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Last Update: 11/19/02

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Wide Band Recorder Title
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The Wideband Advanced Recorder Processor (WARP) is a high rate Warp Photo - Click it for full size image solid state recorder on EO-1. It is used to capture high rate range data from the Advanced Land Imager (ALI), Atmospheric Corrector (AC), and the Hyperion instruments.

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The WARP consists of a high rate (up to 900 Mbps capability), high Warp Photo - Click it for full size imagedensity (48Gbit storage), low weight (less than 22.0 Kg) solid state recorder/processor with X-band modulation capability. It uses advanced integrated circuit packaging (3D stacked memory devices) and "chip on board" bonding techniques to obtain extremely high density memory storage per board (24Gbits/memory card).

It also includes a Mongoose 5 processor which can perform on-orbit data collection, compression and processing of land image scenes.
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section title : benefits
The WARP incorporates a number of high density electronic board advanced packaging techniques and provides the highest rate solid state recorder NASA has ever flown.

Its basic architecture and underlying technologies will be required for future earth imaging missions which need to collect, store and process high rate land imaging data.
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section title: information contacts

Terry Smith
EO-1 WARP Technical Manager
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Mail Code: 561
Phone: (301) 286-0651
Email: Terrence.M.Smith.1@gsfc.nasa.gov

Nick Speciale
EO-1 Mission Technologist
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Mail Code: 490
Phone (301) 286-8704
Email: Nicholas.J.Speciale.1@gsfc.nasa.gov
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