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January 15, 2001

2001 Year at a Glance

Status Reports

January Status Reports

This is an orbiter processing report and does not necessarily reflect the chronological order of upcoming Space Shuttle flights.  Visit for the latest schedule of future Shuttle missions.


MISSION: STS-98 -- 7th ISS Flight (5A) - U.S. Laboratory

Vehicle Atlantis/OV-104
Location Launch Pad 39A
Target KSC Launch Date/Time no earlier than Feb. 6, 2001
Target KSC Landing Date/Time to be determined
Launch Window less than 5 minutes
Mission Duration 11 days
Crew Cockrell, Polansky, Curbeam, Jones, Ivins
Orbit Altitude and Inclination 177 nautical miles/51.6 degrees

Shuttle Processing Note  (mission processing summary)

After additional testing and analysis of Solid Rocket Booster cables throughout the Shuttle fleet, Shuttle Program officials decided late today to return Atlantis to the Vehicle Assembly Building at the Kennedy Space Center to conduct further inspections.

Because of the uncertainty involving the integrity of the SRB cables, Shuttle Program Manager Ron Dittemore ordered Atlantis to be rolled back to the Vehicle Assembly Building later this week for more inspections. The rollback is scheduled to take place Friday.

The rollback was ordered prior to the planned start of the countdown early Tuesday for Atlantis' scheduled launch January 19 to deliver the U.S. Laboratory Destiny to the International Space Station. The launch will be delayed until no earlier than February 6. Atlantis' five astronauts were informed of the rollback decision prior to their departure from Ellington Field in Houston for KSC. They will come out of quarantine to resume training for their mission.

As a result of the rollback decision, Destiny will be removed from Atlantis' payload bay Thursday and will remain in the payload change out room at Launch Pad 39-A.

Pending the results of the cable inspections, which will begin this weekend, Atlantis could return to the launch pad around January 25 to resume pre-launch preparations.

Atlantis' launch delay will have some impact on the scheduled March 1 launch of Discovery on the STS-102 / 5A.1 mission to the International Space Station. Shuttle program officials will be assessing the potential launch impact over the next few weeks.


Status reports and other NASA publications are available on the World Wide Web at: Information about the countdown and mission can be accessed electronically via the Internet at: and at

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