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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

CONTACT: Mikel Herrington
Phone: 202-606-6706


Final Admin Allocation & Supplemental Admin and Disability Information


Dear Commission Colleagues:

This email serves as guidance regarding the award of the final portion of your 2008 administrative grant allocation. It also includes guidance on requesting supplemental administrative funds and the timeline for awarding supplemental disability funds to those of you who made requests according to the application instructions.

2008 Award of Final Administrative Allocations

Attached is the final allocation chart for the 2008 administrative grant allocations. The 2008 amount available for administrative grants includes: 2008 appropriation (minus the rescission) of $11,790,000 plus carry-over of 1,881,379 for a total of $13,671,379. Remember that we have changed to one-year funding, and next year carry-over will not be available to supplement the 2009 appropriation.

The final portion of your allocation will be awarded to you according to the timeline below and after the Office of Grants Management (OGM) has received your FSR for the period ending 12/31/07, due 1/31/08, and deducted the amount of any 2007 unexpended funds for which you have not budgeted and received our approval to use in 2008.

Please note that many of you with allocations above the minimum or below the maximum will see increases over your 2007 allocation. If your allocation is higher than the amount you anticipated when you submitted your application, you must:

  1. request your program officer to return your application so that you may adjust your budget to make full or partial use of your increased allocation; or
  2. email your program officer and grants officer if you choose not to request all or part of the increase in your allocation. In this case, any unrequested funds will be made available to other commissions in the form of supplemental awards. Commissions requesting supplemental admin funds should allocate them to one-time activities that do not require on-going support.

Please remember that we will only offer supplemental funds to commissions who request their full allocations, demonstrate the capacity to use additional administrative funds, and are free of outstanding compliance or audit issues that would preclude an award of additional administrative funds.

Disability Supplemental Awards

The process for requesting supplemental disability funds was established in the application instructions for the disability grant. In order to be considered, your request must have been received as part of your original disability application. Supplemental disability grants will be awarded when the amount available is determined following OGM analysis of commissions’ FSRs for the period ending 12/31/07, due 1/31/08.

2008 Final Administrative Award and Supplemental Admin and Disability Award Timeline:

Thursday, January 31st: Admin., PDAT and Disability FSRs due in eGrants.

February 1, Friday, 5:00 PM Eastern time: Deadline

  • Commissions with increased allocations must notify their program officer and their grants officer in writing regarding (1) how much, if any, of the increase they wish to use and (2) their desire, if applicable, to have their program officer return their admin applications to them to be adjusted to accommodate all or part of the increase.
  • Commissions requesting supplemental admin funds must request their program officer to return their applications to them. Requests for supplemental admin funds (with separate justification and a separate budget) should be inserted in the “Program Narrative” or “Program Narrative Continued” section of eGrants, and will be reviewed after the final awards of the state allocation amount are made. Supplemental awards for activities consistent with the allowable uses of admin funds are subject to the availability of funds.

Februrary 15, Friday, 5:00 PM Eastern time: Deadline

  • Commissions resubmit their admin applications with adjusted budgets and narratives to accommodate their higher allocation or supplemental admin requests.

February 15 – February 29: Grants officers confirm with commissions the amount of unexpended funds reported in the commissions’ FSRs. OGM adjusts final 2008 admin amounts.

March 3 – March 14: CNCS awards final admin allocations.

March 17 – March 28: CNCS awards supplemental Admin and Disability funds.

Finally, awards will not be made to commissions if the following issues are present: non-submission of FSRs; non-submission of closeout documents or failure to reconcile the grant closeouts; failure to meet match; and/or outstanding A-133 or IG audit issues.

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