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Hydrological Sciences Branch: Code 614.3


Publications: 1995

Refereed Publications

Chang, A. T. C., L. S. Chiu, and G. Yang (1995). Diurnal cycle of oceanic precipitation from SSM/I data. Monthly Weather Review, vol. 123, pp. 3371-3380.

Charles, C.D., D. Rind, J. Jouzel, R.D. Koster, and R.G. Fairbanks (1995). Seasonal precipitation timing and ice core records. Science, vol. 269, pp. 247-248.

Choudhury, B.J., T.J. Dorman and A.Y. Hsu (1995). Modeled and observed relations between AVHRR split window temperature difference and atmospheric precipitable water over land surfaces. Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 51, pp. 281.

Choudhury, B.J. and H.A.R. de Bruin (1995). First order approach for estimating unstressed transpiration from meteorological satellite data. Advances in Space Research, vol. 16, pp. 167.

Dubois, P.C., J. van Zyl, and E.T. Engman (1995). Measuring Soil Moisture with Imaging Radars. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, vol. 33, no. 4, pp. 915-926.

Engman, E.T., et al. (1995). Geographical, Biological and Remote Sensing Aspects of the Hydrologic Atmospheric Pilot Experiment in the Sahel (HAPEX-Sahel). Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 215-234.

Engman, E.T., and N. Chauhan (1995). Status of Microwave Soil Moisture Measurements with Remote Sensing, Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 51, pp. 189-198.

Engman, E.T. (1995). Recent advances in remote sensing in hydrology. Reviews of Geophysics. vol. 33, no. 2, pp. 967-975.

Engman, E.T. (1995). The Use of Remote Sensing Data in Watershed Research, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, vol. 50, no. 5, pp. 438-440.

Foster, J.L. (1995). Improving and evaluating remotely-sensed snow/microwave algorithms and snow output from general circulation models. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Geography, University of Reading, Reading, England.

Foster, J.L., A.T.C. Chang, R.J. Gurney, F. Hewer and R. Essery (1995). Snow cover measurements from remote sensing observations, climatology and the UK Meteorological Office general circulation model, Passive Microwave Remote Sensing of Land-Atmosphere Interactions, Pampaloni, Choudhury, Kerr and Njoku (Eds.), VSP Press, Utrecht, The Netherlands, pp. 55-76, 1995.

Hall, D.K., C.S. Benson and W.O. Field (1995). Changes of glaciers in Glacier Bay, Alaska using ground and satellite measurements, Physical Geography, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 27-41.

Hall, D.K., J.L. Foster, J. Chien, and G.A. Riggs (1995). Determination of absolute snow cover using Landsat TM and digital elevation model data in Glacier National Park, Polar Record, vol. 31, no. 177, pp. 191-198.

Hall, D.K., G.A. Riggs and V.V. Salomonson (1995). Development of methods for mapping global snow cover using Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) data. Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 54, pp. 127-140.

Hall, D.K., R.S. Williams, Jr, and O. Sigurdsson (1995). Glaciological observations on Bruarjokull, Iceland, using Landsat TM and ERS-1 SAR data, Ann. Glaciol., vol. 21, pp. 271-276.

Hall, F.G., J.R. Townshend, E.T. Engman (1995). Status of Remote Sensing Algorithms for Estimation of Land Surface State Parameters. Remote Sensing of Environment, vol. 51, no. 1, pp. 138-156.

Josberger, E., P. Gloersen, A. Chang and A. Rango (1995). Snowpack grain size variations in the upper Colorado River basin for 1984-1992, Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 101, pp. 6679-6688.

Koster, R. and M. Suarez (1995). The relative contributions of land and ocean processes to precipitation variability. Journal of Geophysical Research, vol. 100, pp. 13775-13790. 1995.

Koster, R., and M. Suarez, "Energy and water balance calculations in the mosaic LSM," NASA Tech. Memo. 104606, 9, 1995.

Liston, G.E. and D.K. Hall (1995). Sensitivity of Lake freeze-up and break-up to climate change: A physically-based modeling study, Ann. Glaciol., vol. 21, pp. 387-393.

Liston, G.E. and D.K. Hall (1995). An energy balance model of lake ice evolution. Journal of Glaciology, vol. 41, no. 138, pp. 373-382.

Mattikalli, N. M. (1995). Integration of remotely sensed raster data with vector based geographical information system for land-use change detection. International Journal of Remote Sensing, Vol. 16, no. 15, pp. 2813-2828.

Mattikalli, N. M., Engman, E. T., Ahuja, L. R., and Jackson, T. J. (1995). Estimating soil properties from microwave remote sensing of soil moisture. In: Engman, E. T., Guyot, G. and Marino, C. M. (eds) Remote Sensing for Agriculture, Forestry, and Natural Resources, Proc. SPIE vol. 2585, pp. 89-101.

