Centennial of Flight Logo




**The next meeting of the U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission has been scheduled for June 19, 2002. The meeting will be held in the FAA Auditorium, 800 Independence Avenue, SW in Washington, D.C., 3rd Floor.


Memoranda of Agreement are in the NASA signature loop with the Chicago Centennial of Flight Commission; Mr. Greg Herrick, President of the Aviation Foundation of American, Inc.; and the Challenger Center for Space Science Education. We are beginning discussions with Space Day Foundation about a Memorandum of Agreement.


Partnership Updates


Debbie Gallaway will be traveling to Italy from June 18-24 at the invitation of the Caproni family to meet with museum, university and military leaders in Italian aviation to discuss the Wright brothers’ contribution in Italy via their demonstration flights and artifacts located in various museums.


The Dare County Regional Airport (MQI), the nearest general aviation airport to the Wright Brothers National Monument, is accepting reservations for aircraft parking the week of December 17, 2003. The parking reservation form may be accessed through their Web site at www.fly2mqi.com/apr.htm. Additionally, approximately 2,000 to 3,000 visitors per day will be routed through the vendor pavilion, a heated facility featuring a welcome/information center, transportation hub and food concessions. Exhibitors or vendors may contact Jarie Ebert, 2003 Aviation Events Coordinator at 2003@fly2mqi.com or (252) 473-2600 x 5 for further information on renting space.


Hollan White, Events Coordinator of the First Flight Centennial Commission has resigned her position effective June 30. We will miss her.


The COFC exhibit will be displayed at the Army Education Showcase sponsored by the Chief of Staff of the Army, July 8-10, 2002, at the Marriott Wardman Park Hotel in Washington, D.C.


Debbie Gallaway participated in the 2002 Katharine Wright Selection Committee. The award will be presented to Ms. Evelyn Bryan Johnson at The Ninety-Nines, Inc. Convention in Kansas City, Missouri, on July 20, 2002.


There will be an educational workshop in Fayetteville, N.C., on August 16, 2002.  Approximately 120 fourth grade teachers will be attending.


The International Council of the Aeronautical Sciences (ICAS) has reserved space on its calendar for a history of aeronautics session at its 23rd Congress set to be held in Toronto, Ontario, on September 8-13, 2002. ICAS is closely aligned with the AIAA and has asked the AIAA History Committee to organize a history session for the conference. More information is available on the ICAS Web site at www.icas.org.


The NASA Student Involvement Program (NSIP) presents the new Science and Technology Journalism K-12 competition for 2002-2003 and 2003-2004 school years – “Reflecting upon the Adventures in Flight.” Entry due date is January 31, 2003.  Go to NASA for theme resources at www.aerospace.nasa.gov/centuryofflight.  For complete details and to obtain the entry form please visit education.nasa.gov/nsip.


Aerospace Education exhibit at AirVenture 2002 will include two upgraded panels. Their themes are the Centennial of Flight and the AECC programs contributing to the NASA vision and mission.


Aviation Week’s Next Century of Flight will be hosting the COFC exhibit and distributing our brochures and posters at Farnborough.


The United States Air Force Band of the West at Lackland AFB, Texas, has requested the use of the COFC logo on an audio compact disk they are producing. The CD will commemorate the 100th anniversary of powered flight and is titled “A Century of Progress.” The CD is a non-profit venture that will be distributed to libraries, public schools, colleges, military recruiters and radio stations to promote interest in aviation and the USAF. The product is scheduled for release in December 2002.


Scheduling a meeting with Gen. Dailey and Terrence Jones, President and CEO of Wolf Trap.


The latest issue of the AIAA newsletter has been posted to their web site at http://www.flight100.org/what_intro.html


GAO is conducting their annual audit of the COFC. Their draft report was issued on June 3 and our response was provided June 14, 2002.


The visit of Fran Mainella, Director of the NPS, and Senator DeWine to the Dayton area on May 28-29, 2002, was postponed.






Outreach Activity:


We have provided COFC brochures, posters and bookmarks for an AAAE conference on Arts in the Airport to be held June 19-21 in Atlanta. Attending will be 35-40 directors of arts programs and their hope is that art can be a component of the Centennial of Flight celebration at each airport.


We have received an application from Third Millennium Entertainment to become a Centennial Media Patron. Projects under development by the group would include a 3-hour television special, centennial moments commercials, educational components and more.


Working to develop a significant four week event/exhibit at Rockefeller Center Plaza in March 2003. Event would include significant media component with NBC.


Working with ABC and Time/Life to create partnership around centennial between the two.


COFC Wright Brothers posters featuring the state of Ohio have been provided to the Agency for Instructional Technology, the manufacturers and distributors of the Inventing Flight for Schools curriculum kits produced by ThinkTV in Dayton.


AIAA will distribute COFC promotional materials as part of their Wright Flyer Exhibit and Tour.


CRT held a teleconference with the National Park Service and Keith Ifould, Director Group Business Development, RAF Museum about potential cooperative efforts. Currently researching technical needs to support joint broadcast project.


Have been contacted by Sue Suhler, Kansas Space Grant Consortium. We have sent her COFC brochures, as she will be coordinating the centennial communications and efforts with 6 Kansas aviation museums.


Brochures were also sent to the Academy of Model Aeronautics.


COFC bookmarks were requested for DOE’s Aviation Operations and Safety Workshop to be held in mid-July.


