WGNE Workshop on Systematic Errors in Climate and NWP Models (San Francisco, February, 2007)

Workshop planning website

Workshop summary

Poster and Oral Presentations





Karl Taylor: Uses of metrics in the evaluation and application of climate models  


Bill Collins:  Radiation errors in climate models


Julia Slingo:  Systematic errors in the tropics and the role of multi-scale interactions


Eric Guilyardi: Understanding El Niño in OAGCMs


Tim Stockdale: The impact of model error on ENSO forecast performance


Ed Schneider:  Recent efforts to alleviate tropical biases


Alan Betts: The land-surface-cloud interaction


Steve Klein:  What can climate modelers learn from a weather forecasting approach about errors in the parameterization of atmospheric moist processes?   


Sean Milton:  Systematic Errors in Parametrizations in Global NWP : Evaluation against observational data and budget studies





Gill Martin (invited):   Analysis and reduction of climate model systematic errors through a unified modelling strategy


Gab Abramowitz:   Systematic bias and model independence in land surface


Jon Petch: The role of SCMs and CRMs for investigating biases in NWP and climate models models  


Glenn White: Systematic errors in the NCEP Global Forecast System


Yoshiaki Takeuchi (invited): Systematic error in tropical cyclone track forecasts from operational global models


Mark Rodwell:  Using NWP to Assess Climate Models


            Jane Strachan/Pete Inness: Exploring systematic errors in the Maritime Continent region in an atmospheric GCM 




1.      Evaluation of the Radiative Energy Budget in Climate and NWP Models Using Satellite Data, Reanalyses and Ground-based Observations: Allan, Richard, Anthony Slingo, Sean F. Milton, and Malcolm E. Brooks WGNE Workshop/Allan_Richard.jpg


2.      The Land-Surface-Cloud Interaction: Betts, Alan    WGNE Workshop/Betts_Alan K..jpg


3.      Diurnal Ocean-Atmosphere Coupling and Its Climate Impacts: Bernie, Dan, S. J. Woolnough, E. Guilyardi, G. Madec, J. M. Slingo, and J. Cole   WGNE Workshop/Bernie_D..jpg


4.      The Aqua-Planet Experiment: Comparison of Atmospheric GCM Simulations on a Water-Covered Earth: Blackburn, Michael, Brian J. Hoskins, and David L. Williamson    WGNE Workshop/Blackburn_Michael.jpg


5.      Combining Top-Down and Bottom-Up Approaches to Improve Boundary Layer Parametrization for NWP and Climate: Brown, Andrew, Bob Beare, Anton Beljaars, Hans Hersbach and Adrian Lock  WGNE Workshop/Brown_Andrew.jpg


6.      A Comparison of the Stratus Clouds in the NCEP CFS03 and NCAR CCSM3: Chang, Ching-Yee


7.      The NCAR CCM as a Numerical Weather Prediction Model: Cocke, Steve WGNE Workshop/Cocke_Steven.jpg


8.      The Sensitivity of HadGAM1 Dynamics to the Vertical Structure of Tropical Heating: Dearden, Chris  WGNE Workshop/Dearden_C..jpg


9.      Tendency Errors in a Climate Model: Iterative Estimation: Deque, Michel,  WGNE Workshop/Deque_Michel.jpg


10.  Physical Features and Climatology of the Forecast Minus Analysis PV Field: Didone, Marco, Huw C. Davies     WGNE Workshop/Didone_Marco.jpg


11.  The Impact of a Dynamic CAPE Timescale on the Surface Energy Budget in the Hadley Centre GCM: Donners, John and Pier Luigi Vidale     WGNE Workshop/Donners2_WGNE.pdf, WGNE Workshop/Donners_.jpg.


12.  The Impact of a Dynamic CAPE Timescale on Precipitation Variability and Distribution in the Hadley Centre GCM: Vidale, Luigi and John Donners WGNE Workshop/Vidale_PierLuigi.jpg, WGNE Workshop/Vidale_PierLuigi.jpg


13.  Forecasts of Southeast Pacific Stratocumulus with the NCAR, GFDL and ECMWF Models: Hannay, Cecile, Dave Williamson, Jeff Kiehl, Jim Hack, Jerry Olson, Chris Bretherton, Steve Klein and Martin Koehler WGNE Workshop/Hannay_C..jpg,


