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Welcome to the Mountain Research Initiative! 

The Mountain Research Initiative (MRI) is a multidisciplinary scientific organization that addresses global change issues in mountain regions around the world.

The MRI strives to support the design of integrated research strategies and programs that further our understanding of the impacts of Global Change in mountain areas and that lead to tangible results for stakeholders and policy-makers.


MRI is a joint project of IHDP and IGBP and is funded by the
Swiss National Science Foundation 


MRI is hosted at the Institute of Geography of the University of Bern



News and Events

carpathians_icon.jpg Download the First Announcement of the Forum Carpaticum 2010

  Forum Carpaticum, 15-17 Sept. 2010, Kraków, Poland Forum Carpaticum, 15-17 Sept. 2010, Kraków, Poland 177.85 Kb

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mvub_interview_2_bw_thumb.jpgSecond edition of the Mountain Research Initiative Newsletter! 56 pages of global change science from mountain regions around the world, news from MRI's regional networks, meeting reports, interview and book review.
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water_small.jpg Status of mountain water resources under global change and utility of research to managers of mountain water resources A scientific workshop sponsored by the Mountain Research Initiative (MRI).

Mountains are essential sources of freshwater for our world. These water resources are essential for irrigation, hydropower production and drinking water supply.

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thumb_simmental_06_1a.jpg10 pages of news from and for MRI Europe! Update of the MRI Europe list ** New Science  Network in Eastern Europe ** News from groups and institutes ** Collaborators wanted ** Projects ** Events ** Publications ** Positions

MRI Europe Newsflash, April 2009 MRI Europe Newsflash, April 2009 207.68 Kb


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cordtrans_logo.jpgApril Newsflash of the American Cordillera Transect for Global Change Research (in Spanish and English)

Download the Newsflash
MRI American Cordillera Transect  - Newsflash April 2009 (bilingual) MRI American Cordillera Transect - Newsflash April 2009 266.79 Kb

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