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ALS Photon Source parameters

Flux and Brightness Curves for Bend Magnets and Insertion Devices*


Bend Magnet

Superbend Magnet

U5 Undulator

U8 Undulator

U10 Undulator

Elliptical Polarization Undulator

W16 Wiggler

*U5, U8, U10, EPU, and W16 curves were calculated with the following source parameters:

machine energy 1.9 GeV
current 400 mA
vertical emittance 6x10-11 m·rad
vertical beta 4.2 m
horizontal emittance 6x10-9 m·rad
horizontal beta 11.2 m


Insertion Device Parameters

Device Beamline Energy Range (at 1.5 GeV) Energy Range (at 1.9 GeV) Period Length No. of Periods Operating Gap Range Effective Field Range
U3 Undulator 6.0.2 73-3100 eV 120-5000 eV
4000-11000 eVd
3.0 cm 50 0.55-2.7 cm 1.5-0.13 T
U5 Undulator 8.0.1 50-1900 eV 80-3000 eV 5.0 cm 89 1.4-4.5 cm 0.85-0.10 T
U5 Undulator 7.0.1 50-1900 eV 80-3000 eV 5.0 cm 89 1.4-4.5 cm 0.85-0.10 T
U8 Undulator 12.0.1 18-1200 eV 20-1900 eV 8.0 cm 55 2.47-8.3 cm 0.80-0.07 T
U10 Undulator 9.0.1 5-950 eV 8-1500 eV 10.0 cm 43 2.27-11.6 cm 0.98-0.05 T
U10 Undulator 10.0.1 8-950 eV 12-1500 eV 10.0 cm 43 2.31-11.6 cm 0.80-0.05 T
EPU5 Elliptical Polarization Undulator 4.0.2 45-1000 eVa 73-3000 eVa 5.0 cm 37 1.40-5.5 cm 0.86-0.10 Tb
0.58-0.10 Tc
Elliptical Polarization Undulator
11.0.1 47-1000 eVa 75-3000 eVa 5.0 cm 36.5 1.43-5.5 cm 0.85-0.10 Tb
0.57-0.10 Tc
EPU5 Elliptical Polarization Undulator 11.0.2 44-1000 eVa 71-3000 eVa 5.0 cm 37 1.38-5.5 cm 0.86-0.10 Tb
0.58-0.10 Tc
W11 Wiggler 5.0.2 6-13 keVd 6-21 keVd 11.4 cm 29 1.25-18.0 cm 1.94-0.03 T

a Elliptical polarization mode.
b Vertical field.
c Horizontal field.
d Wiggler mode

Technical Specifications