14.  Elucidating Model Inadequacies in a Cloud Parameterization by use of an Ensemble-Based Calibration Framework: Hansen, J.A., Jean-Christophe Golaz and Vince E. Larson

15.  Systematic Error Growth Rate in the mm5 Model: Ivanov, S.,Y.Palamarchuk, WGNE Workshop/Ivanov.jpg


16.  A Cascade Type of Energy Conversion Diagram Based on Mass-Weighted Isentropic Zonal Means and Its Application to Model Diagnosis: Iwasaki, Toshiki   WGNE Workshop/Iwasaki_T..jpg


17.  Evaluation of Precipitation Extremes Simulated by a Global 20-km-grid Atmospheric Model using L-moments Method: Kamiguchi, Kenji   WGNE Workshop/Kamiguchi_Kenji.jpg


18.  Tropical Rainfall Diurnal Cycle in a 20km-mesh Atmospheric GCM: Kitoh, Akio, Osamu Arakawa WGNE Workshop/Kitoh_Akio.jpg


19.  Simulation of High Latitude Climate: Kvamsto, Nils Gunnar, Byrkjedal, I.


20.  Estimating and Correcting Model Errors in the Ensemble Kalman Filter: Li, Hong, Eugenia Kalnay, Takemasa Miyoshi and Christopher M. Danforth Esau   WGNE Workshop/Li_Hong.jpg


21.  A MISR Simulator for GCM Clouds: Cloud Top Height and Optical Depth Histograms from ISCCP and MISR: Marchand, Roger and Thomas Ackerman   WGNE Workshop/Marchand_Roger.jpg


22.  Systematic Errors in Parametrizations in Global NWP: Evaluation Against Observational Data and Budget Studies: Milton, Sean, Glenn Greed, Malcolm Brooks, Paul Earnshaw, Martin Willett and David Walters   WGNE Workshop/Milton_S..jpg


23.  Error Characteristics Caused by Radiation of Global NWP Model: Murai, Shigeki   WGNE Workshop/Murai_Shigeki.jpg


24.  The Effects of Solar Radiation on the Daily Mean Heat Flux in Canopy Model: Nakata, Junko   WGNE Workshop/Nakata_Junko.jpg


25.  Turbulence Collision Enhancement in Convective Clouds: Onishi, Ryo, Keiko Takahashi, Satoru Komori   WGNE Workshop/Onishi_R..jpg


26.  The Role of SCMs and CRMs for Investigating Biases in NWP and Climate Models: Petch, John, Steve Derbyshire, Anna Maidens, Martin Willett and Ricky Wong   WGNE Workshop/Petch_John.jpg


27.  Using ARM Observations to Evaluate Continental Surface Processes in Atmospheric Climate Models: Phillips, Thomas and the PCMDI CAPT team, WGNE Phillips.jpg


28.  Errors in Tracer Transport, and Convergence to the Exact Answer: Prather, Michael   WGNE Workshop/Prather_2007WGNE.pdf,  WGNE Workshop/Prather_Michael.jpg


29.  Systematic Errors in the NWP System of DWD: Detection, Diagnosis and Recent Progress: Ritter, Bodo, Detlev Majewski, and A. Relationships Between Model Tropical Oceanic Precipitation Biases and Surface Energy Fluxes: Robertson, Franklin, Julio Bacmeister and Timothy Miller   WGNE Workshop/Robertson_WGNE.pdf


30.  Modulation of the Diurnal Cycle of Rainfall by the Madden-Julian Oscillation in the CMIP3 GFDL CM2.1 Model: Sperber, Kenneth Seifert   WGNE Workshop/Sperber_Kenneth.jpg


31.  Systematic Error in Tropical Cyclone Track Forecasts from Operational Global Models: Takeuchi, Yoshiaki


32.  Analyses of Systematic Biases in Diurnal Cycle of Surface Albedo and Radiation Budget: Trishchenko, Alexander and Shusen Wang


33.  Using Dynamic Regime Composites to Evaluate Model Midlatitude Precipitation Simulations: Tselioudis, George and Michael Bauer  WGNE Workshop/Tselioudis_George.jpg


34.  Systematic Errors in the NCEP Global Forecast System: White, Glenn, J. Alpert, K. Campana, M. Iredell, R. Kistler, S. Lord, S. Moorthi, H.-L. Pan, and S. Saha   WGNE _White.jpg


