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Help for The Langley Web Ordering Tool
Java version

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Supported Browsers

The Atmospheric Science Data Center at NASA Langley does not endorse one browser over another; however, this ordering tool has the following minimum requirements:

Minimum Requirements Known Issues
  • Netscape Navigator 7.0
  • Internet Explorer 5.0
  • Safari 2.0 on Mac
  • Firefox 1.5 on Windows
  • Java MUST be enabled
  • JRE 1.4.* MUST be loaded
  • Java JDK1.4 does not fully support Netscape 4.* browsers.
  • This tool does not work with Linux or Macintosh using the Firefox browser.
    (Details were reported to Firefox developers.)
  • Safari users may experience difficulties entering in text fields.
    (Details were reported to Safari developers.)
  • To download data, Firefox users need to use an ftp tool, such as FireFTP.

Explanation of Search Functionality

When you access the Java Web Ordering tool, a screen appears as shown below. You may search our data inventory holdings without logging in to the tool, but you must log in before you can order the data.


The Help (1) link opens a separate window with instructions on how to use the Java Ordering Tool.

The Questions/Comments/Feedback (2) link opens a separate window containing the User and Data Services Contact information.

Keyword Search:

The Keywords Search (3) narrows the list of available data sets by returning only those data sets that match chosen keywords. Click on the Keywords Search button to open the Keywords Search window. The "Keywords List" in the upper left corner of the window lists all sensor, source, and parameter keywords.


Keywords are selected by clicking on them individually in the "Keywords List" box. The selected keyword(s) automatically appear in the "Selected Keywords" box. Multiple keywords can be chosen to restrict the amount of the data returned. Additional keywords can also be added by typing them in the "And Keywords" text field. To remove keywords from the "Selected Keywords" list, click on the keyword to clear it from list.

After keywords are selected, press the Search button to obtain a list of data sets that match ALL your keywords. The results will be returned in the Search and Order window. Searches use the "AND" relation of all keywords. You can continue the keyword searches by returning to the Keywords Search window and adding or removing the currently selected keywords.

Press the Close button to return to the Search and Order window.

Geographic Search:

Click on the Geographic Area (4) button from the Search and Order window. A new Select Search Area window opens. The window contains a geographic map with a white rectangular box in the center of the map. If a data set has been selected, the white rectangular box will automatically display the geographic coverage for that data set. The corresponding bounding latitude and longitude will display to the right of the map.


The rectangular box may be moved and/or resized by putting your mouse pointer on a side or corner of the box, holding down the LEFT mouse button, and "dragging" the box to the desired location on the map. The box may also be moved by clicking the LEFT mouse button on the desired area on the map. This allows you to redraw the box in the new location.

To define a search area, move and resize the rectangular box until it encloses the area that you would like to define. The values in the four text fields on the right side of the Search and Order window reflect the longitude and latitude values of the selected area (the boundary box). The bounding latitude and longitude values are also displayed in the Search and Order window. The latitude and longitude values may be edited, causing the corresponding boundary box to reposition itself on the map. You can use the Zoom In and Zoom Out buttons to center the selected region to the center of the map window, and either increase or decrease the amount of magnification of the map.

Geographic areas can also be defined in the "Advanced Search (Optional)" section below.

Press the Close button to return to the Search and Order window.

Data Set Info:

Data set information can be viewed before ordering the data by selecting or highlighting data sets in the "Data Set" list, then clicking on the Data Set Info (5) button. A new window opens with information displayed in a table listing the Data Set Name, Min/Max Latitude, Min/Max Longtitude, Start/End Date, Description, and Other information for each data set. Press the Close button to return to the Search and Order window.


Reset All:

To reset the Search and Order window, click the Reset All (6) button.


You can search data without logging in. However, you must login to order data by clicking the Login button (7). More information about logging in to the system is found below.

Project/Parameter/Data Set Lists

The Project, Parameter, and Data Set Lists allow you to narrow your data search by making selections from the Project (9) and Parameter (10) fields. The numbers listed next to these lists indicate the number of Projects, Parameters, and Data Sets available for viewing, respectively.

To view the available parameters and data sets for a specific project(s), double-click on the project(s), or click to highlight the project(s) and press the Apply button. To further narrow your results, select parameters from the "Parameter" list by double-clicking, or by highlighting the parameters and pressing the Apply button.

To narrow a data set search by parameter alone, select the parameter(s) from the "Parameter" list by double-clicking them, or by highlighting the parameters and pressing the Apply button.

Results from narrowing your search by Project and/or Parameters appear in the Data Sets (10) window. Click to highlight one or more of the data sets.

