United States Department of Agriculture
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Alphabetical List of Related Web Sites

Updated 12/06/2007

The USDA-NRCS and the Plant Materials Program does not exclusively endorse or support any particular site. Links to commercial resources are not intended to endorse any private companies. These links are provided as a resource for our customers. Please E- mail us to report broken links or to add a link.

@griculture Online
Markets, weather, news, ag worldwide, successful farming, technology, machinery, etc.
Acterra: Action for a Sustainable Earth
Acterra is the new name of Bay Area Action and the Peninsula Conservation Center Foundation. Acterra focuses on environmental issues is California.
Ag Chem Database & Software for Growing Companies
Crop Data Management Systems, Inc. (CDMS) provides crop protection product software services
Agricultural Health & Safety Center - UC Davis
Offers information on research findings and serves to protect and improve the health and safety of the nation's farmers, farmworkers, and consumers.
Agriculture Network Information Center (AgNIC)
Established by the National Agricultural Library in collaboration with libraries at Cornell, Iowa State, the University of Arizona, etc. Provides a focal point for access to quality agriculture-related information resources and subject specialists.
Offers timely information for US agricultural producers and marketers, along with live chat and forum capabilities, a commercial center, and a business center offering navigation to other related Agricultural sites on the Internet.
Alta Vista
Search Engine
American Water Works Association (AWWA)
An international nonprofit scientific and educational society dedicated to the improvement of drinking water quality and supply.
American Willow Growers Network
Build a body of knowledge on the growing of willows and to explore the use of willows.
ARS-Technology Transfer Automated Retrieval System
TEKTRAN summaries on the Internet are selected pre-publication notices of recent research results from the Agricultural Research Center of the U. S. Department of Agriculture.
Association of State Wetland Managers
Basic information about the ASWM and a registry of wetland professionals.
Bay Area Volunteer Information Center
A site with information about ecological restoration and opportunities for internships and volunteers.
Ben Meadows Company
Ben Meadows sells equipment for land managers, environmental consultants, and foresters. This on-line catalog offers the same items as the paper version plus on-line sale items.
Benny Simpson's Texas Native Shrubs
Database of Texas Native Shrubs
Benny Simpson's Texas Native Trees
Database of Texas Native Trees
Bioengineering Engineering Drawings
These are technical drawings that were done by the old WNTC. They are still being maintained in the Watershed Technology Electronic Catalog on the National Water and Climate Center web site.
Biological Control: A Guide to Natural Enemies in North America
A guide providing photographs and descriptions of biological control (or biocontrol) agents of insect, disease and weed pests in North America.
Biological Soil Crusts
Biological soil crusts are the community of organisms living at the surface of desert soils.
BLUE-X® Plant Shelters
Plant Shelters for seedling and direct seeding establishment
California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA)
Serves the citizens of California agriculture and fostering public confidence in the market place through the development, improvement, and communication of sound public policies.
California Department of Water Resources
Dept. of Water Resources organization, State Water Project, California water information, what's new, local assistance, links.
California Exotic Pest Plant Council
Exotic plants of greatest ecological concern; links to exotic plant resources; weed identification pictures.
California Farm Water Coalition
Conveys the value a strong agricultural sector brings to California and the critical need for water our food and fiber productive systems require. Serves as a forum for the farming sector, where new information, ideas, & technical info. can be shared.
California Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom
Works with K-12 teachers, community leaders, media representatives and government executives to enhance education using agricultural examples. Offers school children the knowledge to make informed choices.
California Native Plant Society
Monster site! Lots of great info and links for Californians.
California Rivers Assessment
Provides access to essential information and tools with which to make sound decisions about the conservation and use of California's rivers.
Ag Chem information services for growing companies
Ag Formulators, Inc. - Wilco Distributors, Inc.
Center for Plant Conservation
The Center is dedicated to conserving rare plants of the U.S. through cultivation, seed storage, research, reintroduction, and education.
Center for Sustainable Agric. Systems (CSAS) and the Univ. of Nebraska-Lincoln
Brings together people and resources to promote an agriculture that is efficient, profitable, environmentally and socially sustainable for the indefinite future.