Media Relations


Popular Science ran a feature article about Ken Hyde in the June 2002 issue.


The Richmond Times-Dispatch themed the travel section around flight and the upcoming celebration on Sunday, June 16.


Reporters at daily papers and travel magazines have begun to contact CRT in response to early media pitches. Several publications are planning Centennial coverage and are beginning to gather information. CRT will continue to work with these reporters and will continue to pass along leads.


Popular Mechanics has asked to use the COFC logo in print in their magazine. They are planning a series of 4-5 articles on the history of flight, leading up to a big article about the Centennial.


Rick Beyer, Executive Producer, Smash Entertainment Group, who is producing a documentary for The History Channel, has contacted the Commission.


Web site


New additions to our Web site include “Kitty Hawk by Rail.” Please check it out at www.centennialofflight.gov/train/index.html.


A “Related Links” category is now available on our Web site at



On May 16, 2002, the Pirelli INTERNETional Award 2001 was awarded to Professor Michelson of Georgia Tech Research Institute. There were more than 1,000 entries and the COFC Web site was one of the 20 finalists.


Press Releases


A number of press releases have been issued recently announcing Memoranda of Agreements that have been signed. They are available on the COFC Web site at www.centennialofflight.gov/aboutcommission.htm.


June 13, 2002 – Aviation Foundation of America Formed to Preserve and Promote American Civil Aviation


June 11, 2001 – Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University to Coordinate Educational Programming for Aviation World’s Fair 2003


June 11, 2002 – Tuskegee Airmen Confirm Participation in the Aviation World’s Fair 2003


June 4, 2002 – Wright 1902 Glider Reproduction Will Undergo Wind Tunnel Tests at Langley Full Scale Tunnel


June 4, 2002 – U.S. Centennial of Flight Commission Announces New Alliances


May 30, 2002 – “Mama Bird” Captures Wright Award


May 29, 2002 – Aviation World’s Fair 2003 Kicks off Sponsorship Campaign


May 28, 2002 – Director Mainella and Senator DeWine’s May 28-29 Visit to Dayton Area and Press Conference Postponed


May 24, 2002 – First Flight Centennial Foundation Reaches First Milestone in Licensing Program


May 20, 2002 – Inventing Flight Announces Major Sponsorship Relationship with Bank One


May 17, 2002 – Dayton Aviation Heritage Commission Town Meeting – National Aviation Heritage Area


May 16, 2002 – U.S. Aerospace Commission Votes to Issue Third Interim Report Addressing Industrial Base, Space, and Workforce


May 15, 2002 – Marion Wright Visits Aviation World’s Fair Site and Joins Advisory Board for April 7-27, 2003 Event




Air & Space (June/July 2002); Popular Mechanics (July 2002); Pine Bluff Commercial (Arkansas); AvWeb.com; Washington Post; Arizona Daily Star; LA Times; Popular Science (June 2002); Richmond Times-Dispatch; and NASA History News & Notes (May 2002).


Completed Events:


Inventing Flight Partnership Council meeting was held June 5, 2002. The Inventing Flight Merchandising Program, which will be launched at this year’s Dayton Air Show in July, was presented. Inventing Flight has partnered with Shumsky to facilitate this program.


NBAA provided a free booth to Aviation Specialty Resources, Inc. for EBACE in Geneva from May 28-30, 2002. Mr. Winninger presented information and handouts on behalf of other centennial organizations.


On May 23, 2003, Women in Aerospace and the American Astronautical Society hosted a breakfast meeting with Dr. Rita Colwell, Director of the National Science Foundation, on the status of women in science and technology, prospects for girls in science and math, and the place of women in the 21st Century Workforce.


There was a Town Meeting held May 21, 2002, at the USAF Museum, Dayton, Ohio, to discuss the establishment of the National Aviation Heritage Area.


A press conference was held at the National Press Club on May 20, 2002. Gus McLeod detailed his plans to circumnavigate the poles solo in honor of the Centennial of Flight and the Tuskegee Airmen.


On May 16, 2002, David Morse, Public Affairs Director at NASA Ames met with Dan Fink, CEO of the National Inventors’ Hall of Fame to explore possibilities for joint collaborations around the centennial of flight celebration. Ames provided information to NASA/Tony Springer on Aero Expo I and II, the first Ames-sponsored centennial of flight events.


On May 8, 2002, the 2002-2003 marketing campaign for The Outer Banks was unveiled.


Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI) Aviation & Space Education Commission (CIEA) elected the winners of the 2002 Young Artists Contest, the theme of which was "Silent Flight." Ruthann Lynn Jones, USA (junior - ages 6 to 9); Eka Tabliashvily, Georgia (intermediate - ages 10 to 13); and Matthew Paul Gauvin, USA (senior - ages 14 to 17) won the Gold Medals in their respective categories. The 2003 Young Artists Contest will give the opportunity to young people to paint "100 Years of Powered Flight." (Results and paintings of previous contests, rules of 2003 contest and addresses of FAI members are available at www.fai.org/education/contests/artists/.)


Apart from the Young Artists Contest, CIEA has several programs available: A Guide to Aviation and Space Education, FAI recommended museums, international youth programs, instructional aids and resource materials. All of these programs are available (www.fai.org/education/) to teachers and flying clubs willing to offer educational activities to young people.


Presented the COFC program to the Silver Wings Fraternity, an international organization of men and women who have flown for at least 25 years. Their Web site is www.silverwings.org.