Aviation Week & Space Technology (Wright brothers issue) 104,663 12/30/2002   (Entire issue) The issue is a Wright brothers retrospective in honor of the 99th anniversary and the upcoming Centennial year.  
San Francisco Chronicle 512,129 1/2/2003 James Sullivan Milestones in 2003 Mentions the 100 anniversary celebration taking place in 2003.  
AAA Traveler 465,000 Jan/Feb Ruth Chin A century of flight As the nation celebrates the 100th anniversary of the first flight, the mid-west can be proud of its achievements in flight.  
Home & Away 3,300,000 Jan/Feb Jack McGuire Cleared for take off This year marks the 100th anniversary of powered flight and there are celebrations planned across the country.  
Attache (U.S. Airways inflight magazine) 363,178 January Tim Brookes Flying in every direction Discusses the invention of the airplane. Lists the COFC site as the place to go for aviation information and Centennial events.  
Century of Flight (commerative issue of Aviation History)       (Entire issue is dedicated to 100 years of aviation history.)    
The Korea Herald   1/7/2003   Come fly with me The country is celebrating the 100th anniversary of flight. Two weeks after their first flight, the Wright brothers started Wright Express, which very few people know about.  
Airline Business   1/7/2003 Philip Jarrett The 1903 Flyer made only four flights Discusses the experimentation and design of the Wrights' 1903 Flyer.  
Airline Business   1/7/2003 Graham Warwick Second century Less than 12 months from now, the first century of flight will end with a re-enactment of the first flight. What will happen in the next century?  
The Washington Post 746,724 1/7/2003 Art Buchwald Taking the ultimate flyer The country is celebrating the 100th anniversary of flight. Two weeks after their first flight, the Wright brothers started Wright Express, which very few people know about.  
The Daily Record 11,000 1/17/2003   Largest Wright brothers celebration to impact Dunn Festival of Flight will be one of the largest Centennial celebrations.  
Hartford Courant 198,601 1/19/2003 Paul Marks New twist on flight at Kitty Hawk The Wright brothers opened the era of powered flight with the invention of the wing warping concept. Includes quote from Tom Crouch.  
The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 242,234 1/19/2003 Dennis McCann Experiment in flight soared quickly 100 years ago this year the Wright brothers flew for the first time. Centennial celebration will include EAA and recreation of the first flight.  
News & Observer 136,295 1/20/2003 Jay Price Rivalry? What rivalry? North Carolina and Ohio can both stake a claim to the Wright brothers legacy and are working together to celebrate the 100th anniversary.  
The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette 185,709 1/26/2003 Jack Schnedler The Wright stuff: celebrating the centennial of powered flight Offers background information on the Wrights and the events leading up to Dec. 17, 1903. Mentions several COF events, including Inventing Flight, NC, Hazy Center, etc.  
The Plain Dealer 363,750 1/27/2003 James Ewinger Anniversary of flight to get lots of air time The Centennial of Flight celebration is underway and Ohio is a major player. COFC Web site is listed as a reference.  
Dayton Daily News 145,998 1/30/2003 Mei Ling Hopgood Flight celebrants hope interest soars Members of the COFC met in Washington. 2003 is off to a good start thanks to a successful kick off. The key is to keep momentum going.  
Flight International   2/11/2003   How commercial airliners will develop over the next 100 years Part of the monthly series marking the Centennial. Discusses what will develop in aviation over the next 100 years.  
The Plain Dealer 363,750 2/16/2003 Jack Schnedler Dayton's famous brothers rightly honored The Wright brothers and the Centennial of Flight will be celerbated this year. Dayton has a number of events planned, as does NC and DC.  
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette 243,091 2/16/2003 Jack Schnedler Love at first flight, North Carolina celebrates centennial of Wright brothers' achievement The Wright brothers and the Centennial of Flight will be celerbated this year. Dayton has a number of events planned, as does NC and DC.  
Air & Space (Smithsonian)   3/1/2003 Centennial Edition 100 Years of Flight Entire issue to dedicated to the Centennial celebration. Includes a list of 100 ways to celebrate the Centennial of Flight.