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SAMHSA News - January/February 2008, Volume 16, Number 1

Call for Entries: 2008 Science and Service Awards

SAMHSA recently issued a call for applications for the Agency’s 2008 Science and Service Awards, a national program that recognizes community-based organizations and coalitions that use evidence-based mental health and substance abuse interventions.

A maximum of five awards will be made in each of five categories:

  • Substance Abuse Prevention

  • Treatment of Substance Abuse and Recovery Support Services

  • Mental Health Promotion

  • Treatment of Mental Illness and Recovery Support Services

  • Co-Occurring Disorders.

Independent experts will rate the applications using four criteria: community need, sustainability, accurate implementation, and results.

Award recommendations will include the top five scoring submissions in each category. SAMHSA’s Office of the Administrator and the Agency’s Center Directors will review and approve award finalists.

To be eligible for an award, an organization must have successfully employed a recognized evidence-based intervention. Both public sector (state, local, territorial, tribal) and private sector organizations are eligible.

Applications must be emailed by March 31, 2008, to For organizations without access to email, the application must be postmarked by midnight on March 31 and mailed to Dean Fixsen, Ph.D., Science and Service Award Coordinator, University of South Florida, 13301 Bruce B. Downs Boulevard, MHC 2312, Tampa, FL 33612.

For more information, visit the SAMHSA Web site at

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