Voluntary Contributions Account Inquiries
If you have a question about your voluntary contributions account or need to update your mailing address, please call us, toll-free, at 1 (888) 828-9451 from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. In the Washington, DC area, you can reach us at (202) 606-0706. TTD users can call us toll-free at 1 (800) 878-5707. In the Washington, DC area, you can reach us at (202) 606-0551.
If you have special needs, there are now more ways to communicate with us. Check out the Telecommunication Services for Deaf & Hard of Hearing services offered by the General Services Administration.
You may also contact us at VoluntaryContributions@opm.gov or write to the following address.
US Office of Personnel Management Voluntary Contributions 1900 E Street, NW, Room 3H30 Washington, DC 20415
Deposits to your account should be made by direct payment or sent to the following address.
US Office of Personnel Management PO Box 952015 St. Louis, MO 63195-2015
Your voluntary contributions may not exceed 10 percent of the total basic pay you received during all of your Federal service. Prior to your retirement, you are encouraged to contact us to discuss your options regarding your voluntary contributions account. In most instances, your account will not earn interest beyond the date of your separation from Federal service. Informing us your decision early will help ensure that your refund is promptly paid and will help you avoid any loss in interest earnings.