Healthy People 2000 Consortium Meeting
November 7, 1997

Summary of Breakout Group Discussion Concerning
Priority Areas 18 and 19: HIV Infection and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

Introductions were made.

Eva Seiler and Joel Greenspan provided an overview of the purpose of the session and some background information on the proposed schedule and framework.

The following summarizes comments from the groups (HIV/STD) regarding health disparities, the HP 2010 framework, and objectives.

Comments on Eliminating Health Disparities vs. Reducing Health Disparities Comments on Framework Comments on Objectives

Suggestions for new objectives Suggestions for changing or modifying HP 2000 Objectives

19.3 and 19.8 - This objective specifically looks at STDs among blacks. It was suggested that this be expanded to other groups.

It was suggested that an objective similar to 19.11 be included to measure the effectiveness of prevention efforts on the number reported viral STDs.

19.11 - A concern was raised that the goal to increase the proportion of clinics that provide onsite primary and secondary prevention is currently too low at 50%.

19.17 (18.11) - The question of whether to keep or modify this objective was raised. It was suggested that we keep this objective because more college students are seeking HIV testing and counseling and therefore, more information on HIV and STDs is being disseminated. However, there is no way to measure effectiveness of education being disseminated. It was suggested that it is more realistic to reach 90% of the college students who actually come into the clinics, as opposed to 90% of all students.

18.1 - The baseline data for this objective is provided both by percentage and by cases per 100,000. It was suggested that this data be presented in one uniform way. This objective will most likely be revised by the workgroup.

18.7 - There was a suggestion to move this objective to infectious diseases and include reducing the risk of transmission of other diseases like hepatitis.


Joel Greenspan, Facilitator, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (lead, STD chapter)
Eva M. Seiler, Facilitator, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (lead, HIV chapter)
Carmen Hernandez, Recorder, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Dave Brownell, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Joan Cates, American Social Health Association
Jeff Crowley, National Association of People With AIDS
Pat Fishback, National PTA
Ed Hutchins, Healthier People Network
Dorothy Kozlowski, National Alliance of Nurse Practitioners/ACHA
Alex Ross, Health Resources and Services Administration, HIV/AIDS Bureau
George Rogers, Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Regional Health Administrator, Region V

Breakout Session List