Preserve America Event Planner

Event Checklist

The event checklist is an itemized guideline to assist you when preparing Preserve America events. Some important things to remember are the following:

  1. Include the Preserve America Web address in all media advisories, new releases, and other communications. The Web site,, is the public's best source of information about the Preserve America initiative, and is constantly updated to include the latest information about grants, designation events, and awards.
  2. Coordinate your events with one or more people listed under Contacts.
  3. Notify, encourage, and invite the applicable person from any or all of the following groups to participate in your Preserve America events:
    1. State Historic Preservation Officers for each state
    2. Tribal Historic Preservation officers for Indian tribes
    3. Federal Preservation Officers for each federal agency
    4. Preserve America Presidential Awards
    5. Preserve America State History Teacher of the Year Award
    6. Appropriate community officials

    7. Event Checklist

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