Centennial of Flight Logo






Centennial of Flight Commission press release was issued by NASA and the FAA on December 13, 2000.


As a result of the press release, we received a call from National Geographic magazine.


Press release was issued November 16, 2000 by the White House announcing Tom Crouch as the Chair of the First Flight Centennial Federal Advisory Board and appointing Todd M. Hamilton, Martha King, John Howard Morrow, Jr., and Kathryn D. Sullivan as members. The 18th First Flight Centennial Federal Advisory Board seat has been filled by Mr. Robert R. Ferguson III of North Carolina. Mr. Ferguson is an appointee of the Senate.


Touched base with the Roger Richman Agency last week to find that there is a new person, Nancy McCready, handling the Wright Brothers’ account. She is in the process of putting together for Roger Richman her views of what the “merchandising and commercial side of this would look like.”


Sent a note to our Commissioners encouraging them to begin placing their events on the Commission’s Calendar of Events web site.


The North Carolina First Flight Centennial Commission and the Chicago Airport System hosted the opening of the exhibit “Twelve Seconds that Changed the World” on December 19, 2000.


The North Carolina First Flight Centennial Commission hosted planned activities scheduled for December 15-17, 2000 in celebration of the 97th anniversary of the first flight.


Roger Launius attended the December 14, 2000 event at Palwaukee Airport in celebration of the 97th anniversary of flight.


We have received copies of letter written by the EAA, AIA, and NASA to the Citizens Stamp Advisory Committee requesting consideration for the issuance of a new U.S. stamp celebrating the 100th anniversary of the first powered flight.


Tom Crouch, Debbie Gallaway, Roger Launius and Sherry Foster are going to visit Ken Hyde on January 10.


The 53rdAnnual Wright Brothers’ Memorial dinner took place on December 15, 2000.  The Centennial of Flight Commission exhibit was on display and the two new educational posters developed jointly by the Commission and NASA were unveiled.  They are available on our web site under the Educational menu.


The Commission legislation, the Annual Report and the December press release has been added to the web site as well.


Visited with Aviation Week in New York. Looking forward to the many partnership opportunities that exist.


Finalizing the MOU with the FAA, NASM, NASA, and the Centennial of Flight Commission.


Endorsement and logo use criteria is out for final review to the History ad Education Panel in preparation for its presentation at the January 2001 COFC meeting.


As of December 20, twenty-one surveys have been returned from federal agencies/organizations detailing their centennial celebration plans.


Commission staff will be mailing out to each of the Commissioners a briefing book in advance of the January meeting.


General Dailey has been asked to chair a panel to review the safety of the V-22 tilt-rotor aircraft in light of the two crashes that killed 23 Marines this year.









