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The three elements of the Peace Corps Response Profile are: the application, your current resume and your Peace Corps Description of Service.  You can submit all three documents through this website.  Here is some additional information about the application process that might be useful:

  • Simple application: The application is brief, requiring approximately 5 minutes to complete.
  • No spam: You will not be contacted regarding assignments outside of the availability you specify.
  • No penalty for declining an interview: You will not be penalized regarding future assignments if you decline a request for an interview.
  • Submit your profile or apply for a position: You can submit an application for inclusion in the database or apply for a specific assignment. All applicants are included in the PCR database; however, you will only be contacted when your skills and experience match the qualifications for an open position and when you have indicated that you are available for an assignment.
  • Easy to update or withdraw your profile: Whenever you acquire new skills, degrees or experience, email an updated resume. If your availability changes or you would like to withdraw your profile, send a message.

El Salvador

Partner: Save The Children
Projected Start Date: ASAP
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Duration:Six months
Description: Save the Children US is requesting two Peace Corps Response Volunteers to provide support for an emergency preparedness project in the municipality of Izalco in El Salvador for a Disaster Preparedness and Mitigation (DPM) program. The PCR Volunteers will support and strengthen existing emergency response teams in nine communities and train the remaining two communities in disaster preparedness activities to include formulating emergency plans, updating risk mapping procedures and risk maps, and conducting emergency preparedness drills. The Volunteers will also be responsible for coordinating all disaster preparedness activities with local government entities and other relevant organizations.

Qualifications: Mandatory qualifications: Degree in social sciences; experience with disaster preparedness activities; knowledge of emergency management procedures; strong Spanish language skills; experience with non-formal training and sustainable local development; ability to work independently with problem solving skills, professionalism, and leadership.

Partner: Centro de Protección de Desastres (CEPRODE)
Projected Start Date: September, 2008
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Duration:6 months
Description: As a result of the eruption of the Ilamatepec Volcano and the flow of debris provoked by the tropical storm Stan, the Center for Disaster Protection, CEPRODE, began operating in the eastern flank of the Ilamatepec Volcano in 2007. CEPRODE requests the technical assistance of a Peace Corps Response Volunteer to help promote a culture of risk and disaster prevention with the end result of diminishing the social, ecological and structural vulnerability of Planes de La Laguna: the community most heavily affected by the volcanic eruption and subsequent heavy rains.

Duties and responsibilities: Collaborate with members of organized local civil protection committees on the creation of hand-drawn maps of risks and resources; Strengthen the organizational capacities of promoters, local schools, communities, city halls and the civil protection department to prepare for possible natural disasters through creation of an emergency action plan; Facilitate the development of strategic plans for civil protection, prevention and mitigation of disasters at both the community and municipal levels; Assist in the design, implementation and testing of evacuation plans that anticipate the type of disasters experienced in the local community; Train community members in the use of the SAT (an Early Alert System created by CEPRODE).

Qualifications: (Mandatory) College-level coursework in geology, geography, disaster preparedness and response or a related discipline; Experience creating community hazard maps and using participatory educational techniques; Working knowledge of written and spoken Spanish; Experience facilitating group work; Ability to work independently with limited assistance and supervision. (Desired) Advanced level of written and spoken Spanish; Experience in risk management and prevention of disasters; Community organizing experience; Knowledge of GIS software such as Arc View and Arc GIS; Ability to train CEPRODE personnel on programs such as Arc View, Arc GIS and other GIS software.


Partner: Jamaica Greenhouse Growers Association (JGGA)
Projected Start Date: October, 2008
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Duration:6 months
Description: Jamaica annually experiences natural disasters that damage crops and livelihoods and drive people from their homes. With much of the island and its economy dependent on the agricultural sector, the greatest impact of disasters is not upon lives but upon livelihoods. Because of the cyclical nature of the hurricane season, the Jamaican government has identified agricultural disaster planning as a high-priority goal. The purpose of this project is to create an overall disaster plan for independent farmers island-wide, especially focused on but not limited to those engaged in greenhouse farming.

