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MAY 2002
                           Sales Volume                    Exvessel Prices       
                    -------------------------          ------------------------
                     Metric Tons      A(%)               Yen/kg      A(%)     
 Bluefin tuna                341      254                 1,955       70   
 Albacore tuna             1,133       75                   316       83   
 Bigeye tuna                 305      150                   782       95   
 Yellowfin tuna            1,071      126                   517       96
 Striped Marlin              152      162                   363       69
 Swordfish                   425      138                   805       90   
 Skipjack tuna               922       39                   493      135
 Japanese sardine          1,787       27                    93      124 
 Rainbow sardine             237       54                   268      102 
 Anchovy                  35,577      118                    37       79
 Jack mackerel            11,331      108                   247       89 
 Mackerel - scad           1,523      102                   108      117
 Pacific mackerel          8,259       27                   128      183
 Saury                        91    1,011                    70       40
 Yellowtail                1,124       84                   501       87 
 Flatfish                  2,162       99                   417      105
 Cod                       2,013       56                   135      134
 Pollock                  16,794      129                    56       93   
 Atka mackerel             6,123       53                    57      112
 Sea bream                   463       87                   759       96   
 Tanner crab                 280       66                   559      128
 Japanese flying squid     2,955      113                   252      102
 Flying squid                  6      120                   268    1,787 
 Octopus                     899      183                   359       84 
 Bluefin tuna                 53       90                 2,438       76   
 Albacore tuna                50       85                   207       48
 Bigeye tuna                 761      141                   480       68
 Yellowfin tuna              562      124                   403       91
 Striped marlin                7      175                   287       71
 Swordfish                    38      109                   514       79
 Skipjack tuna            22,557      104                   134       98
 Pollock                       -        -                     -        -   
 Japanese flying                
  Distant water              138        2                   229      136
  Coastal                      -        -                     -        -
 Flying squid                660        7                   107      202
A = Comparison with the same period a year earlier.  - = No landings.

Source:  NMFS, Long Beach, CA
Contact:  Sunee C. Sonu

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