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Next Commission meeting has been scheduled for April 26, 2001, from 1-4 p.m.  Minutes for the January 17, 2001, COFC meeting have been distributed.


Three statements of work have been prepared.  One (for Outreach support) has been distributed to the Commissioners for comment.  Comments were requested by February 25, 2001. No comments were received.


A survey has been sent to our Commissioners, the candidates for the 6th Commission seat, and others requesting ideas and suggestions as to how the Centennial of Flight Commission can best help raise national awareness of the upcoming centennial celebration. We have asked for comments by March 19, 2001.


General Dailey is in the process of signing letters to each Senator, Congressman, and Governor that introduce the COFC and our web site, transmit our Wright Brothers’ posters, and request they encourage their constituents to commemorate the centennial of flight.


Gen. Dailey has signed a letter to the National Park Service requesting an American Aviation Heritage Theme Study.


Public Service Announcement request is to be mailed to approximately 120-150 magazines and trade associations.


We are on the agenda for a panel discussion for the Mutual Concerns of Air and Space Museums Seminar, March 11- 14 in Washington, D.C.


Finalizing the MOA with Aviation Week.


The NASA “WHY” Files program “The Challenging Flight” which introduces the Centennial and features Gen. Dailey will air on PBS Wednesday, March 14.


We recently added a matrix of aviation and aerospace educational resources to the “For Educators and Students” page that will help teachers and students identify a vast array of products, services, and information that is available to them through the COFC and its partnership organizations.


The Webtrends program is now operational on the COFC web site and will enable us to measure how many people access our site and which parts of our site are the most popular.  We will begin to present this data at the COFC meetings.


Working closely with Tom Crouch on the charter for the Advisory Board.


The COFC’s web site was mentioned in the March 2001 edition of Popular Science’s feature “Web Watch.”


Visited our Dayton friends February 23, 2001. We spent a full day touring Wright Brother related sites and meeting folks working on the centennial celebration.  It was a great day. The winning bid to renovate a portion of the Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park came in under the government estimate.


First Flight Centennial Commission is sponsoring an International Symposium on the History of Flight from October 22-25, 2001 to be held at N.C. State University.


Debbie Gallaway has been asked to serve on the First Flight Centennial Commission Education Advisory Committee.


AIAA announced the 1st AIAA Evolution of Flight Campaign Art Contest.  Entries must be postmarked by March 16, 2001.


AIAA will sponsor their annual Global Air and Space Conference in Crystal City, VA on May 7-9, 2001.


The Civil Air Patrol requested the use of the COFC exhibit at their National Congress on Aviation and Space Education that will be held March 11-14, 2001, in Minneapolis, MN.


COFC exhibit displayed at Vermont Space Grant Consortium from February 20-23, 2001.


We visited Ken Hyde and toured his workshop with Tom Crouch on January 10, 2001.


The COFC has been contacted by the publishers of the Air Museum Exchange newsletter written for aviation museum directors, boards, and volunteers in the U.S. and Canada. They will publicize our web site to their readers; encourage their subscribers to submit their events to our Calendar of Events; and encourage aviation entities to sponsor a centennial open house.


The COFC was contacted by Mr. Fred Casella, Producer, RDF Television, London.  His company specializes in documentary factual dramas. 


Visited by Michael Marks representing Dennis R. Weddle of the “100 Years of Flight Celebration” tour. The concept is to create an exhibit that would travel on the North American Air Show circuit and visit an estimated 30 major markets annually.


NASA Spacelink Team to receive the Brewer Trophy. NASA CONNECT won the New York Film Festival’s Silver World Medal.


Pursuant to Congressional direction contained in NASA’s authorization language in Public Law 106-391, the 100th Anniversary of Flight Educational Implementation Plan has been forwarded to Congress.  The plan outlines the development of educational materials for use at the kindergarten, elementary, and secondary levels of education.  The main feature of the plan will be a participation guide that is being developed by representatives of the NASA Office of Human Resources and Education, the NASA Office of Aerospace Technology, and the Centennial of Flight Commission in coordination with the Secretary of Education.


Thanks to all for entering their organization’s events onto the COFC Calendar of Events.