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artist concept of Voyager  

August 2007 -- Thirty years ago, the Voyager spacecraft launched on space odysseys that included observations of Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, as well as studying the outer reaches of our solar system. Both spacecraft are healthy and send back data daily.

Pioneering NASA Spacecraft Mark Thirty Years of Flight
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Video: Voyager - Inspiring Generations
For 30 years, Voyager has been broadening our view of the solar system and inspiring new generations to explore.
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Podcast: Voyager - Is the Best Yet to Come?
NASA's Voyager mission marks its 30th year in space, revolutionizing our knowledge of the solar system.
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Slide Show: The Planetary Tour
Images from Voyager's tour of the outer planets.
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Blog: Voyager's Golden Record
What one item would you add to a new Golden Record? Remember, it's been 30 years since the Voyagers launched.
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Visit the Voyager site to learn more.

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