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The following sites have come to our attention through various sources; 
their inclusion in this section does not indicate endorsement by Scientific Library staff.

Community of Science (COS) Expertise® Database | About - identify experts and collaborators with detailed professional information including affiliation, area of expertise, funding received, publications, and contact information for over 480,000 researchers worldwide. COS registration is required for use. From the menu bar at the top of the COS main page, click on "Join," then the "Join" button on the following page. Type in required information, being sure to select "National Institutes of Health (NIH)" as your institution, then "Continue". Please note that COS Funding Opportunites is not part of the subscription. (NIH/NCIF)

  • Directory of Charitable Grantmakers - private, corporate, and commercial foundations, non-profit scholarship and job links.

  • Foundation Center - Guide to the resources of the Foundation Center.

  • - Grant opportunities from all Federal grant-making agencies with grant-related information.

  • GrantsNet - From the AAAS and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, a searchable database of biomedical funding options. Free registration required to use resources.

  • National Science Foundation Grants - NSF Grants database allows free searching in areas of science and engineering. Searchable by topic, researcher name, performing institution, and geographical area.

  • NIH Grants & Funding Opportunities - Information about NIH grant and fellowship programs and contracting opportunities for those preparing proposals.


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