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The links listed here are meant to give information about Great Salt Lake. Information provided through these links does not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. Geological Survey, and no official endorsement should be inferred. Mention of firms, trade names, or commercial products on these links does not constitute endorsement or recommendation of use.

Birds and Great Salt Lake

Photograph of birds on water
Photo by U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Birds of Great Salt Lake

Species Population Remarks
Wilson's Phalarope 500,000 Largest staging concentration in the world
Red-Necked Phalarope 280,000 Single-day estimate
American Avocet 250,000 Many times higher than any other wetland in the
Pacific Flyway
Black-Necked Stilt 65,000 Many times higher than any other wetland in the
Pacific Flyway
Marbled Godwit 30,000 Single-day count
Snowy Plover 10,000 The worlds largest assemblage, representing 55% of
the entire breeding population west of the Rocky Mts.
Western Sandpiper 17,000 In one flock
Long-Billed Dowitcher 32,000 Single-day count
White Pelican 18,000 Breeding adults, one of the three largest colonies in
Western North America
White-Faced Ibis 7,500 Breeding adults, world's largest breeding population
California Gull 160,000 Breeding adults, world's largest breeding population
Eared Grebe 400,000 Second largest staging population in North America
Peregrine Falcon 11 Active pairs of this endangered species
Bald Eagle >500 Wintering Eagles associated with Great Salt Lake, one
of top 10 winter populations in the lower 48 states
Bank Swallow >10,000 In one flock. Great Salt Lake represents one of the
largest migratory corridors in Western North America

Source: Utah Division of Wildlife Resources, Don Paul

Map of Great Salt Lake and vicinity, Utah

Great Salt Lake and vicinity, Utah

File size 88k

Important lake wetlands include Bear River Migratory Bird Refuge operated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service; Locomotive Springs, Salt Creek, Public Shooting Grounds, Harold Crane, Ogden Bay, Timpie Springs, and Farmington Bay Waterfowl Management Areas operated by the Utah Division of Wildlife Resources; and Gillmor Sanctuary wetlands managed by the Audubon Society

U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey
Last modification: March 27, 2001