Climate Prediction Center (CPC)
Climate Highlights
Colorado State Forest Service
Nursery and conservation tree planting program.
Conservation Assistance Tools
Includes information, contacts and examples of community-based strategies that preserve the ecological integrity of important natural systems while meeting the econimic aspirations of adjoining communities.
Conservation Technology Information Center (CTIC)
Promotes environmentally and economically beneficial natural resource systems by producing and circulating information, data and contracts, coordinating national initiatives, sponsoring interactive meetings, conferences and tours.
Craig's Juicy Native Grass Gossip and Research
Nurseryman and researcher Craig Dremann offers his views on native California grasses, ecotype studies, book reviews, and more.
Crop Data Management Systems, Inc.
Provides full text labels and material safety data sheets.
Current Developments California
Click on "Public Affairs" - A newsletter of the USDA-Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Department of Pesticide Regulation
For California: Tips for consumers, businesses, and schools. Protects human health and the environment by regulating pesticide sales and use.
Diversity Training University International
Diversity and inclusion resources, including gender issues, up-to-date resource materials available for their work, and useful links.
Don't Panic Eat Organic
Organic farmers web site with link to other sites.
Eco World
Nature and technology in harmony. Global environmental community.
EcoWorld Environmental Media Co.
This site contains an online resource for information on the status of the earth's species and ecosystems as well as efforts underway planet-wide to preserve and restore these species and ecosystems.
Elmwood Solutions
Software design services for the seed labs.
eNotes from NACD
Weekly News Briefs from the National Association of Conservation Districts
Environmental Ethics
Eugene Hargrove not only publishes a very useful and provocative quarterly publication about ethics and the environment, he has developed a truly fine web site. This site is worth visiting to see what's being discussed by environmental philosophers.
Part of EPA's web site, provides a single repository for pollution prevention, compliance assurance, and enforcement information and data bases. Search engine searches multiple web sites (inside and outside EPA) & offers assistance in preparing a search.
EnviroSense ACE Grants
Agriculture in Concert with the Environment grant description.
EnviroSense- EPA Programs-Pollution Prevention Grant Program
To develop and strengthen active programs initiated by states, municipalities, and private entities in the area of pollution prevention and resource conservation.
EPA - Office of Pesticide Safety
Offers information on pesticide safety programs.
Search Engine
Farm Service Agency
News, agricultural programs, farm loan programs, conservation program, community information, office locator, etc.
Federal Noxious Weed Act
Text of the Federal Noxious Weed Act
Federally Listed Threatened and Endangered Species
Non-flowering plants
Federally Listed Threatened and Endangered Species
Flowering plants
Federally Listed Threatened and Endangered Species
FedSite - Federal Facilities Enforcement Office (EPA)
A centralized site for linking to information regarding compliance with environmental regulations.
Fertilizer Research & Education Program, California Department of Food & Agriculture
Provides information on environmentally safe and agronomically sound use and handling of fertilizer materials to growers, agricultural supply and service professionals, extension personnel, public agencies, consultants, and other interested parties.
Florida Exotic Pest Plant Council
Facilitates commercial and exchange of information on exotic pest plants. Promotes an understanding regarding exotic pest plants and their control. Encourages continued support for research, management and funding for exotic pest plant control.
Freshwater Farms
Provides vegetation related services which accommodate every step of wetland designs, enhancement, and construction.
Garden Web Glossary of Botanical Terms
4400 terms relating to botany, gardening, horticulture, and landscape architecture. Good site to look up plant-type definitions.
Growit.com - Wholesale nurseries, landscape plant buyer's guide, gardening and nursery supplies, etc
Serving the wholesale nursery industry with information on plant sources, supply sources, plant selectors, insects and diseases, and marketing rates.
GSA Federal Travel
Per diem rate schedules, etc.
Idaho Weed Watchers
University of Idaho Weed Information
IES 900: Restoring Nature
A site created by Nancy Langston and the students in her Environmental Studies class at the University of Wisconsin- Madison.
IGC: Food, Agriculture and Trade
Service, resources, weblinks, projects
IGIN Product Source Directory
By source (company names) and by product.
