Career Intentions Survey (CIS)

If you are leaving the Coast Guard, please complete the Career Intentions Survey (CIS) even if you have done it recently for some other reason.

If you have been asked to complete this survey for some other reason, but have filled it out within the past six months, you don't need to do it again unless you want to.

Whether you are an active or reserve military member, a civilian (including NAF) employee, or even an Auxiliarist or contractor in some cases, you have been asked to fill out this Career Intentions Survey because you are at a transition point in your career. You may have just entered or been hired by the Coast Guard; you could be leaving or transferring from one component to another. You may have just completed some training or education, or be returning from temporary duty. You may have been promoted or reassigned. Whatever the reason this is a chance for you to take stock-to reflect on your experiences so far, and to look ahead at your expectations about a career with the Coast Guard. Here is a list of the events that should trigger your opportunity to fill out the survey:

In short, this is like an exit survey if you are leaving, but it's just as important to find out how people who are not leaving feel about their experiences. By knowing both why people leave and why they stay we might be able to craft policies and practices that benefit everyone.

At the end of the survey is a list of factors you might have considered when you decided to stay or leave. Since the list is longer than a screen, you might want to print the survey before you even begin and think about those factors, then come back and fill out the survey on line.

It should take between 5 and 15 minutes (the average is about 10) to complete the survey. Your privacy is assured so please be candid. If you are staying with the Coast Guard, think of this as an investment of 10 minutes in your future; if you are leaving, consider it an opportunity to help us understand why. Please read the privacy statement below, and click below where indicated when you are ready. You will not be able to save your place, so once you start you have to finish or start over.


In accordance with Public Law 93-579, The Privacy Act of 1974, providing the information requested in this survey is voluntary; also, 49 CFR 11.116 states a requirement for informed consent.

PRINCIPLE PURPOSE: This survey is being conducted to better understand attitudes and perceptions about various aspects of Coast Guard life.

ROUTINE USES: The information you provide will be treated confidentially. The data will be summarized and used to identify strengths and areas for improvement in Coast Guard policies and practices, balance of work and life, quality of personnel support, etc.

PARTICIPATION: Your response to any item is voluntary. If you choose not to answer an item your choice may reduce the accuracy of the result and may hamper the Coast Guard's efforts to evaluate the effectiveness of policies and practices. Your responses are needed to ensure the validity of the survey. Reports of aggregate results and trends, and conclusions drawn from those trends, will be published in various places available to respondents. Inquiries about this survey and the results may be directed to the Human Resources Capability Development Staff (CG-1B2), US Coast Guard Headquarters, 2100 Second Street SW, Washington DC, 20593.

Begin the survey ...

Questions? Comments? E-mail Mr. Paul Redmond, CG Human Resources Measurement Staff or call him at 202-475-5030.

Last Modified 5/28/2008