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MARCH 2006

                              March                     January - March   
                    -------------------------       -------------------------
                     Metric Tons   Yen/kg           Metric Tons   Yen/kg
 Bluefin tuna                 24    8,388                    45    7,304
 Albacore tuna             2,279      419                 7,389      379
 Bigeye tuna                 684      981                 1,629    1,044 
 Yellowfin tuna              674      779                 1,253      781
 Striped marlin               81      911                   136      977 
 Swordfish                   562      941                 1,767      853 
 Skipjack tuna             1,536      548                 2,629      448   
 Japanese sardine          1,020       81                 1,817      118 
 Round herring             1,530       75                 2,982       73
 Anchovy                  27,468       30                36,088       32
 Jack mackerel             9,356      158                30,697      127 
 Mackerel-scad             2,402       79                 9,203       86 
 Pacific mackerel         14,431       79                87,312       63
 Saury                         1      263                   167       36
 Cod                       3,101      249                13,153      268 
 Pollock                  10,476       87                29,763      107
 Atka mackerel             4,707       41                18,252       39
 Japanese flying squid       340      475                 3,226      264
 Flying squid                  0      105                     0       59  
 Yellowtail                1,469      500                 3,922      471  
 Flatfish                    887      452                 2,869      440 
 Sea bream                   583      853                 1,466      841 
 Tanner crab                   8      405                    19      576
 Octopus                     407      411                 1,125      411
 Bluefin tuna                189    1,582                   396    1,693 
 Albacore tuna               190      328                   379      297
 Bigeye tuna               2,311      673                 5,083      624
 Yellowfin tuna            2,716      297                 5,679      245
 Striped marlin                1      382                     3      578 
 Swordfish                     0      656                     0      656 
 Skipjack tuna            20,740      137                50,797      128
 Pollock                     903      121                 5,791      129 
 Japanese flying                                                        
  Distant water                -        -                     -        - 
  Coastal                      3      290                 1,202      273 
 Flying squid              5,343      162                20,689      167
0 ... more than zero but less than 0.5 metic ton
- ... zero
Contact:  Sunee C. Sonu


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