Duties and responsibilities: Work with JGGA staff and members to: 1) Design and document an overall agricultural disaster plan; 2) Create a project plan describing the activities and timeline; 3) Assess and document JGGA administration and members’ needs and identify appropriate activities (before, during and after a disaster) to meet those needs; 4) Coordinate with various stakeholder organizations; 5) Conduct a basic historical review of disasters and damage/outcomes through key informant interviews with stakeholder agencies; 6) Assess situations on different farms and in different geological and meteorological conditions; 7) Develop computer-based materials to document and support the disaster plan and training; 8) Create and document a process for periodic review and assessment of the disaster plan.

Qualifications: (Mandatory) Experience with disaster planning and response; Project management experience; Experience with process analysis and improvement; Strong writing skills specifically in the creation of process documentation; Experience designing and facilitating custom training sessions / teaching experience; Proficient use of Microsoft Office suite of programs, especially PowerPoint; Flexibility in adapting “best practices” to real-world and resource-constrained conditions. (Desired) Experience with international disaster relief in a developing country; Farming experience, especially small family farms; Greenhouse farming experience; Returned Peace Corps Volunteer in Jamaica.

Partner: Jamaica Red Cross
Projected Start Date: ASAP
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Duration:Six Months
Description: The Jamaica Red Cross, Manchester Chapter seeks a Peace Corps Response Volunteer to: provide basic-level Emergency Medical Technician (EMT-B) training to designated staff and volunteers (about 20-30 students); develop a path to EMT certification for students by researching, documenting and facilitating follow-up testing by recognized certification organizations; and research Continuing Education requirements necessary for students to maintain certification.

Qualifications: Qualifications: Mandatory: Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification at a minimum level of Basic (EMT-B); experience creating training programs and designing workshops (2+ years); experience delivering medical training programs; and writing skills specific to the creation of process documentation. Desired: Advanced EMT certification (or comparable medical license); training and certification as an EMS instructor and/or; First Aid Instructor; experience collaborating with educational organizations in a cross-cultural setting; and Returned Peace Corps Volunteer/Jamaica.


Partner: To be determined
Projected Start Date: October, 2008
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Duration:8 Months
Description: Peace Corps Response/Liberia requests one Peace Corps Response Volunteer (PCRV) to work as a Library Support Specialist. In order to ameliorate the education infrastructure, Liberia is working to promote increased access to basic education services. The PCRV will work within the project goal of providing over-age youth access to primary school education who were unable to do so as a result of the war. Through well organized Learning Resource Centers (LRC), students and teachers will have access to educational materials and information. The PCRV will be responsible for building the individual capacity of the LRC staff to develop and organize well run centers that enhance the ability of users to access information. The PCRV will mentor the LRC staff in key areas such as: assisting LRC staff to organize and properly maintain libraries, including book inventory, ‘card’ catalogue and good treatment of books; provide suggestions to Resource Room assistants on how to make libraries ‘user friendly’ to teachers and students; assist LRC staff to carry out ‘mini-proposals’ when they relate to library use; where appropriate, and with approval from LRC management, help develop activities that will promote reading for children, youth and adults (e.g., contests, reading-aloud hour, story telling and writing); where possible and when directed by LRC management, assist clusters and school communities to organize libraries and reading rooms.

Qualifications: Mandatory Qualifications: degree in library science, education or related field; experience as a librarian or with another learning resource center; experienced in team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-operated institution; good communication and personal skills; strong organizational and planning skills; experience with effective staff support, mentoring and feedback; ability to work in a challenging environment. Desired Qualifications: computer skills; able to actively promote the use of participatory methods; experience in inclusive, open leadership and team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-functioning institution; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment; creativity in working in an environment with limited resources.

