Asia and the Pacific
Map of region with dots depicting locations of GLOBE Schools Highlighted countries are GLOBE countries and the dots indicate locations of GLOBE schools

Asia and Pacific Regional Consortium

Working Groups

Chair and GIAC Representative:   Mr. Raj Mehta (India)

Promoting and strengthening regional and international implementation:

Chair: Mr. Raj Mehta (India)
Members: Fiji, Mongolia, New Zealand, Palau, Philippines, Thailand

Strengthening national implementation:

Chair: Ms. Monica Sabio (Philippines)
Members: Bangladesh, Maldives, Marshall Islands, Pakistan, Palau, Sri Lanka

Developing regional and international GLOBE projects and collaborations:

Chair: Dr. Charlie Navanugraha (Thailand)
Members: Bangladesh, Fiji, South Korea, Nepal, New Zealand, Sri Lanka

Developing the regional Master Trainer Corps:

Mr. Ahmed Saleem (Maldives)
Members: India, Fiji, Mongolia, Palau, Philippines, Thailand

Enhancing communication:

Chair: (New Zealand)
Members: Australia, Maldives, Micronesia, Mongolia, Nepal, Sri Lanka

Developing a regional sustainability plan:

Chair: Mr. Binod Shrestha (Nepal)
Members: India, Japan, Maldives, Marshall Islands, New Zealand, Thailand

For more information on GLOBE Alumni activities in this region, contact the regional representative:

To find out more about GLOBE in this region, contact the GLOBE Regional Desk Officer(s) for Asia/Pacific:

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