35.  Initial Tendencies of Cloud Regimes in the Met Office Unified Model: Williams, Keith and Malcolm Brooks, WGNE_Williams.jpg


36.  Validation of Global Weather Forecast and Climate Models over the North Slope of Alaska Using ARM M-PACE data: Xie, Shaocheng, S. Klein, J. Boyle, J. Hnilo, T. Phillips, G. Potter, and A. Beljarrs  WGNE Workshop/Xie_S..jpg


37.  Dependence of Land Surface Albedo on Solar Zenith Angle: ARM and SURFRAD Observations, MODIS Retrieval and NCEP NWP Model Parameterization: Yang, Fanglin


38.  Diurnal patterns of monsoon rainfall over the Indochina Peninsula - Observations and Model Simulations: Yasunari, Tetsuzo and Hiroshi Takahashi


39.  Diurnal cycle of convection, clouds and upper troposphere humidity: Zhang, Yunyan, Steve Klein and Renata McCoy  WGNE_ZhangYunyan.jpg







H. Annamali (invited): Systematic errors in the simulation of mean and variability of the Asian Summer Monsoon in Climate Models  


Kerry Cook: Simulation of the West African Monsoon System (cancelled)


Ken Sperber and Duane Waliser: US CLIVAR MJO Working Group: MJO Simulation Metrics


Graeme Stephens:  New emerging global data sets for examining global-scale controls on precipitation and evaluating the representation of clouds and precipitation in weather and climate model


John Scinocca (invited):  Resolved and Parameterized Waves in Climate Models


Thomas Jung: Sensitivity of the Simulated Atmospheric Circulation to Horizontal Resolution: From Climate to NWP Resolution


            Guang Zhang: Dissecting Tropical Biases in the NCAR CAM3 and CCSM3



1.      The Origin of Systematic Errors in the GCM Simulation of ITCZ Precipitation over Oceans: Chao, Winston, Max J. Suarez, Julio T. Bacmeister, Baode Chen and Lawrence L. Takacs   WGNE Workshop/Chao_Winston C..jpg


2.      Errors in Polar Clouds and Radiative Forcing in the Reanalysis Models: Chapman, William   WGNE Workshop/Chapman_William L..jpg


3.      Simulation of the West African Monsoon System: Cook, Kerry


4.      Use of Time Series Reference Sites to Assess Numerical Weather Prediction Reanalyses: Surface Heat Fluxes and Surface Cloud Forcing in the Eastern Tropical Pacific: Cronin, Meghan WGNE Workshop/Cronin_Meghan.jpg

5.      The Role of Land Surface Processes in the Indian Summer Monsoon: A High-Resolution GCM Study: Demory, Marie-Estelle, Pier Luigi Vidale and Malcolm Roberts WGNE Workshop/Demory_Marie-Estelle.jpg


6.      A Multi-Model Evaluation of Systematic Errors of the Tropical Seasonal Cycle in IPCC AR4 20th Century Simulations: Gualdi, Silvio   WGNE Workshop/Gualdi_S..jpg


7.      Validation of AR4 Models for the New York City Watershed Region: Horton, Radley, Cynthia Rosenzweig, and David C. Major   WGNE Workshop/Horton_Radley.jpg


8.      The Interaction of the Madden-Julian Oscillation and the Maritime Continent in a GCM: Inness, Peter and Julia Slingo   WGNE Workshop/Inness_Pete.jpg


9.      Temperature and humidity in IPCC AR4 models: An assessment using AIRS observations: John, Viju Oommen and Brian Jon Soden WGNE Workshop/John_V.O..jpg


10.  The Effect of High-Frequency, Observed SST Forcing on AGCM Simulations of Indian Monsoon Intraseasonal Variability: Klingaman, Nicholas, Peter M. Inness, Julia M. Slingo, and Hilary Weller   WGNE Workshop/Klingaman_Nicholas P..jpg


11.  The North American Monsoon in the AR4 20C3M Simulations: Kunkel, Ken, Xin-Zhong Liang, and Jinhong Zhu


12.  A Comparison of Climate Prediction and Simulation over Tropical Pacific: Misra, Vasubandhu, L. Marx, M. Fennessy, B. Kirtman, and J. L. Kinter III,  WGNE Workshop/Misra_Vasubandhu.jpg


13.  Mean Climate States and Their Resolution Dependences in a 20-km-mesh Global Atmospheric Climate Simulations: Mizuta, Ryo, Kazuyoshi Oouchi, Hiromasa Yoshimura, Shoji Kusunoki, and Akira Noda WGNE Workshop/Mizuta_Ryo.jpg


