United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Research, Studies and Activities

Updated 08/13/2008

Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center

The Jimmy Carter Plant Materials Center in Americus, Georgia is involved in the following studies and activities to address the above resource issues. For more information on these studies please contact the PMC at (229) 924-4499.

Study Number Study Name Description Duration
13A140S Evaluation and selection of plant materials for forest buffers in the southeastern United States To compare growth data of forest buffer trees and compare their ability to uptake chemicals 1994-2008
13A142R Grazing Management of Eastern Gamagrass Define management criteria for the sustained production of Eastern Gamagrass in a rotation grazing system 1993-2008
13A144R Grazing Management of Yellow Indiangrass (Sorghastrum nutans) Determine establishment and management techniques for forage production of Indiangrass 1994-2008
13A148R Grazing Management of Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) Determine establishment and management techniques for forage production of switchgrass 1995-2008
13A150R Quantitative and Qualitative Response of Native Grasses Versus Introduced Warm Season Pasture Plants as Influenced by Different Burn Regimes To determine dry matter yield ,forage quality and species composition and frequency of native and introduced forage species as they are effected by fire regimes 1997-2009
13A151B Silvopasture demonstration study Demonstrate the establishment, management and maintenance of a silvopasture system. Measure pasture production, tree production and cattle production. 2001-2010
13A152R Rotational grazing management of a mixed native grass pasture To establish a pasture mixture of native warm season grasses and demonstrate rotational cattle management techniques. 2001-2009
13I128R Assembly, evaluation and increase of big bluestem(Andropogon gerardi) To release one or more adaptive big bluestems for the southeast 1989-2009
GAPMC-P-0053-CP Bio-Fuels Study Develop plant material and techniques of management for optimal production of plant biomass for use as fuel 2000-2006
GAPMC-P-0456-WL Longleaf Pine Native Understory Plants Collections and Increases Study at the Jimmy Carter PMC Locate, collect, grow, various native grasses, legumes and forbs which make up the understory vegetation of longleaf pine forest of the Southeastern US. Eventually seed can be grown by small farmers for CRP and restoration work 2004-2009
GAPMC-T-0154-CP Alternative Crops for small farmers demo at the Jimmy Carter PMC (Pharmaceutical Plants) Grow various cool and warm season grass and legumes to demonstrate alternative crops and pharmaceutical plants to small farmers 2001-2009
GAPMC-T-0155-GW Carbon Sequestration Study Compare annual and perennial crops ability to sequester carbon. Using soil carbon testing of several entries in a long term study. 2001-2009
GAPMC-T-0457-WL Assembly of Plants for Bobwhite Quail Habitat Improvement Stydy at the Jimmy Carter PMC 1 locate, collect, grow various native grasses, legume, forbs, which makeup important wildlife habitat for food, nesting and cover especially for Bobwhite quail in the Southeast US 2 Demonstrate these wildlife plants to wildlife enthusiasts and small farmers 3 .encourage landowners and others to utilize these plants to improve wildlife habitat on their lands and increase revenue from sportsmen 4 improve habitat for migratory birds that are declining in population such as the loggerhead shrike and others 2005-2010
GAPMC-T-0758-WL Restoration Study for the Enhancement of Bobwhite Quail Habitat 1 Demonstrate the conversion of typical Southeastern pasture to high quality Bobwhite Quail Habitat 2 Demonstrate techniques of eliminating forage and other invasive plants and demonstrate techniques of planting NWSG for wildlife habitat improvement3 Encourage landowners and others to utilize these techniques on their property 2007-2011

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