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Archive for the ‘Communication’ Category

Reporting forms available

Thursday, September 4th, 2008

Today we have added a new page to the Toolkit.  It is called “Forms” and you’ll see it in the top menu bar.  So far, the forms included are for reporting emergency incidents and for contributing to the “Library Disaster Stories” page.  As part of the NN/LM Emergency Preparedness & Response plan, the designated regional and/or state coordinators will provide follow-up to any incident within their regions by using the first form on the list, the Incident Reporting Form.  The second form contains questions designed to elicit narratives from network members of experiences during disasters that might help to contribute to our knowledge base of “lessons learned.”  Please let us know if you have any questions or would like to suggest changes to either form based on your experience.

“Safe and Well” List

Monday, December 17th, 2007

After a disaster, one of the first responses we all think of is to let our co-workers, friends and family know that we’re okay, and to check on them if they were affected by a disaster. The American Red Cross provides an excellent opportunity for this from their home page, free to everyone and easy to use. See their “Safe and Well” page.


“Safe and Well” List

Monday, December 17th, 2007

After a disaster, one of the first responses we all think of is to let our co-workers, friends and family know that we’re okay, and to check on them if they were affected by a disaster. The American Red Cross provides an excellent opportunity for this from their home page, free to everyone and easy to use. See their “Safe and Well” page.


Website Maintenance Following a Disaster

Monday, March 5th, 2007

When you get a chance, take a look at the website currently up at the Sumter Regional Hospital (the hospital that was hit by a tornado last Thursday).  The site contains employee information, a message from the CEO, donation information, photographs, as well as a link to their regular website.

How would your website be managed following a disaster?