Partner: Peace Corps Response/Liberia
Projected Start Date: October, 2008
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Duration:8 Months
Description: The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MHSW) supports the World Health Organization recommendation of skilled attendance at every birth. Unfortunately, Liberia has lost hundreds of practicing physicians over the last three decades and are in the process of rebuilding the health sector. Frontline services now rest with the mid-level health professionals. The MHSW has prioritized the training of midwives in meeting the need for skilled attendance at each birth. Two Peace Corps Response Volunteers (PCRVs) will be working as Midwife Program Instructors; however, an additional two PCRVs are being requested to teach English and Math to these same students in the midwife program as, due to the interruption of education during the war, students entering the midwife program will need extra training in those areas. While the priority will be to teach the midwife students, there is also opportunity to work at the local high school in extracurricular enrichment classes, like honors or remedial classes, or after-school math and/or English clubs. Duties and Responsibilities include: Teach remedial math and English to midwife students; design, review and revise the curriculum; prepare standard lesson plans and other teaching material; create standards of student evaluation; participate in extracurricular enrichment activities at the local high school.

Qualifications: Mandatory: Bachelor’s degree; teaching experience in math and English; experienced in team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-operated institution; good communication and personal skills; experience with effective staff support, mentoring and feedback; ability to work in a challenging environment. Desired: Remedial teaching experience; credentialed teacher in math and English; able to actively promote the use of participatory methods in teaching; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment; creativity in working in an environment with limited resources.

Partner: Ministry of Education, Rural Teacher Training Institutes
Projected Start Date: October, 2008
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Duration:8 Months
Description: The Rural Teacher Training Institutes (RTTIs) in Kakata, Zorzor, and Webbo have requested the assistance of three (3) Peace Corps Response Volunteers (PCRVs) who have the ability to work in a challenging environment. The project goal is to provide leadership mentoring to these RTTIs and build the capacity of administrators and staff to develop transparent and open systems of communication and administration. They are requesting a PCRV at each of these locations to work as a Mentor to the Field Coordinator. Each PCRV may mentor the Field Coordinator in key areas including: open, participatory leadership, and supportive supervisory and trainer/teacher mentoring skills; building an effective system of communication between the RTTI and the field-based trainers, as well as with county and district education officers with whom field-based trainers will engage; designing in-service training for trainers, building off the established training curriculum, the teacher standards, and responding to trainers' and teachers' identified needs; coordinating the teacher assessment and trainee selection process; effective coordination with rural schools and the training clusters, supporting more systemic improvements to the field-based training system.

Qualifications: Mandatory: Minimum Bachelors in Education or related field; sound educational experience in teacher training at the primary level with an understanding of the needs of the rural classroom; able to actively promote the use of active learning and participatory methods of education; experienced in inclusive, open leadership and team-oriented approahces to ensure a well-operated institution; good communication and personal skills; strong organizational and planning skills; experience with effective staff support, mentoring and feedback; ability to work in a challenging environment.

Desired: Supervisory experience preferred; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment; creativity in working in an environment with limited resources.

Partner: Ministry of Education, Rural Teacher Training Institute (RTTI)
Projected Start Date: October, 2008
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Duration:8 Months
Description: The Rural Teacher Training Institutes (RTTIs) in Kakata, Zorzor, and Webbo have requested the assistance of three (3) Peace Corps Response Volunteers (PCRVs) who have the ability to work in a challenging environment. The project goal is to provide leadership mentoring to these RTTIs and build the capacity of administrators and staff to develop transparent and open systems of communication and administration. They are requesting a PCRV at each of these locations to work as a Mentor to the Academic Dean of the RTTI. Each PCRV will mentor the Academic Dean in key areas including: open, transparent leadership; participatory decision-making; promoting an inclusive strategic planning process; effective coordination across RTTIs.

Qualifications: Mandatory Qualifications: Minimum Bachelors in Education, preferably Masters in Education; sound education experience in teacher training at the primary level with an understanding of the needs of the rural classroom; able to actively promote the use of active learning and participatory methods of education; experienced in team-oriented approaches; good communication and personal skills; strong organizational and planning skills; experience with effective staff support, mentoring, and feedback.