14.  The Role of Convective Moisture Sensitivity in Improving Major Systematic Biases in the Community Climate System Model (CCSM): Neale, Rich   WGNE Workshop/Neale_Richard.jpg


15.  Simulation of Tropical Variability in HiGEM: Norton, Warwick, Len Shaffrey, Pete Innes, Kevin Hodges, and James Harle   WGNE Workshop/Norton_Warwick.jpg


16.  Three-Dimensional Tropospheric Water Vapor in Coupled Climate Models Compared with Observations from the AIRS Satellite System: Pierce, David, Tim P. Barnett, Eric J. Fetzer, and Peter J. Gleckler   WGNE Workshop/Pierce_David.jpg


17.  Identifying Climate Model Deficiencies in Simulating Tropical Intraseasonal Variability: Application of Weather-Forecasting and Single-Column-Modeling Methodologies: Potter, Jerry, J. Boyle, S. Klein, S. Xie, J. Hnilo, D. Williamson, J. Olson, R. Pincus, X. Wei, and G. Zhang    WGNE Workshop/Potter_Jerry.jpg


18.  Turbulent Fluxes at the Surface of the Ocean from Models and Observations: Romanou, Natassa   WGNE Workshop/Romanou_Anastasia.jpg


19.  Evaluation of the NCEP CFS Tier-2 Experiment with Bias Corrected SST Forecast: Schemm, Jae-Kyung   WGNE Workshop/schemm_SEW07poster.pdf


20.  Relating the Diversity in Our Models to the Uncertainty in Our Future: Smith, Leonard   WGNE Workshop/Smith_Leonard A..jpg


21.  Coupled Model Simulations of Boreal Summer Intraseasonal (30-50 day) Variability: Validation and Caution on Use of Metrics: Sperber, Ken and H. Annamalai   WGNE Workshop/Sperber_Kenneth.jpg


22.  Performance of New Radiation Parameterization Schemes in the CPTEC-COLA Global Model for Summer Months with Anomaly Precipitation over Central and Southeastern Brazil: Tarasova, T.A., S.N. Figueroa, I.A. Pisnichenko,  WGNE Workshop/Tarasova_T.A..jpg


23.  Combining multimodel ensembles -- coupling statistics and expert judgment: Tebaldi, Claudia  


24.  Impacts of Systematic Model Biases on Intraseasonal Variability of the Asian Summer Monsoon and the Intraseasonal-Interannual Relationship: Turner, A.G., J. M. Slingo, and P. M. Inness, WGNE.Turner.jpg


25.  How are Seasonal Prediction Skills Related to Model's Systematic Errors in Annual Cycle? Wang, Bin and June-Yi Lee


26.  The Warm Bias in the Southeastern Pacific in the NCEP CFS Model: Wang, Wanqiu, Pingping Xie, Wayne Higgins, Meghan Cronin, Phillip Arkin, and Robert Weller   WGNE Workshop/Wang_W.jpg


27.  Addressing Tropical Biases in GFDL's Global Coupled Climate Models: Wittenberg, Andrew WGNE Workshop/Wittenberg_Andrew T. .jpg

28.  Convectively Coupled Equatorial Waves in the Hadley Centre Climate Models: Yang, G.-Y., B. J. Hoskins and J. M. Slingo  WGNE.Yang.jpg


29.  Simulations of the 100 hPa South Asia High and Precipitation over the East Asia with IPCC Coupled GCMs: Yu, Yongqiang and Ningfang Zhou   WGNE Workshop/Yu_Jin Yi.jpg


30.  Simulations of the Madden-Julian Oscillation in Four Pairs of Coupled and Uncoupled Global Models: Zhang, Chidong, Min Dong, Silvio Gualdi, Harry H. Hendon, Eric D. Maloney, Andrew Marshall, Kenneth R. Sperber and Wanqiu Wang   WGNE Workshop/Zhang_Chidong.jpg


31.  Dissecting Tropical Biases in the NCAR CAM3 and CCSM3: Zhang, Guang   WGNE Workshop/Zhang_Guang Jun.jpg


32.  The 20th Century East Asian Summer Monsoon Simulated by Coupled Climate Models of IPCC AR4: ZHOU, Tianjun  






Matthew Hecht: Intrinsic Errors in Physical Ocean Climate Models, and 

Julie McClean: Ocean Model Metrics (both invited)


