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Selective Bibliography

Web Sites:

1. National Wildlife Federation

2. Never Cry Wolf Rescue

3. Wolf Conservation Center

4. Wolf Haven International


1. Beyond Wolves: the Politics of Wolf Recovery and Management
    Martin A. Nie
    To be published August 2003

2. High Latitudes: an Arctic Journey
    Farley Mowat and Margaret Atwood

3. Never Cry Wolf
    Farley Mowat

4. The Wolf Almanac
    Robert H. Busch

Journal Articles:

1. Darimont CT, Paquet PC
The Gray Wolves, Canis lupus, of British Columbia's central and north coast: Distribution and conservation assessment
CAN FIELD NAT 116 (3): 416-422 JUL-SEP 2002

2. Carroll C, Phillips MK, Schumaker NH, Smith DW
Impacts of landscape change on wolf restoration success: Planning a reintroduction program based on static and dynamic spatial models
CONSERV BIOL 17 (2): 536-548 APR 2003

3. Vila C, Sundqvist AK, Flagstad O, Seddon J, Bjornerfeldt S, Kojola I, Casulli A, Sand H, Wabakken P, Ellegren H
Rescue of a severely bottlenecked wolf (Canis lupus) population by a single immigrant
P ROY SOC LOND B BIO 270 (1510): 91-97 JAN 7 2003

4. Boyd DK, Forbes SH, Pletscher DH, Allendorf FW
Identification of Rocky Mountain gray wolves
WILDLIFE SOC B 29 (1): 78-85 SPR 2001

created 05/28/03

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