Desired Qualifications: Experience in leadership positions in individual schools or school districts; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment; and more.

Partner: Ministry of Education, Rural Teacher Training Institute (RTTI)
Projected Start Date: October, 2008
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Duration:8 Months
Description: The Rural Teacher Training Institutes (RTTIs) in Kakata, Zorzor, and Webbo have requested the assistance of three (3) Peace Corps Response Volunteers (PCRVs) who have the ability to work in a challenging environment. The project goal is to provide leadership mentoring to these RTTIs and build the capacity of administrators and staff to develop transparent and open systems of communication and administration. They are requesting a PCRV at each of these locations to work as a Mentor to the Business Manager of the RTTI. Each PCRV will mentor the Business Manager in key areas including: open, transparent leadership; participatory decision-making; promoting an inclusive strategic planning process; development of financial procedures and controls; establishment of policies and procedures for the institute; effective management of the physical plant and resources; creation of transparent procurement procedures; effective coordination across RTTIs.

Qualifications: Mandatory Qualifications: Education in business management, accounting, or related field; experience in accounting and/or bookkeeping; facilities management; procurement; strong organizational and planning skills, particularly for institutional growth and development; good communication and personal skills; experience with effective staff support, mentoring, and feedback.

Desired Qualifications: Experience as a school business manager; knowledge of managing a unit within a larger organization; fund accounting; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment.

Partner: Ministry of Education, Rural Teacher Training Institute (RTTI)
Projected Start Date: October, 2008
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Duration:8 Months
Description: The Rural Teacher Training Institutes (RTTIs) in Kakata, Zorzor, and Webbo have requested the assistance of three (3) Peace Corps Response Volunteers (PCRVs) who have the ability to work in a challenging environment. The project goal is to provide leadership mentoring to these RTTIs and build the capacity of administrators and staff to develop transparent and open systems of communication and administration. They are requesting a PCRV at each of these locations to work as a Mentor to the Director of the RTTI. Each PCRV will mentor the Director in key areas including: open, transparent leadership; participatory decision-making; modeling an effective leader and educator; promoting an inclusive strategic planning process; promoting institutional identity, growth, and managing positive change; effective coordination across RTTIs, so they function in concert with each other and address systemic issues jointly.

Qualifications: Mandatory Qualifications: Masters in Education; strong experience in school administration; able to promote the use of active learning and participatory methods of education; experience in inclusive, open leadership, and team-oriented approaches; strong organizational and planning skills; good communication and personal skills; experience with effective staff support, mentoring, and feedback.

Desired Qualifications: Educational experience in teacher training at the primary level; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment; and more.

Partner: Ministry of Health and Social Welfare
Projected Start Date: October, 2008
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Duration:8 Months
Description: The Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MHSW) supports the World Health Organization recommendation of skilled attendance at every birth. Unfortunately, Liberia has lost hundreds of practicing physicians over the last three decades and are in the process of rebuilding the health sector. Frontline services now rest with the mid-level health professionals. The MHSW has prioritized the training of midwives in meeting the need for skilled attendance at each birth. Two Peace Corps Response Volunteers are being requested to work as Midwife Program Instructors. Duties and Responsibilities include: Academic and clinical teaching in one or more midwifery schools; assisting with curriculum review, design, and revision for pre-service and in-service training; assist with preparing standard lesson plans and other teaching material; assist with providing appropriate clinical environment for midwifery training; identify needs and assist in planning workshops and seminars for midwives and midwifery students to update their knowledge; and more.

Qualifications: Mandatory: Registered nurse, physician, physician's assistant, nurse practitioner, or other related field; experienced in team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-operated institution; good communication and personal skills; strong organizational and planning skills; experience with effective staff support, mentoring and feedback; ability to work in a challenging environment. Desired: Nurse Practitioner or Midwife; B.S. in Nursing; Post-graduate studies; specialty training in obstetrics and gynecology; experience in teaching; able to actively promote the use of participatory methods in teaching; experience in inclusive, open leadership and team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-functioning institution; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment; creativity in working in an environment with limited resources.

