Global Hydrology and Climate Center

Important notice for AOL users

If you are an America Online user, our satellite image animation code, in order to function properly, requires you to disable graphics compression within your AOL web browser.

This may be achieved by clicking on:

AOL Version 7 AOL Version 6 AOL Version 5
            Internet Properties (WWW)
                  Web Graphics (look for tab)

Choose the "Never Compress Graphics" option.
Click the "Apply" button.
Click the "OK" button.

            Internet Properties
                  Web Graphics

Choose the "Never Compress Graphics" option.
Click the "Apply" button.
Click the "OK" button.

                  Web Graphics

Uncheck the "Use Graphics Compression" option.
Click the "OK" button.

Alternatively, you can connect to AOL, and then use either a Netscape or Microsoft Internet Explorer browser. (This option may not work under AOL 5.0)

After changing settings, you may have to clear your browser cache, or restart your session with AOL.

Interactive weather satellite images

Responsible Official: Dr. James E. Arnold (
Page Curator: Paul J. Meyer (

Last Updated: December 28, 2000