Mattikalli, N. M., Devereux, B. J., and Richards, K. S. (1995). Integration of remotely sensed satellite images with a geographical information system. International Journal of Computers and Geosciences, vol. 21, no. 8, pp. 947-956.

Owe, M. and A.A. van de Griend (1995). Surface Moisture Monitoring by Passive Microwave Techniques in Semi-Arid Environments, Groundwater Monitoring and Recharge in Semi-Arid Areas, Ed. by I. Simmers and C.P. Gupta, United Nations, Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Geneva.

Richards, K. S., Arnold, N., Chandra, S., Ahmed, El. H., Mattikalli, N. M., Lane, S. N., and Chandler, J. (1995). Numerical landscapes: Static, kinematic and dynamic process-form relationships. Zeitshchrift fur Geomorphologie, N. F., Suppl.-Bd. 101, pp. 201-220.

Scott, R., R.D. Koster, D. Entekhabi, and M.J. Suarez (1995). Effect of a canopy interception reservoir on hydrological persistence in a general circulation model. Journal of Climate, vol. 8, pp. 1917-1922.

Van de Griend, A.A. and M. Owe (1995). Passive Microwave Remote Sensing for Large Scale Soil Moisture Monitoring, Microwave Remote Sens. of Surfaces and Natural Phenomena, Ed. by S. Gandia and J. Melia, University of Valencia, Spain.

Williams, R.S., Jr. and D.K. Hall (1995). Use of remote sensing techniques, in Into the Second Century of World Glacier Monitoring: Prospects and Strategies, Ed. W. Haeberli, International Hydrological Program (IHP) Series, World Glacier Monitoring System, UNESCO.


Books and Book Chapters

Owe, M., A.A. van de Griend (1995). Surface Moisture Monitoring by Passive Microwave Techniques in Semi Arid Environments. In: I. Simmers and C.P. Gupta (eds.) Groundwater Monitoring and Recharge in Semi Arid Areas. United Nations Educatin, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Geneva.

Van de Griend, A.A., and M. Owe (1995). Passive Microwave Remote Sensing for Large Scale Soil Moisture Monitoring. In: S. Gandia and J. Melia (eds.) Microwave Remote Sensing of Surfaces and Natural Phenomena. University of Valencia, Spain.


Other Contributions

Chang, A.T.C., L.S. Chiu, G.R. Liu and K.H. Wang (1995). Analysis of 1994 typhoons in the Taiwan region using satellite data, Proc. COSPAR Colloquium on Space Remote Sensing of Subtropical Oceans, Taipei, Taiwan.

Chang, A.T.C., J.L. Foster, D.K. Hall and M.S. Cao (1995). Snow-cover parameters on the Tibetan Plateau derived from SSMI data. PIERS '95, Seattle, WA.

Engman, E.T. (1995). Microwave Remote Sensing of Soil Moisture, Progress, Potential and Problems. Proc. IGARSS '95, vol. I, IEEE, Florence, Italy, July 10-14, pp. 489-491.

Hall, D.K., J.L. Foster, A.T.C. Chang, K.S. Brown and G.A. Riggs (1995). Mapping snow cover during the BOREAS winter experiment. Proc. of the 52nd Eastern Snow Conf., Toronto, Canada, pp. 1-10.

Hall, D.K. (1995). Proceedings of 1st Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Snow and Ice Workshop, 13-14 September 12-15, 1995, Greenbelt, MD. NASA Conf. Pub. 3318, 128 p.

Hall, D.K. (1995). Satellite snow-cover mapping: a brief review. Proceedings of Arctic Climate Systems Workshop, and the First MODIS Snow and Ice Workshop, September, Reston, VA and Greenbelt, MD, NASA Conference Publication 3318, 128 p.

Jackson, T.J, P.E. O'Neill, W.P. Kustas, E. Bennett, and C.T. Swift (1995). Passive Microwave Observation of Diurnal Soil Moisture at 1.4 and 2.65 GHz. Proc. IGARSS '95, I, Florence, Italy, July 10-14, pp. 492-494.

Kumar, P., M. Jasinski, P. Wetzel, and E. Engman (1995). Feasibility of Improving MM5 Evapotranspiration Flux Using Dynamic Land Surface Hydrology. American Meteorological Society 75th Annual Meeting, Conference on Hydrology, Dallas, Texas, January 15-20.

Kumar, P., M. Jasinski, P. Wetzel, M. Karyampudi, A. Boone, and E. Engman (1995). Implementation of PLACE Land Surface Hydrology in MM5. MM5 Mesoscale Modeling System Users' Workshop, NCAR, Boulder, July.