InMotion Magazine - Rural America
Co-edited by the Missouri Rural Crisis Center-a statewide organization of farmers and their families with 13 chapters around the State of Missouri.
Inter Garden
Many, many links to other agriculture sites.
International Code of Botanical Nomenclature
The electronic version of the Tokyo code
Invasive Alien Plants of Virginia (VA Natural Heritage Program)
Information on alien plant species and managing them.
Ion Exchange Native Seed and Plant Nursery
The Midwest's first on-line, native plant nursery low-graphics site, from which restorationists can order seeds, plants, seed mixes, and books.
Irrigation & Green Industry Network (IGIN)
Virtual trade show, landscape, databases, irrigation, product directory, irrigation specs, landscape architect, plant search, etc.
Island Press Eco-Compass
Presents information on books about environmental issues and solutions.
Konza Prairie
A site with information about the research being done at this large prairie in the Flint Hills of central Kansas.
Livestock and Seed Program
The Seed Regulatory and Testing Branch enforces interstate commerce provisions of the Federal Seed Act and provides seed testing service under the Agricultural Marketing Act.
Search Engine
Manual of Grasses for North America North of Mexico
Presents a taxonomic account of all grasses that have been found growing, without benefit of cultivation, in the continental United States and Canada plus a substantial number of the cultivated species that are grown in the region.
Maps of Snow Areas
Snow Survey information
Maptech< br>Produces the only Official U.S. Government approved electronic charts for navigation.
Maryland Department of Agriculture (MDA)
Current Pesticide Information Sheets, including licensing and certification requirements, certification exam schedules, approved recertification training meetings, record keeping requirements, complaint investigation procedures, etc.
Maryland Native Plant Society (MNPS)
Dedicated to protecting, conserving, and restoring Maryland's native plants and habitats.
Ministry of Environment, Lands, and Parks, BC, Canada
This website is an interesting blend of information about river systems from the Canadians.
Provides information about mycorrhizae, revegetation, and other related topics.
National Agricultural Library (NAL)
Provides access to NAL's many resources and a gateway to its associated institutions.
National Animal Poison Control Center
An animal-oriented poison control center with an emergency hotline providing 24-hour-a-day, 7-day-a-week telephone assistance.
National Arbor Day Foundation
Presents information on trees, Arbor day, programs, etc.
National Association of Conservation Districts
On-line resource for the latest conservation news, legislative updates, and on-line links to other natural resource-related sites.
National Drought Mitigation Center
Drought Mitigation
National Estuary Program
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency provides a well-organized site with quality information about the effort that is underway to restore and maintain the nation's coastal areas.
National Genetic Resources Program
Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN) provides germplasm information about plants, animals, microbes and invertebrates within the National Genetic Resources Program of the USDA ARS.
National Interagency Fire Center
Comprehensive site containing wild land fire news and statistics.
National Library of Medicine
Provides general information on health, library services, research programs, etc.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)
National environmental satellite, data and information service (NESDIS), National Weather Service (NWS), Office of Oceanic & Atmospheric Research (OAR), National Ocean Service (NOS), NOAA Fisheries (NMFS).
National Park Service Invasive Plant Info
NPS Fact Sheets on Invasive Species
National Park Service Invasive Plant Info
NPS List of Invasive Plants
National Pesticide Telecommunications Network (Oregon State University)
A service that provides objective, science-based information about a wide variety of pesticide-related subjects, and a source of factual chemical, health, and environmental information about more than 600 pesticide active ingredients.
National Science Foundation
Fostering science and engineering research and education.
National Soil Survey Center and Soil Survey Division
SOILS is part of the National Cooperative Soil Survey, an effort of Federal and State agencies, universities, and professional societies to deliver scientifically based soil information.
National Wetlands Inventory - Ecology Section
1988 National list of plant species that occur in wetlands. Regional lists also available. National list of Vascular Plant Species that occur in Wetlands-1966 and other Wetlands information sources.
Native American Plant Seeds
Native American Plant seeds for wetlands, savanna, prairie and woodlands, including native grasses, trees, shrubs, herbs and flowers.
