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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Monday, July 17, 2006

Elizabeth D. Seale
Chief Operating Officer
Interim Director, AmeriCorps


Policy Update #1


Many thanks to those of you who attended the policy session at the national conference. I have attached the Powerpoint presentation from this session for your information, and the list of policy issues that was generated by the participants.

For those of you who were not in attendance, Amy Borgstrom, the AmeriCorps Associate Director for Policy, invited participants to provide her with their Top 3 Policy Priorities in order to help us with our strategic policy development during the coming year. Please feel free to provide this information via e-mail to Amy (

In response to your feedback at the conference, we have posted our statute and regulations on the "Managing Current Grants and Projects" section of our web site Our next task is to make these documents more user friendly by adding a clickable table of contents, and indexing. Also, remember to check the new Communication Center, which is also located on this page, frequently for other messages of interest.


Elizabeth D. Seale
Chief Operating Officer
Interim Director, AmeriCorps

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