OPM Seal

U.S. Office of Personnel Management

FY 2002
Budget/Performance Plan in Brief

Our Fiscal Year 2002 budget justification incorporates our Annual Performance Plan required by the Government Performance and Results Act and links budget activities and initiatives to the long-term goals and objectives identified in our strategic plan, Federal Human Resources Management for the 21st Century, submitted to Congress on September 30, 2000.

Feedback on this document should be sent to cfo@opm.gov.

Index to Budget Web Pages

FY 2002 Justification/Performance Plan Summary

Summary Tables

OPM FY 2002 Appropriation Request (table)

FY 2002 Administrative Obligations (graph)

FY 2002 Administrative Obligations (table)

FY 2002 Transfers from the Trust Funds (table)

Resource Summary By Strategic Goal for FY 2002 and FY 2001