[Code of Federal Regulations]
[Title 29, Volume 4]
[Revised as of July 1, 2006]
From the U.S. Government Printing Office via GPO Access
[CITE: 29CFR1605.3]

[Page 206-208]
                             TITLE 29--LABOR
Sec.  1605.3  Selection practices.

    (a) Scheduling of tests or other selection procedures. When a test 
or other selection procedure is scheduled at a time when an employee or 
prospective employee cannot attend because of his or her religious 
practices, the user of the test should be aware that the principles 
enunciated in these guidelines apply and that it has an obligation to 
accommodate such employee or prospective employee unless undue hardship 
would result.
    (b) Inquiries which determine an applicant's availability to work 
during an employer's scheduled working hours. (1) The duty to 
accommodate pertains to prospective employees as well as current 
employees. Consequently, an employer may not permit an applicant's need 
for a religious accommodation to affect in

[[Page 207]]

any way its decision whether to hire the applicant unless it can 
demonstrate that it cannot reasonably accommodate the applicant's 
religious practices without undue hardship.
    (2) As a result of the oral and written testimony submitted at the 
Commission's Hearings on Religious Discrimination, discussions with 
representatives of organizations interested in the issue of religious 
discrimination, and the comments received from the public on these 
Guidelines as proposed, the Commission has concluded that the use of 
pre-selection inquiries which determine an applicant's availability has 
an exclusionary effect on the employment opportunities of persons with 
certain religious practices. The use of such inquiries will, therefore, 
be considered to violate title VII unless the employer can show that it:
    (i) Did not have an exclusionary effect on its employees or 
prospective employees needing an accommodation for the same religious 
practices; or
    (ii) Was otherwise justified by business necessity.

Employers who believe they have a legitimate interest in knowing the 
availability of their applicants prior to selection must consider 
procedures which would serve this interest and which would have a lesser 
exclusionary effect on persons whose religious practices need 
accommodation. An example of such a procedure is for the employer to 
state the normal work hours for the job and, after making it clear to 
the applicant that he or she is not required to indicate the need for 
any absences for religious practices during the scheduled work hours, 
ask the applicant whether he or she is otherwise available to work those 
hours. Then, after a position is offered, but before the applicant is 
hired, the employer can inquire into the need for a religious 
accommodation and determine, according to the principles of these 
Guidelines, whether an accommodation is possible. This type of inquiry 
would provide an employer with information concerning the availability 
of most of its applicants, while deferring until after a position is 
offered the identification of the usually small number of applicants who 
require an accommodation.
    (3) The Commission will infer that the need for an accommodation 
discriminatorily influenced a decision to reject an applicant when: (i) 
prior to an offer of employment the employer makes an inquiry into an 
applicant's availability without having a business necessity 
justification; and (ii) after the employer has determined the 
applicant's need for an accommodation, the employer rejects a qualified 
applicant. The burden is then on the employer to demonstrate that 
factors other than the need for an accommodation were the reason for 
rejecting the qualified applicant, or that a reasonable accommodation 
without undue hardship was not possible.

   Appendix A to Sec. Sec.  1605.2 and 1605.3--Background Information

    In 1966, the Commission adopted guidelines on religious 
discrimination which stated that an employer had an obligation to 
accommodate the religious practices of its employees or prospective 
employees unless to do so would create a ``serious inconvenience to the 
conduct of the business''. 29 CFR 1605.1(a)(2), 31 FR 3870 (1966).
    In 1967, the Commission revised these guidelines to state that an 
employer had an obligation to reasonably accommodate the religious 
practices of its employees or prospective employees, unless the employer 
could prove that to do so would create an ``undue hardship''. 29 CFR 
1605.1(b)(c), 32 FR 10298.
    In 1972, Congress amended title VII to incorporate the obligation to 
accommodate expressed in the Commission's 1967 Guidelines by adding 
section 701(j).
    In 1977, the United States Supreme Court issued its decision in the 
case of Trans World Airlines, Inc. v. Hardison, 432 U.S. 63 (1977). 
Hardison was brought under section 703(a)(1) because it involved facts 
occurring before the enactment of section 701(j). The Court applied the 
Commission's 1967 Guidelines, but indicated that the result would be the 
same under section 701(j). It stated that Trans World Airlines had made 
reasonable efforts to accommodate the religious needs of its employee, 
Hardison. The Court held that to require Trans World Airlines to make 
further attempts at accommodations--by unilaterally violating a 
seniority provision of the collective bargaining agreement, paying 
premium wages on a regular basis to another employee to replace 
Hardison, or creating a serious shortage of necessary employees in 
another department in order to replace Hardison--would create an undue 
hardship on the conduct of Trans World Airlines'

[[Page 208]]

business, and would therefore, exceed the duty to accommodate Hardison.
    In 1978, the Commission conducted public hearings on religious 
discrimination in New York City, Milwaukee, and Los Angeles in order to 
respond to the concerns raised by Hardison. Approximately 150 witnesses 
testified or submitted written statements. \5\ The witnesses included 
employers, employees, representatives of religious and labor 
organizations and representatives of Federal, State and local 

    \5\ The transcript of the Commission's Hearings on Religious 
Discrimination can be examined by the public at: The Equal Employment 
Opportunity Commission, 2401 E Street NW., Washington, DC 20506.

    The Commission found from the hearings that:
    (1) There is widespread confusion concerning the extent of 
accommodation under the Hardison decision.
    (2) The religious practices of some individuals and some groups of 
individuals are not being accommodated.
    (3) Some of those practices which are not being accommodated are:
    --Observance of a Sabbath or religious holidays;
    --Need for prayer break during working hours;
    --Practice of following certain dietary requirements;
    --Practice of not working during a mourning period for a deceased 
    --Prohibition against medical examinations;
    --Prohibition against membership in labor and other organizations; 
    --Practices concerning dress and other personal grooming habits.
    (4) Many of the employers who testified had developed alternative 
employment practices which accommodate the religious practices of 
employees and prospective employees and which meet the employer's 
business needs.
    (5) Little evidence was submitted by employers which showed actual 
attempts to accommodate religious practices with resultant unfavorable 
consequences to the employer's business. Employers appeared to have 
substantial anticipatory concerns but no, or very little, actual 
experience with the problems they theorized would emerge by providing 
reasonable accommodation for religious practices.
    Based on these findings, the Commission is revising its Guidelines 
to clarify the obligation imposed by section 701(j) to accommodate the 
religious practices of employees and prospective employees.