John Turner: Problems in the Representation of the Antarctic Climate in Coupled GCMs  


Jerry Meehl: Systematic errors in El Nino teleconnections and associated extreme events over North America


Silvio Gualdi: A multi-model evaluation of systematic errors of the tropical seasonal cycle in IPCC AR4 20th century


Sandrine Bony (invited):  Uncertainties in cloud feedbacks and their implication for climate sensitivity


Keith Williams: Constraining the Range of Climate Sensitivity through the Diagnosis of Cloud Regimes


David Sexton:  Observational constraints on probabilistic predictions based on imperfect climate models




1.      Ocean Heat Content Variability in the Second Half of the 20th Century: Results from the IPCC AR4 Simulations: AchutaRao, Krishna, Benjamin Santer, Peter Gleckler, Karl Taylor, Masayoshi Ishii, Tim Barnett, Jonathan M. Gregory, David W. Pierce, Ronald J. Stouffer, and T.M.L. Wigley   WGNE Workshop/AchutaRao_Krishna M..jpg


2.      Improvements in ENSO Simulation in the AR4 Models (Compared to CMIP2): AchutaRao, Krishna and Ken Sperber   WGNE Workshop/AchutaRao_Krishna M..jpg


3.      Proposed Metrics to Evaluate Coupled Model Performance in the Tropical Pacific: Balmaseda, Magdalena, A. Timmerman, A. Clements, M. McPhaden  


4.      SLP Interannual Variability over Southern South America as Represented by IPCC-AR4 Models: Barros, Vicente, Alejandro Di Luca and Ines Camilloni    WGNE Workshop/Barros_Vicente.jpg


5.      Developing a Performance Metric for the Simulation of Rainfall Variability and Change: The Case of the Sahel: Biasutti, Michela, WGNE.Biasutti.jpg


6.      A Distance-based Methodology for Comparing Longer-Term, Multi-Metric Model Performance: Brekke, Levi, Michael Anderson, Michael Dettinger, Edwin Maurer    WGNE Workshop/Brekke_Levi D..jpg


7.      Energy Dissipation in the Tropical Ocean and ENSO Dynamics: Brown, Jaclyn, Alexey V. Fedorov, WGNE_Brown.jpg


8.      Composite Representation and Scenarios of Surface Temperature and Precipitation in Southern South America by IPCC-AR4 Models: Camilloni, Ines, Vicente Barros, WGNE.camilloni.jpg


9.      Tropical Pacific Interannual Variability in Coupled Climate Models: The Role of Mean Ocean Conditions vs. Atmospheric Forcing: Capotondi, Antonietta, WGNE.Capotondi.jpg


10.  A Comparison of Systematic Uncertainties in Perturbed Physics and IPCC AR4 Multi-Model Ensembles: Collins, Mat, Ben Booth, Glen Harris, James Murphy, David Sexton and Mark Webb WGNE.Collins.jpg


11.  Radiative Transfer in Global Models: Problems and Prospects: Collins, Bill


12.  Tropical Eastern Pacific Climate, Biases, and Sensitivities: de Szoeke, Simon, WGNE.Szoeke.jpg


13.  Analysis of Future Climate Change Projections for the Italian Alpine Region from the IPCC AR4 Simulations: Faggian, Paola, Filippo Giorgi   Faggian_WGNE.jpg


14.  Systematic Errors for the International SGMIP (Stretched-Grid Model Intercomparison Project) Multi-Model Ensemble Simulations: Fox-Rabinovitz, Michael, Jean Cote Bernard Dugas, Michel Deque and John L. McGregor      Fox-Rabinowitz M..jpg


15.  Hadley Circulation Changes under Global Warming: Gastineau, Guillaume and Herve Le Treut   WGNE Workshop/Gastineau_G..jpg


16.  Exploring the utility of metrics for the evaluation of Climate Models: Peter Gleckler and Karl Taylor, WGNE.gleckler.jpg

17.  The Impact of Interdecadal Variability on the Skill of Climate Models: Grimm, Alice, A. K. Sahai, and C. F. Ropelewski, Grimm_Alice M..jpg


