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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

CONTACT: Kristin McSwain
Phone: 202-606-6926


FAQs on Single Match


Dear Colleagues,

You will find below, and attached a set of Frequently Asked Questions on the new single match. These will also be posted on the Communication Center under “Manage Current Grants and Projects” on our website for your future reference. If you have additional questions on this topic, please contact your program officer.

Frequently Asked Questions on the Single Match

February 27, 2008

As part of the Corporation’s 2008 appropriations, Congress changed the requirements for matching AmeriCorps grants. For programs funded from the Corporation's 2008 budget, there are no longer separate match requirements for member support and program operating costs. Instead, grantees must meet an overall increasing match requirement, up to 50% by year ten according to the following table:

AmeriCorps Funding Year

1, 2, 3








Grantee Share Requirements









The following questions clarify the new requirements.

  1. When does the new single match go into effect?

Because the change in matching requirements is tied to the Corporation's 2008 budget, the application of the new match rules are fairly technical. In general, the new requirements will apply to the grants that were submitted in January of 2008. In most cases, programs funded in 2007 or earlier (and which do not receive 2008 funding) must continue to meet the 15% and 33% match requirements.

Commissions which plan to award 2008 funds to a program in the 2007-08 program year after you receive your 2008 award should contact your grants officer.

  1. To which programs does the new single match apply?

The new single match applies State Formula, State Competitive, National Direct, Tribes, and Professional Corps awards funded by the Corporation's 2008 budget. Fixed price EAP grants are not affected by the match requirement.

  1. How will I know what year I am in to identify my required matching level?

If you are already an AmeriCorps grantee, your eGrants application indicates the year you are in and your required matching level. The required matching level is displayed on the review screen. The number of program years you have received funds appears on the budget and budget narrative reports. National planning grants are typically awarded for one year as year one and must meet the 24% single match.

  1. Will applicants be able to revise 2008 budgets to reflect the single match and when will this take place?

New and recompleting applicants who are invited to participate in the post review clarification process may revise 2008 budgets during that time (March 24-April 28, 2008). If you submitted a continuation application, you may revise your budget before the grants are awarded, if you so desire.

  1. Are applicants required to amend 2008 budgets?

You may leave your budget as submitted if you wish. However, the Corporation will monitor your expenditures based on the new match requirements and will not require you to report expenditures separately based on the original budget.

  1. When will the application instructions that include the single match be released?

The 2009 application instructions will reflect the single match and will be released in the spring of 2008. We will be releasing the 2009 application instructions in advance of Congressional action on the 2009 budget. The application instructions assume that Congress will continue to permit a combined match in 2009; should that not be the case, we will provide guidance as necessary.

  1. How does the change to the minimum overall match affect the requirement that member support costs be matched with non-federal cash, not in-kind?

With the new requirement for a single match, there is no longer any distinction between member support costs and program operating costs. Therefore, there is also no longer a requirement that the member support costs be matched with non-federal cash.

  1. Does the new single match provision also relieve grantees of the requirement to receive prior approval for match from another federal agency?

No, you still must seek prior approval from the other federal agency to use their funds for match for an AmeriCorps grant.

  1. How will the new single match affect the format of the FSR?

Beginning with the 2008 grant, the Corporation will use the standard Federal FSR which doesn’t include special categories for member support versus program operating costs. However, the current FSR may continue to be used until you complete reporting on your program years that still subject to the operational and member support matching requirements. We will provide additional guidance on how we will do this before the first 2008 FSR is due in the fall.

  1. Can state commissions hold their grantees to a different standard and continue to require the dual match?

Although state commissions may always invoke more stringent requirements, the Corporation is expecting and encouraging state commissions to align their policy and practice with the new single match requirement.

  1. Does the new single match affect the 5% of total cap for administrative funds?

No, the 5% cap on administrative costs is still in effect.

  1. Are grantees still required to seek prior approval for transferring funds from member support to program operating support or vice versa?

Grantees subject to the new matching requirements will no longer have to seek prior approval for transferring funds from any line item to any other line item unless the cumulative amount is over 10% of the total budget. The grant provisions require prior approval for budget amendments that cross that threshold. However, be aware that substantial reallocation from member support to program operating costs indicates that the program is not recruiting and retaining members. This could be a factor during re-competition and could result in decreases in allotted MSYs in continuation grants.

  1. Will grantees still specify which part of their match is for member support and which is for program operating costs in their applications?

Assuming that Congress continues to permit a combined match in 2009, match sources and type of match will no longer have to be specified by member support and program operating costs. Sections I and Sections II will be collapsed into one section in the 2009 Application Instructions. Section III, Administrative Support, will become the new Section II. Grantees will still identify source of funds and if it is cash or in-kind.

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