII awards have been evaluating electronic applications in health and other areas for a number of years. Experts who helped to judge the NII nominees will talk about that evaluation process. Other speakers will describe their winning projects. Session Summary.
    • 3:30pm - 5:00pm Closing Plenary: "Telehealth in the Year 2000."
      • Moderator: Tom Kalil, Senior Director, National Economic Council, The White House, Washington, DC
      • Speaker: Michael S. Brown, President and Principal Consultant, MSB Associates, Needham, MA,
        "Telehealth in the Year 2000: Is It Deja Vu All Over Again?"
      • Speaker: David J. Lansky, PhD, President, Foundation for Accountability (FACCT), Portland, OR,
        "Information: The 'Missing Link' of Health Care Reform?"
      • Speaker: Des Cummings, Jr., PhD, Executive Vice President, Florida Hospital, Orlando, FL,
        "Launching the Health Culture of the 21st Century"



  • 9:00am - 4:00pm Workshop A: Online Self-Help Groups and Their Professional Allies
    • Led by: Tom Ferguson, MD, Senior Associate, Center for Clinical Computing, Harvard University School of Medicine, Boston, MA
    • Led jointly by veteran self-helpers and health professionals working in the cyberspace arena, this workshop will explore cross-cutting issues and opportunities to enrich online health information exchange.
  • 9:00am -12:00pm Workshop B: Health Communication on the World Wide Web
    • Reserved for HHS staff, this workshop will focus on web site developments and innovations.
  • 9:00am - 12:00pm Workshop C: Evaluation Issues in Consumer Health Informatics
    • Led by Robert Hawkins, PhD, Professor, and Suzanne Pingree, PhD, Professor, University of Wisconsin
    • This workshop will examine new issues for evaluation posed by interactive technology.
  • 1:00pm - 4:00pm Panel: Legislative and Policy Issues
    • Led by Kathleen Hall Jamieson, PhD, Director, Annenberg Public Policy Center, and Dean, Annenberg School for Communication, University of Pennsylvania.
    • A panel of policy experts, health professionals, and industry representatives will discuss key issues being addressed by Congress and the Administration, including privacy, regulation, quality of care, and the Federal government's role in the growing CHI marketplace.

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1997 Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information Conference

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Last updated on June 26, 2003

National Health Information Center
P.O. Box 1133
Washington, DC 20013-1133