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Magnitude 4.9 - TAIWAN REGION

2008 September 10 11:55:37 UTC

Versión en Español

Earthquake Details

Location25.056°N, 122.265°E
Depth36.6 km (22.7 miles)
Distances65 km (40 miles) NE of Su-ao, Taiwan
75 km (45 miles) E of T'AI-PEI, Taiwan
135 km (80 miles) ENE of Hsin-chu, Taiwan
140 km (85 miles) NNE of Hua-lien, Taiwan
Location Uncertaintyhorizontal +/- 9 km (5.6 miles); depth +/- 11.7 km (7.3 miles)
ParametersNST= 36, Nph= 36, Dmin=79 km, Rmss=1.04 sec, Gp= 58°,
M-type=body magnitude (Mb), Version=R
Event IDus2008wubf
  • This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.
  • Did you feel it? Report shaking and damage at your location. You can also view a map displaying accumulated data from your report and others.

Earthquake Summary

Small globe showing earthquakeSmall map showing earthquake

Felt Reports

Recorded (3 TAP) in T'ai-pei and (1 TAP) in I-lan.

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