18.  A Model Validation Strategy to Reduce the Persistent Spread in Projections of Future Climate: Hall, Alex


19.  Evaluation of Ice Biases in a Global Coupled (0.4 degrees) Ocean/Sea Ice-Model: Ivanova, Detelina, Julie McClean, Elizabeth Hunke, Don Stark, WGNE Workshop/Ivanova_D..jpg


20.  Impacts of Systematic Error Reduction on CAM3.1 Sensitivity to CO2 Forcing: Jackson, Charles, Yi Deng, Gabriel Huerta, Mrinal K. Sen, WGNE Workshop/Jackson_Charles.jpg


21.  Performance of a 20-km mesh Global Atmospheric Model in a AMIP-type Experiment: Kusunoki, WGNE Workshop/Kusunoki_Shoji.jpg


22.  Simulation of the Great Plains Low-level Jet in the AR4 Coupled GCMs: Launer, Zachary, Edward Vizy, and Kerry H. Cook


23.  Intercomparison of the Northern Hemisphere Winter Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Variability of the IPCC Models by Wave Activity Performance Metrics: Lucarini, Valerio, Sandro Calmanti, Alessandro Dell'Aquila, Paolo M. Ruti, Antonio Speranza     WGNE Workshop/Lucarini_V..jpg


24.  Mid-Latitude Atmospheric Regimes, Subtropical Jet, and ENSO: Lucarini, Valerio,  Sandro Calmanti, Alessandro Dell'Aquila, Paolo M. Ruti, Antonio Speranza, WGNE_Lucarini.jpg   


25.  Investigating the Influence of Systematic Biases on the Annual Cycle and ENSO Variability in the Coupled GCMs Using Flux Correction Method: Manganello, Julia, Bohua Huang, WGNE Workshop/Manganello_Julia V..jpg


26.  Modelling the Stratosphere in Coupled Atmosphere Ocean Models: Systematic Changes in Mean Climate: Manzini, E., M.A. Giorgetta, E. Roeckner, and M. Esch   WGNE Workshop/Manzini_E..jpg


27.  Systematic Errors in the IPCC AR4 Model Simulations of Atmospheric and Terrestrial Components of the Arctic Ocean Freshwater Budget: Pavlova, Tatyana, Vladimir Kattsov, Valentin Meleshko, WGNE Workshop/Pavlova_Tatyana.jpg


28.  Trends in Short-wave and Long-wave Radiation in Models Compared to Satellite Observations: Penner, Joyce, Natalia Andronova, and Li Xu   WGNE Workshop/Penner_Joyce E..jpg


29.  Evaluating Climate Model Simulations of Clouds, Radiation, and Precipitation: Pincus, Robert, WGNE Workshop/Pincus_Robert.jpg


30.  The Mean Climate of the IPCC AR4 Models: Individual, Systematic, and Ensemble Mean Errors: Reichler, Thomas and Junsu Kim   WGNE Workshop/Reichler_Thomas.jpg


31.  Sensitivity of Arctic Subsurface Hydroclimate to Physical Terrestrial Representation in Global Climate Model: Saito, Kazuyuki   WGNE Workshop/Saito_Kazuyuki.jpg


32.  Assessing Climate Change Risks Using a Multi-Model Approach: Equal Weighting Versus Weighting by Performance: Scholze, Marko, W. Knorr & I.C. Prentice, WGNE Workshop/Scholze_Marko.jpg


33.  Systematic Errors and SST Biases in HiGEM: Shaffrey, Len, Ian Stevens, Amna Jrrar, and James Harle, WGNE Workshop/Shaffrey_Len.jpg


34.  Evaluation of Model Potential Predictability and Predictive Skill for Terrestrial Hydrology in a Bayesian Framework: Sheffield, Justin, Lifeng Luo, Eric F. Wood   WGNE Workshop/Sheffield_Justin.jpg


35.  Discriminating Robust and Non-Robust Atmospheric Circulation Responses to Global Warming: Sigmond, Michael, Paul J. Kushner and John F. Scinocca   WGNE Workshop/Sigmond_Michael.jpg


36.  Uncertainty and Confidence in Climate Forecasting: Stainforth, David, WGNE_Stainforth.jpg


37.  A Multi-Year Comparison of Lower Stratospheric Temperatures from CHAMP Radio Occultation Data with MSU/AMSU Records: Steiner, Andrea, G. Kirchengast, M. Borsche, U. Foelsche, and T. Schoengassner,  WGNE Workshop/Steiner_A.K..jpg,