Native American Seed
Junction, TX - Wildflowers and native grasses
Native American Seed Catalog
Wildflower and grass seed.
Native Plants Journal
Plant propagation protocols. Put together through various government and state agencies
Native Plants Journals
Native Plants Journal is a cooperative effort of the USDA Forest Service and the University of Idaho, with assistance from the USDA Agricultural Research Service and the Natural Resources Conservation Service.
Natural Areas Journal
Provides a forum for communication among persons involved in the identification, preservation, protection and management of natural areas and elements of natural diversity.
Providing the scientific basis for effective conservation action, NatureServe is a leading source for information about rare and endangered species and threatened ecosystems.
New Crop Resource Online Program (Purdue University)
Provides windows to new and specialty crop profiles.
New Ornamentals Society
Information about the New Ornamentals Society and the services they provide to the ornamentals industry.
New Ornamentals Society: New Plants Page
A service which provides links, database sources, and e-mail contacts for new trees, shrubs, vines, interior plants, annuals, and perennials. It is intended to be an alphabetical index to new, superior cultivars from around the world.
NOAA Coastal Ocean Program (COP) Office
Provides scientific information to assist decision makers to meet the challenges of managing our Nation's coastal resources. Create near-term and continuous improvements in environmental decisions affecting the coastal ocean and its resources.
North Dakota Handbook N.D. Tree Handbook N.D. Tree Handbook N.D. Tree Handbook
North Dakota Tree Information Center
An on-line guide to nurseries, equipment and supplies, garden centers, landscaping, plant stock, seed and bulbs, trade shows, and more,
NurseryWeb - Maryland Cooperative Extension
Provides Extension faculty, professionals in horticultural industries, and others with rapid and easy access to verifiable information on a variety of horticultural subjects.
Occupational Safety & Health Administration
Computerized Info System
Office of Personnel Management
The Federal Government's Human Resources Agency home page.
Oregon Nurserymen's Association Plant Source Site
This site refers buyers to growers of specific plants; primarily for the ornamentals industry.
Oregon Wholesale Seed Co., Silverton, OR
Wholesale source of wildfloer and grass seeds and other seed crops.
Organic Crop Improvement Association
A large certification program's web site.
Pacific Estuarine Research Laboratory
An overview of the coastal wetlands research program at San Diego State University.
Pacific Northwest Native Wildlife Gardening
Gardening with Pacific Northwest native plants, and for attracting Pacific Northwest native wildlife to your yard.
Plant and Supply Locator
Primarily for the ornamentals industry, this site assists users in locating over 500 taxa of nursery stock. Fee to list plants.
Plant Conservation Alliance
The Plant Conservation Alliance brings together public and private organizations dedicated to preserving native plants in this country. Federal agencies and private cooperators work together to develop solutions to our plant extinction crisis.
Plant Species Life Form
Fire Ecology website of the USFS
Plant Species Life Form Categories
Plant species life form categories.
Plant U Connecticut Database
Database of trees, shrubs, and vines.
PLANTS Project Home Page
PLANTS projects, PLANTS Agronomy, The Integrated Taxonomic Information System (ITIS), The National Plant Data Center (NPDC), The Ecological Site Information System (ESIS), The Vegetative Practice Design Appendix (VegSpec), The Plant Materials Program, etc
Prairie Habitats
John Morgan and his crew at Prairie Habitats provide information about native prairie wildflowers, grass, and their seed-harvesting machines.
Purdue University Consumer Horticulture
A service which provides information on consumer horticulture.
Purdue University Consumer Horticulture Program
Some Prairie wildflower seed/plant sources
Purdue University Horticulture and Landscape Architecture Program
Information an descriptions of horticulture and landscape architecture programs offered at Purdue University.
Ramas Ecological and Environmental Software
Ramas offers a library of software that will build ecological models for consulting, research, or educational purposes.
Reference List for Plant Re- introductions, Recovery Plans, and Restoration Programmes (Kew Gardens)
A thorough, world-wide bibliography of books, monographs, and articles about plant reintroduction and habitat restoration.
Restore America's Estuaries
This site contains information about the restoration of estuaries in the United States.
