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TRADOC Posters

The 11 X 17 size posters linked to the thumbnails below are sized to be down loaded and printed out on the standard office copier/printer.

Warrior Poster  

thumbnail link to our soldiers 11 x 17 poster as a jpeg file

11x17 jpeg

thumbnail link to our soldiers 11 x 17 poster as a pdf file

11x17 pdf

ARCIC Poster  

thumbnail link to future force 11 x 17 poster as a jpeg file

11x17 jpeg

thumbnail link to 11x17 future force poster pdf

11x17 pdf

Joint Operations Poster  

thumbnail link to warrior training 11 x 17 poster as a jpeg file

11x17 jpeg

thumbnail link to warrior training 11 x 17 poster as a pdf file

11x17 pdf

Agile Soldiers/Adaptive Leaders Poster  

thumbnail link to joint operations 11 x 17 poster as a jpeg file

11x17 jpeg

thumbnail link to joint operations 11 x 17 poster as a pdf file

11x17 pdf


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Note: Thumbnail images link to high resolution photos (at least 300 dpi).
Contact the VI division at (757) 788-4463 (DSN 680) for more information.