San Francisco Bay Region Geology and Geologic Hazards


Maps > Susceptibility Map

A cooperative project with the California Geological Survey

Susceptibility Map of the San Francisco Bay Area

(Note: The following map below requires the Shockwave player to view. You can download the Shockwave player here. external link - link policy applies)

Roughly one quarter of the San Francisco Bay region may be exposed to liquefaction with the shaking that has been forecast. The area mapped in the Very High, High and Moderate categories makes up about 25% of the 9-county region. Some of the most hazardous areas are beneath our urban core!

The liquefaction susceptibility mapping is based on assessments of the potential for liquefaction in each Quaternary geologic map unit and applied across the entire area. More detailed evaluation (for example, for one's house or a particular site) requires more detailed information, such as geotechnical borings. This would apply, for example, to areas of artificial fill around the Bay margins, where many fills are old and poorly engineered, but others are not.

Map compiled from Knudsen and others, 2000, and Witter and others, 2005 (see how the map was made).



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