38.  Lagrangian Transport of Water Vapor and Cloud Water in the ECHAM4 GCM and Its Impact on the Cold Bias: Stenke, Andrea, Volker Grewe, Michael Ponater and Robert Sausen, WGNE Workshop/Stenke_Andrea.jpg


39.  Atmospheric Feedbacks Over the Pacific Cold-Tongue: Results From Models and Observations: Sun, D.-Z., T. Zhang, C. Covey, S. Klein, W. Collins, J.J. Hack, J. Kiehl, G.A. Meehl, I. M. Held, and M. Suarez


40.  The Relationship Between the Strength of the ENSO and the Mean Climatology in the HadCM3 Perturbed-Physics QUMP Ensemble: Toniazzo, Thomas, Matthew Collins and Josephine Brown, WGNE.Toniazzo.jpg


41.  Coupled Model Sensitivity of the ENSO to Forcing by Westerly Wind Bursts: Toniazzo, Thomas, Pete Inness, Julia Slingo, WGNE_Toniazzo.jpg


42.  Cloud Water Distribution in the Control Climate and the Response of Clouds to Carbon Dioxide Increase: Tsushima, Yoko, WGNE.Tsushima.jpg

43.  The Effect of Doubled CO2 and Model Basic State Biases on the Monsoon-ENSO System: The Mean Response and Interannual Variability: Turner, A.G., P.M. Inness, J.M. Slingo,  WGNE_Turner.jpg


44.  Systematic Errors in Tropical Cloud Distribution and Climate Sensitivity: Volodin, Evgeny


45.  The North Pacific Climate Variability as Simulated by Coupled Atmosphere-Ocean Models: Wang, Muyin, WGNE_Wang.jpg


46.  Historical Climate Simulations over East Asia: Wang, Wei-Chyung, Caiming Shen, Wei Gong, Quansheng Ge, Jingyun Zheng, James Bradbury, Raymond Bradley, Casper Ammann, Ying Xu, Youbing Peng and Takehiko Mikami  WGNE Workshop/Wang_W.jpg


47.  Systematic Performance of the NCEP Climate Forecast System: White, Glenn, D. Behringer, S.Moorthi, S. Nadiga, H.-L. Pan, and S. Saha


48.Systematic Errors in GCM Simulated Radiation Budgets Infered from Surface Observations: Wild, Martin


49. Constraining the Range of Climate Sensitivity through the Diagnosis of Cloud Regimes: Williams, Keith and George Tselioudis, WGNE_Williams. jpg


50.Transient Climate Response and Reproducibility of Present Climate States by Atmosphere-Ocean Coupled General Circulation Models: Yokohata, T., S. Emori, T. Nozawa, T. Ogura, N. Okada, T. Suzuki, Y. Tsushima, M. Kawamiya, A. Abe-Ouchi, H. Hasumi, A. Sumi, and M. Kimoto, WGNE_Yokohata.jpg


51. Using a Two-Oscillator View to Examine the CGCM Deficiency in ENSO Simulations: Yu, Jin-Yi and Hsun-Ying Kao, WGNE_Yu.jpg


52.Arctic Sea Ice Simulations and Projections by the IPCC AR4 Climate Models: Credibility and Systematic Bias: Zhang, Xiangdong, WGNE Zhang.jpg




CMIP3, IPCC and the Earth System Grid: Center for Enabling Technologies (ESG/CET): Williams, Dean and Bob Drach






Oral Presentations/FRI/mm_acronyms.pdf


Short time-scale overview (J. Hack)

Oral Presentations/FRI/HACK_Short-Timescale-Summary.pdf


Diurnal Cycle break-out (Steve Klein and Jon Petch)

Oral Presentations/FRI/STEVE_Diurnal-cycle.pdf

Metrics (Karl Taylor)

Oral Presentations/FRI/KARL_metrics_breakout_impressions.pdf


Intermediate time-scale overview (Julia Slingo)

Oral Presentations/FRI/Intermediate-Timescales.pdf


Tropical Biases (Ed. Schneider)

Oral Presentations/FRI/Tropical-biases-breakout.pdf


MJO_ISO (Ken Sperber)

Oral Presentations/FRI/SPERBER_Monsoon_ISO_summary.pdf


Longer time-scale (Jerry Meehl)

Oral Presentations/FRI/Sys_error_rappateur.pdf


ENSO (Eric Guiyardi)

Oral Presentations/FRI/ENSO_breakout.pdf