Mattikalli, N.M., E.T. Engman, and T.J. Jackson (1995). Application of a GIS for spatial and temporal monitoring of remotely sensed soil moisture. Proc. Mapping and Environmental Applications of GIS Data, Proc. ISPRS Commission IV Workshop on Mapping and Environmental Application of GIS data, Madison, Wisconsin, Sept. 28-29, Int. Archives of Photo. and Remote Sensing, vol. XXX, Part 4W2, Dept. of Geog., Univ. of Georgia, Athens, pp. 44-53.

Mattikalli, N. M., Devereux, B. J., and Richards, K. S. (1995). Estimation of nitrogen loading in surface water using a GIS and the export coefficient model. Proc. ISPRS Commission IV Workshop on Mapping and Environmental Application of GIS data, Madison, Wisconsin, Sept. 28-29, Int. Archives of Photo. and Remote Sensing, vol. XXX, Part 4W2, Dept. of Geog., Univ. of Georgia, Athens, pp. 133-139.

Mattikalli, N. M., Engman, E. T., Ahuja, L. R., and Jackson, T. J. (1995). Spatial and temporal behavior of surface soil moisture during Washita'92 as observed from microwave remote sensing. Eos Transactions, AGU, vol. 76, no. 17, Spring Meeting Supplement, pp. S127.

O'Neill, P.E., J.J. Petrella, and A.Y. Hsu (1995). Comparison of Multifrequency Truck Radar and SIR-C Backscatter for Soil Moisture Estimation in Washita '94," Proc. IGARSS '95, I Florence, Italy, July 10-14, pp. 368-370.

O'Neill, P.E., A.Y. Hsu, and J.C. Shi (1995). Soil Moisture Estimation Using Time-Series Radar Measurements of Bare and Vegetated Fields in Washita '92. Proc. IGARSS '95, I, Florence, Italy, July 10-14, pp. 498-500.

Owe, M., A.A. van de Griend, and J. de Ruiter (1995). Microwave brightness temperature measurements over a varying density wheat crop. Proc. European Symposium on Satellite Remote Sensing II, Paris, France.

Riggs, G.A., D.K. Hall and V.V. Salomonson (1995). Algorithms for global snow and sea ice mapping with the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS). EOS, Trans AGU, 76(17) Baltimore, MD, S120-121.

Salomonson, V.V., D.K. Hall, J.Y.L. Chien (1995). Use of passive microwave and optical data for large-scale snow-cover mapping. Proc. 2nd Topical Symposium on Combined Optical-Microwave Earth and Atmosphere Sensing, 3-6 April, Atlanta, GA, 35-37.

Shi, J., J. Wang, P. O'Neill, A. Hsu, and E.T. Engman (1995). Application of IEM Model to Soil Moisture and Surface Roughness Estimation. Fifth Annual JPL Airborne Earth Science Workshop, JPL, Pasadena, CA, January, vol. 3, pp. 51-54.

Shi, J., J. Wang, A. Hsu, P. O'Neill, and E. Engman (1995). Estimation of Soil Moisture and Surface Roughness Parameters Using L-band SAR Measurements. Proc. IGARSS '95, I, Florence, Italy, July 10-14, pp. 507-509.

Van de Griend, A.A., J. de Ruiter, B.T. Gouweleeuw, and M. Owe (1995). Dual polarization microwave radiometry for image scale surface moisture studies in the Savannas of Botswana (Africa). Proc. European Symposium on Satellite Remote Sensing II, Paris, France.

van Oevelen, P.J., D.H. Hoekman, M.L. Kavvas, E.T. Engman, and A. Hsu (1995). Evaluation of Soil Moisture Estimates Using the Inverse IEM Model from Active Microwave Remote Sensing Data. Proc. Int. Symposium in Toulouse, France.

Vinnikov, K.Y., A. Robock, M. Owe, B.J. Choudhury (1995). Gravimetric Observations of Soil Moisture: Ground Truth Calibration of Satellite Derived Indices." EOS, Trans. AGU.

Wang, J.R., P.E. O'Neill, E.T. Engman, R. Pardipuram, J.C. Shi, and A.Y. Hsu (1995). Estimating Surface Soil Moisture from SIR-C Measurements Over the Little Washita Watershed. Proc. IGARSS '95, III, Florence, Italy, July 10-14, pp. 1982-1984.

Wood, E.F., T. Stephens, and R. Koster (1995). Analysis of GEOS-1 rainfall data for hydrological modeling. Proceedings of the Workshop on the GEOS-1 Five-Year Assimilation, NASA Tech. Memo. 104606, 7, pp. 33-43.


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