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The first conference on Partnerships for Networked Health Information for the Public, held in Rancho Mirage, California, in May 1995, started the process of identifying parties who have an interest in networked health information.  In addition tothe more obvious partners—government and the health care sector—it brought together voluntary organizations that provide information and services in specific fields; community-based organizations that provide local access to information; public and medical libraries that serve the well and the ill, families, and caregivers; employers, insurers, and other organizations that promote wellness and wise medical consumerism; and electronic publishers, interactive applications developers, and telecommunications and computer companies that can create or deliver vital health information. The diversity of the presentations and participants revealed, or suggested, fruitful linkages across an array of boundaries.

 Partnerships 98 Panel


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Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium Conference

Planning is now underway for Partnerships for Health in the New Millennium, a joint conference sponsored by the Healthy People Consortium and the Partnerships for Networked Consumer Health Information. This event, to be held January 24-28, 2000, will promote public/private partnerships and coincide with the launching of Healthy People 2010, the Nation's prevention agenda. The program will feature examples of how partnerships and new technologies can help fulfill the goals of Healthy People 2010: to increase quality and years of healthy life and eliminate health disparities. satcher2.jpg (20712 bytes)

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1999 Steering Committee

Mary Jo Deering, PhD
Conference and Program Chair
Director, Health Communication/Telehealth Staff
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
US Department of Health and Human Services
Linda L. Johnston
Health Education Manager
Office of the Administrator/Office of Communication
Health Resources and Services Administration
Tom Eng, VMD, MPH
Technology Games Chair
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
US Department of Health and Human Services
Christine Krutzsch
Consumer Services Team
Office of Prevention, Education and Control
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
National Institutes of Health
Anne Restino, MA
Conference and Program Co-Chair
Health Communications Manager
National Health Information Center
Lisa A. Lang, MPP
Program Analyst
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
US Department of Health and Human Services
David R. Baker
Technical Publishing Advisor
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
US Department of Health and Human Services
Allan J. Lazar, MBA
Deputy Director
Center for Health Information Dissemination
Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
US Department of Health and Human Services
Betty Burrier
Health Insurance Specialist
Division of Health Promotion
Health Care Financing Administration
Linda Neuhauser
Executive Director
Wellness Guide Project
School of Public Health, University of California
Cheryl A. Camillo
Special Assistant
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation
US Department of Health and Human Services
Debbie Oxenreider
Health Insurance Specialist
Health Care Financing Administration
Kirsten Dehner
NOAH - New York Online Access to Health
Creative Director/Producer
The City University of New York
Kevin Patrick, MD, MS
Student Health Services
San Diego State University
Gwendolyn Doebbert, MA, MS
Assistant Chief for Health Information Policy
Center for Health Statistics
California Department of Health Services
Scott Ratzan, MD
Executive Director of Health Communication
Technology and Educational Innovation
Academy for Educational Development
Barbara A. Hau, RN
Clinical Coordinator
La Plaza Telecommunity Foundation, Inc
Helga E. Rippen, MD, MPH
Health Information Technology Institute
Mitretek Systems
Keith L. Hewitt
Chief, Information Services Section
Office of Prevention, Education and Control
National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, NIH
Kay Tavill
Director, Resource Development
Annenberg Center for Health Sciences at Eisenhower

Leslie Hsu, MPH
Web Communications Advisor
Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion
US Department of Health and Human Services

Jean A. Wooldridge
Regional Project Director
Pacific Nortwest Cancer Information Service
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

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Contact: games99@health.org       Updated: 06/26/03