Seed Quest
Information services for seed professionals. Subsites include seed technology, machinery, vegetables. Also information on seed industry suppliers.
Seed World On-Line Info Center
Designed to give more information about the magazine that serves seed breeders, growers, wholesalers, brokers, retailers, conditioners, and allied industry personnel worldwide.
Sheffields Seed
Supplier of tree and flowering plant seeds in North America
Silverfalls Seed Co., Silverton, OR
Retail source of wildflowers and grass seed as well as daylilies, ferns and cattails.
Information on Snotel
Snotel Maps
Snow Survey maps for the western US
Society for Ecological Restoration
This site contains information about the Society and its various chapters, news about upcoming conferences, abstracts from past conferences, and a schedule of New Academy workshops.
Society of Wetland Scientists
A very user-friendly site with information about SWS and its publication, "Wetlands." The links page provides access to many wetlands-related sites.
Soil and Water Conservation Society
Ankeny, Iowa - books/publications, conferences, links, memberships, etc.
Soil Ecology and Restoration Group (SERG)
The research emphasis of this group is on ecosystem dynamics of arid and semiarid lands with emphasis on microbial ecology and plant-microorganism relationships. Also, links to sources of plant materials and seeds for restoration work.
St. Lucie/CRC/Lewis Publishers
Books, handbooks, manuals on greenhouses, horticulture, herbal products, botanical safety, hydroponics, plant nutrition, methods for plant analysis, etc.
Standardized Precipitation Index
Accumulated Precipitation, Accum. Pcpn. dep. from Normal, Percentage of Average, Precipitation Percentile
Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)
Climate and weather information.
Stream Systems Technology Center
This website is a good one for general stream information. It is maintained by the USFS Rocky Mountain Experiment Station. Its best feature is the complete list of Stream Notes that have been published since 1995.
Stuewe & Sons, Inc.
Nursery growing container supplies for forest tree seedling production.
Sustainable Agricultural Resources
Sustainable agriculture in the Mid-Atlantic States. Tech Note Updates under Eastern gamagrass for Forage, Soil Improvement, and Buffer Strips
Sustainable Agriculture Network
Includes searchable database of all USDA-SARE projects and an on-line version of Sustainable Ag Network cover crops handbook on this site.
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program (SAREP)
University of California SAREP offers access to print publications, SAREP-funded research and education projects, its quarterly newsletter, and information databases through its World Wide Web server.
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program Calendar
Sustainable Agriculture calendar of events.
Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program Covercrops Database
Information on cover crops.
Tall Timbers Research Station
A site with information about research on longleaf pine forest restoration, prescribed burning, gopher tortoise habitat restoration, and more. An important source for restorationists in the southeastern United States.
Texas Parks and Wildlife
Native plant and seed sources for Texas.
The Agricultural Search Engine
Specialized search engine for agriculture
The Agronomy Guide
Designed for easy reading and quick reference to crop varieties, nutritional requirements, establishment, pest control, harvesting, and special considerations.
The Arizona Native Plant Society
The Arizona Native Plant Society is a statewide nonprofit organization devoted to Arizona's native plants.
The Center for Invasive Plant Management
Represents a coalition of agencies, organizations, and individuals interested in managing invasive plants and maintaining healthy ecosystems in western North America.
The Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center
The purpose of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center is to educate people about the environmental necessity, economic value, and natural beauty of native plants.
The Maize Page
Iowa State Univ. Agronomy Dept. Maize Page with information on corn.
The National Academies
National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, Institute of Medicine, National Research Council
The Nature Conservancy
One of the most important environmental groups in the U.S. and a supporter of several large-scale restoration projects.
The Nature Conservancy
Wildland Weeds Management & Research Program
The Practical Streambank Bioengineering Guide
Guide describing methods and plant materials for streambank bioengineering.
The Reveg Edge: A Division of Redwood City Seed Co., Redwood City, CA
Redwood City Seed offers nursery-grown seedlings of native California bunchgrasses as well as a variety of other services.
The Tallgrass Prairie in Illinois
A great site for the tallgrass prairie enthusiast! Lots of information about tallgrass prairie plants and animals, including photos of many prairie plant species.
THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet
Congress now, bills, Congressional record, Committee information, the legislative process, historical documents.
Threatened and Endangered Species System, U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Offers information on threatened and endangered species.
Timber Press
A look at new listings and links to other horticultural sites.
Topographic Maps
Interactive topographical maps of the entire United States.
Web's center for recreational and professional topographic map users. Provide interactive mapping services.
Tree Pros
Tree Pros sell systems to protect trees from herbivores and a mycorrhizal root dip.
U.S. Drought Monitor
National Drought Summary
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency - Office of Water
Offers information on wetlands, oceans, coasts, and estuaries, monitoring water quality, and pollution runoffs.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: River Corridor and Wetland Restoration
Public resource for restoration project information.
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Conserve, protect, and enhance fish and wildlife and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) - Biological Resources
National biological information infrastructure
University of Arizona Water Resources Research Center
A source of information about riparian restoration and other water- related issues in the southwestern United States. The site includes a database, publication lists, a bibliography, and a list of riparian experts.
University of California Statewide Integrated Pest Management Project
Develop and promote the use of integrated, ecologically sound pest management programs in California.
University of Delaware College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
Overview of the University of Delaware College of Agriculture and Natural Resources with links.
University of Florida Center for Aquatic and Invasive Plants
This site contains links to "Aquaphyte", an on-line journal that discusses the control of exotic aquatic plants, and database about native and exotic aquatic plants.
US Environmental Protection Agency
To protect human health and to safeguard the natural environment.
US Geological Survey Home Page
Electronic reading room, databases, sources for scientific research information and links.
USDA - Agricultural Research Service (ARS) Digital Image Gallery
Provided as a complimentary source of high quality digital photographs available from the ARS Information Staff. Images are available for direct download in 3 sizes: thumbnail, in-line, and full screen.
USDA Agricultural Research Service
News and information, Research and National Programs, Headquarters, items of interest, and related links.
USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Provides leadership in ensuring the health and care of animals and plants. Information about noxious weeds and their control and eradication.
USDA Forest Service Fire and Aviation Management
Contains numerous links to current fire research and technology.
USDA Forest Service Northeast Area State and Private Forestry
This web site provides information about Forestry in the Northeast and Midwest United States.
USDA, ARS Activities for Kids - Sci4Kids
Sci4Kids is a series of stories about what scientists do here at the ARS. Geared to kids about 8 to 13 years old, it is produced by the ARS Information Staff in Beltsville, Maryland.
USDA-NRCS Soil Quality Institute
Soil quality information sheets
USDA-NRCS-Soil Survey Division
Provides an orderly, on the ground, scientific inventory of soil resources according to their potentialities & problems of use & information about each kind of soil in sufficient detail to meet reasonable needs of farmers, agricultural technicians, etc.
Vegetation Management Guidelines
Developed to provide volunteer groups, laypersons, natural area owners, wildland owners and other interested individuals with easy to understand methods for controlling undesirable vegetation in natural areas.
Virtual Seeds Company
On-line seed catalog
Water Web
Promotes the sharing of information concerning water and the earth’s environment.
Watershed Project Inventory
Focuses on projects handling multiple resource issues involving several cooperators.
Weather Radar
Provides local and international weather.
Weed Science Society of America
Offers information on Weed Science publications, herbicides, weeds & plants, plant photos, related web sites, and more.
Western Regional Climate Center
Climate information
Western Regional Climate Center
All you wanted to know about climate but never knew where to ask.
Wildflowers of the Southeastern United States
List of plants found in one of the most biologically diverse regions of the world. Currently has entries for about 412 species from 291 genera and 89 families.
Wildlife Habitat Council
Intended to broaden understanding of wildlife values and assist large landowners, particularly corporations, manage their unused lands in an ecologically sensitive manner for the benefit of wildlife.
Woody Plant Seed Manual
Updates on the Ag Handbook 450 Seed of Woody Plants in the United States
World Resources Institute
Earthtrends is the environmental information portal. Everything from climate and atmosphere to forests and grasslands to biodiversity and protected areas. Has database, maps, country profiles.

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