Partner: World Food Program
Projected Start Date: October, 2008
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Duration:8 Months
Description: The World Food Program (WFP) is a United Nations food assistance agency which looks for programs to protect livelihoods in emergencies; invests in disaster preparedness and mitigation measures; and helps countries build capacity to develop food policies. The entire population of Liberia was affected by many years of civil conflict and WFP has been providing food rations to about a third of the population every month since 2003. This conflict has impacted many sectors of society including the education sector. Schooling was badly disrupted as food-insecure families often employed children into income activities instead of sending them to school. WFP plans to mobilize Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) and create awareness of community leaders to support the school feeding program at the community level. WFP is requesting a Peace Corps Response Volunteer to provide leadership mentoring to Parent Teacher Associations and to build the capacity of these PTAs. The PCRV will be involved in some of the following activities: Work in close collaboration with WFP and partners to establish a strategy to mobilize PTAs; provide information to PTAs and community leaders on food storage, handling and cooking on a voluntary and rotational basis at the school level; train local youth as focal points to mobilize the PTAs and the community; and more. The PCRV will advise and mentor PTAs in such areas as: Open, transparent leadership; participatory decision-making; promoting an inclusive strategic planning process; ensuring that the representation of and participation by women is improved; and more.

Qualifications: Mandatory: Experience working with community based volunteer organizations; leadership experience in organizing volunteers through schools or NGOs; public speaking skills; experience training youth or adults; ability to plan and lead meetings; ability to organize and implement projects; experience in team-oriented approaches to ensure a well-operated institution; good communication and personal skills; strong organizational and planning skills; ability to work in a challenging environment; creative problem solving skills. Desired: Experience in a PTA as a member, a leadership position preferred; knowledge of handling and storing food; knowledge of project design and management; able to actively promote the use of participatory methods; experience in inclusive, open leadership and team-orientation; experience working in sub-Saharan Africa; understanding of a post-conflict environment; creativity in working in an environment with limited resources.


Partner: Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development
Projected Start Date: October, 2008
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Duration:12 Months
Description: The Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development is requesting Peace Corps Response Volunteers to work as HIV/AIDS Technical Assistants at the district level. Primary duties and responsibilities include the following: Provide HIV/AIDS technical support to the Director of Planning and Development, the District AIDS Coordinator and the Office of Social Welfare; assist with development of CBOs through capacity building, training, communication and resource identification;p create/modify M&E tools and financial spreadsheets; and strengthen relationships among stakeholders.

Qualifications: Bachelor's degree in public health, social sciences, community development or related fields; experience working with HIV/AIDS related programming, training, capacity building; strong management, strategic planning and program development skills, M&E, report writing; experience living and working in sub-Saharan Africa, preferably Malawi. Desired qualifications: Masters in Public Health, organizational development, or related fields; experience conducting training workshops; and knowledge of local languages (i.e., Chichewa).


Partner: The National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council
Projected Start Date: ASAP
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Duration:Six Months
Description: The National HIV/AIDS/STI/TB Council is requesting four (4) PC Response Volunteers to assist with building capacity of the Provincial AIDS Coordination Advisors and other Provincial support staff in an effort to improve data collection methodologies and reporting structures. The duties and responsibilities of the PCRVs will be to implement effective data collection methodologies and analytical tools, provide training to ensure data integrity and continuity throughout all provinces and districts, and strengthen capacity of reporting capabilities.

Qualifications: MPH or relevant social science degree, minimum two years HIV/AIDS experience, preferably in Africa, specific skills in M&E, capacity building, resource development and training, proficiency in data collection, analysis and reporting using MS-Excel, SPSS/EPI-info, CRIS or other relevant data analysis software, presentation skills using PowerPoint and the ability to work independently with minimal supervision.


Peace Corps Response has new positions opening every week. If you don't see something that interests you, submit your application and we'll contact you when a relevant position opens.