Asia and the Pacific
Map of region with dots depicting locations of GLOBE Schools Highlighted countries are GLOBE countries and the dots indicate locations of GLOBE schools

GLOBE Stars from Asia and the Pacific
  • Denver/Ulanbataar Sister Cities School Pairing Project Enhanced with GLOBE
  • GLOBE Implementation around the World Strengthened by Peace Corps
  • Earth Day Inspires Active Participation in GLOBE Communities Worldwide
  • Sri Lankan GLOBE Club Develops Tools for Outreach and Collaboration
  • Nepali Students Help Ensure Quality of Life in the Kathmandu Valley
  • First GLOBE Regional GLE in Asia Held in Thailand
  • Asia and Pacific GLOBE Countries Formalize Regional Consortium at Philippines Meeting and Host International TTT Workshop
  • GLOBE Philippines Explores the Inner Space of the Celebes Sea
  • GLOBE New Zealand Looks to Māori Roots
  • GLOBE Maldives Holds Festive Celebration Honoring the Successful Launch of their GLOBE Program
  • GLOBE Bangladesh Celebrates Earth Day
  • Students in California and Thailand Find Innovative Ways to Incorporate GLOBE
  • GLOBE India Implements Community-Based Water Monitoring Programme on the Yamuna River
  • Enhancing GLOBE through Partnerships
  • Environmental Educator Advocates Experiential Learning
  • GLOBE Master Trainer Receives Prestigious Science Award
  • Partnering for Success: New Zealand's Implementation Strategies
  • GLOBE Program in Philippines trains Schools
    to Monitor the Manila Bay Coastline
  • The GLOBE Campaign and GLOBE Day, Maliyadewa College, Kurunegala, Sri Lanka
  • Thailand GLOBE: Quick and Creative Start
  • GLOBE Reaches Great Heights in Nepal
  • Philippine Science High School Western Visayas, Iloilo City, Philippines
  • Pusan Science High School, Pusan, Korea, South
  • Ecopolis Center Junior Eco Club, Tokyo, Japan
  • GLOBE Stars in Australia
  • GLOBE Stars in Pakistan
  • GLOBE STARS in Japan
  • For more information on GLOBE Alumni activities in this region, contact the regional representative:

    To find out more about GLOBE in this region, contact the GLOBE Regional Desk Officer(s) for Asia/Pacific:

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