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In a review of progress on Healthy People 2000 objectives for Violent and Abusive Behavior, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) led a discussion of selected objectives to achieve a "Safe America."

7.1 Data for 1995 (9.4 per 100,000) indicate a further decline in the age-adjusted homicide rate per 100,000 people from the peak of 10.8 in 1991. The year 2000 target is 7.2. Preliminary 1995 data (115.6 per 100,000) for black males aged 15-34 indicate movement toward the target of 72.4.

7.2 Preliminary data for 1995 show an age-adjusted suicide rate of 11 per 100,000, a decline from baseline levels. The year 2000 target is 10.5. Data for 1994 all special populations except white males aged 65 and older show movement away from the targets.

7.3 For firearm-related deaths, preliminary age-adjusted data for 1995 (13.5 per 100,000) show a decrease from the 1994 rate and the 1990 baseline (14.6). The year 2000 target is 11.6. Data for 1994 for Blacks (35.5 per 100,000) indicate that rates are still above the 1990 baseline (33.4) and the target (30).

7.4 The incidence of maltreatment of children younger than age 18 was 41.9 per 1,000 children in 1993, an 85 percent increase from the baseline. The year 2000 target is 22.6.

7.5 The year 2000 target is to reduce physical abuse directed at women by male partners to no more than 27 incidents per 1,000 couples. The original data source is no longer available. However, data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics' National Crime Victimization Survey suggests an increase in physical abuse rates.

7.6 Data from the Crime Victimization Survey indicate there were 12.7 assault injuries among people aged 12 and older in 1994. Because the survey was redesigned in 1992, the data are no longer comparable to the baseline and the year 2000 target.

7.7 Data on rape and attempted rape of females aged 12 and older are no longer comparable to the year 2000 target and the baseline, due to the 1992 redesign of the Crime Victimization Survey. Data for 1994 indicate rates of 270 per 100,000 females aged 12 and older and 527 per 100,000 for females aged 12-34.

7.8 The rate of injurious suicide attempts among adolescents aged 14-17 was 2.8 percent in 1995. The year 2000 target is 1.8 percent. The 1995 rate for female adolescents aged 14-17 has increased from 2.5 percent in 1991 to 3.4 percent in 1995. The target is 2 percent.

7.9 In 1995, there were 128 incidents of physical fighting among adolescents aged 14-17 per 100 students per month. The year 2000 target is 110. The rate for black males aged 14-17 was 181 per 100 students per month, a decrease from the 1991 baseline of 207. The target is 160.

7.10 There has been a decrease from the 1991 baseline of 107 in the incidence of weapon-carrying by adolescents aged 14-17. The 1995 rate was 81 per 100 students per month, which surpasses the year 2000 target of 86. There has also been a decrease from 134 in 1991 to 85 in 1995 in the rate for black adolescents aged 14-17. The target of 105 has been met.

7.11 The 1995 National Health Interview Survey indicates that 20 percent of people who reported owning a firearm stored the weapon unlocked or loaded. These data provide a baseline for this objective on inappropriate storage of weapons.

7.13 By 1995, 48 States had implemented systems to review unexplained deaths of children. The year 2000 target of 45 has been met.

7.15 The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence provided the 1987 baseline that 40 percent of battered women and their children were turned away from emergency housing, due to lack of space. There is no identified data source for updates.

7.16 The School Health Policies and Programs Study reports that 58.3 percent of middle, junior and senior high schools taught conflict resolution as a required course in 1995. This new baseline for the objective exceeds the year 2000 target of 50 percent.

7.18 The National Center for Institutions and Alternatives (NCIA) reports that one State met NCIA guidelines in 1996 for suicide prevention in jails, a decrease from the 1992 baseline of 2 States. However, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that 79.5 percent of jails have suicide prevention policies and training for staff.

7.19 The year 2000 target for the enactment of laws requiring proper firearms storage to minimize access by minors is 50 States and the District of Columbia. The number reached 15 in 1996, an increase from the 1989 baseline of one.

Data sources are not available for establishing baselines and tracking objectives 7.12, 7.14 and 7.17. All information about the objectives is based on data compiled by the CDC National Center for Health Statistics.


A number of projects were highlighted:


Administration for Children and Families
Association of State and Territorial Health Officials
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Department of Justice
Georgia Department of Public Health
Indian Health Service
Jicarilla Apache Tribe
Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee Women's Center
National Committee for the Prevention of Child Abuse
New Hampshire Department of Public Health
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
Office of Minority Health
Office of Public Health and Science
Office of the Surgeon General
Office on Women's Health
Regional Health Administrator, Region III
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Texas Southern University
Violence Prevention Training Institute
Wright State University

PHS seal Philip R. Lee, M.D. signature
Philip R. Lee, M.D.
Assistant Secretary for Health

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