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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

CONTACT: Mikel Herrington
Phone: 202-606-6706


Formula Allocation


Dear Commission Colleagues:

Attached is the 2008 allocation chart for AmeriCorps State Formula funds. You may request the total number of MSYs you deem appropriate for your programs given the funding available to you. The number of MSYs you request must be based on Corporation expectations for full enrollment in your identified programs. The chart also shows the amount you have available from your 2007 allocation that you did not request in 2007 – your “reserve.”

In our March 14th program update to you, we referenced the new Appropriations language that gives the Corporation some flexibility in how we instruct you to submit your formula application. After careful consideration of the Appropriations language and due to current challenges in making technical changes to our system, we have decided that the process for formula submissions this year will remain the same as in previous years. Consequently, you must apply by July 7, 2008 via eGrants and identify all of the programs and planning grants you want to support. The Corporation will award your grant within 45 calendar days of submission if your reporting is up-to-date.

If you have formula programs with a projected member enrollment start date before August 18, you must submit your application earlier – at least 30 days before the start date of the program or even earlier if your state processes require time for processing awards to subgrantees before members can start. Please remember, programs may not enroll AmeriCorps members before the date the Corporation issues your grant.

As you know, the Corporation now operates under one-year budget authority. Consequently, we may not hold unrequested 2008 formula funds in “reserve” for your use in 2009. Any unrequested 2008 funds will be reallocated to commissions who request and qualify for their use in 2008.

Reallocation of unrequested formula funds

To qualify for additional formula funding, you must:

  • request your full base allocation of FY 2008 formula funding and any 2007 reserve you may have;
  • demonstrate the capacity to effectively utilize the additional formula funds through grants to local programs (programs must be identified in your request); and
  • be free of outstanding compliance or audit issues that would preclude an award of additional formula funds.

The Corporation will reallocate available funds to commissions that meet these qualifications using our population-based formula.

You must submit your request for additional formula funds via e-mail to your program officer and grants officer no later than July 7, 2008. Your e-mail should include the specific programs you intend to fund as well as the amount of funding, number of MSYs and slots you are requesting.

After July 7th, when the Corporation has determined the full amount of available funding for reallocation, the Corporation will work with commissions to amend their formula awards to include the additional funding and MSYs. Amendments will be processed by September 8th, and commissions should keep this in mind when planning member enrollment dates for subgrantees anticipating receipt of reallocated funds.

Please remember that the additional funds and MSYs are granted for one year only. There is no guarantee that funds will be available for funding a second or third year, and the Corporation’s grant will indicate the additional resources are only awarded for one year. Therefore, we caution you in requesting additional funding and MSYs to take into consideration the long-term sustainability of the programs and service provided by the members.

Recap of Deadlines and Deliverables

Monday, July 7th:

FY 2007 Commission Formula applications due (via eGrants)

Email to your program officer and grants officer containing your request for additional formula funding, MSYs and slots tied to specific programs (provided you meet the criteria under “Reallocation of unrequested formula funds” above).

Monday, August 18th:

Target date for FY 2008 Formula grants to be awarded (dependent on commissions’ compliance being up-to-date).

Monday, September 8th:

Target date for amendments to commissions receiving reallocated funds to be awarded.

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