Advanced Search (Optional):

Advanced Searches (11) may be used to limit the number of files pertaining to your area of interest. Advanced searches can be made by entering the geographic area, by entering a time range, by using name matches, or by setting the Day/Night Flag. Any combination of these advanced searches will work. Defining any of these areas is optional; if you do not enter information in these fields, you will get all the files for the data set(s) selected. Note: Some data sets have a large number of files (e.g., the ISCCP_DX_NAT data set has almost 900,000 files), but the ordering tool has a limit of 15,000 files per order.

Search Area:

A search by area is performed by entering Geographic Coordinates (12) in the area fields (North, South, East, and West).

Time Range:

A search by Time Range (13) is performed by entering the start and end dates in the corresponding text entry fields. The date format is YYYY-MM-DD.

Name Matches:

A search by Name Matches (14) is performed by typing in a string of characters that is part of the file name (e.g., GOE-10, MET-2). This method is useful for searching ISCCP_B3_NAT or ISCCP_DX_NAT data by satellite.

Day/Night Flag:

The Day/Night Flag is used only for CALIPSO data. The default is "Both".

Search Files:

To search for files in selected data set(s), click on the Search Files (15) button. The results are displayed in the "File Name" field under Search Result (# files).

Logging Into The System

Click on the Login button from the Search and Order window. The Login Dialog window opens.


If you are a New User:

Click on the New User button. A New User Registration Information window opens.

Press the Register button after you have entered all the necessary information. A new window shows the information you entered. You are asked to confirm that the information shown is correct. Press the Yes or No button accordingly. If you need to clear the form, press the Clear button.

The Select Your Password window opens. You need to type in a User ID. This is also your Login ID. You also need to type in a password, then re-type it into the next field to confirm the password. Should you forget your User ID or password, a box is provided for you to type in your e-mail address. Your ID and password will then be e-mailed to you.

When the log in process is completed, you are returned to the Login window. Your User ID is visible in the Login ID field. Type in your password to access the system.

If you are an Existing User:

Enter your Login ID and password and click on the Login button. Should you forget your User ID or password, a box is provided for you to type in your e-mail address. Your ID and password will be e-mailed to you.

Updating Your User Profile:

Enter your Login ID and password and click on the Update Info button. An Update User Information window opens with your current user information. You can change the information as you desire and press the Update button to update your profile. If you wish to leave the profile unchanged, press the Cancel button.

Ordering Data


Files can be ordered individually by clicking on them in the "File Name" field, or all of the files can be ordered by checking the All Files (1) box. To deselect all data files, remove the check from the box.

To receive the data in compressed form, click on the Compressed (2) check box. Data orders for FTP download can be obtained in either Uncompressed mode or in UNIX Compressed mode. Data written to media tape (in either Uncompressed mode or in UNIX Compressed mode) is in UNIX TAR format.

You can include read software and metadata files with your order by checking the Read Software and MetaData Files (3) boxes, respectively.

The File Info (4) button opens a File Information window. Information on selected files are shown in a table that lists the File Name, File Size (in Bytes), Min/Max Latitude, Min/Max Longitude, Start/End Date, and whether or not a Browse Image is available. Information for HDF browse images is available on our Data Manipulation Software page. Press the Close button to return to the Search and Order window.

The CERES Subset (5) button is a service provided only for specific CERES data sets. CERES subsetting information is available.

Several media types (6) are supported by clicking on the drop-down box and selecting the preferred method to receive data. The default method is FTP.

Click the Submit Order (7) button to submit your order. If you are not logged into the system, a Login Dialog window opens. You will need to register (if you are a new user) or log in (if you are an existing user) before you can submit your order.

For first-time users, a "Request for Contact window" opens asking if the Data Center may contact you. The satisfaction of our customers with our services and the usefulness of our data holdings in a variety of applications are vital indicators to NASA of our effectiveness as a Data Center. We are requesting that you give permission to occasionally contact you to discuss your experiences with our Data Center and to allow us to gain insight into your uses of our data holdings. Select either "OK" or "Do Not Contact".

If you are requesting CERES, AirMISR, or SAGE III data, the Data Quality Summary window opens asking you to "Agree" or "Disagree" that you have read the material.

You will then receive a window acknowledging that your order has been submitted. You can then "Make New Order" or indicate the general nature of your experience with the ordering tool by clicking the "Favorable" or "Unfavorable" button. If you select the "Unfavorable" button, a window opens which asks for specific details of any problems or issues you encountered with the ordering tool. A representative from User and Data Services will then contact you by e-mail.

For questions or comments on the Langley Web Ordering Tool or these Help Pages, please contact the User and Data Services staff by phone at (757)864-8656 or send e-mail to

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