United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Pullman Plant Materials Center

Updated 09/10/2008

Pullman, Washington

Pullman Plant Materials CenterEstablished 1935

Since 1935, the Pullman Plant Materials Center in Pullman, Washington has provided plant solutions for the landscapes of eastern Washington and Oregon. The Center has released over 30 conservation plants including varieties of Saskatoon serviceberry, western clematis, western dogwood, thickspike wheatgrass, Lewis’ mock orange and common snowberry. The Center has provided new vegetative technologies for suppressing noxious weeds, tree and shrub planting directly into Conservation Reserve Program acres, cover crops, riparian restoration, herbicide use and Palouse Prairie restoration.


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If you encounter any problems with the files provided on this page, please contact Leslie Glass at 701-250-4330.

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Creating cottonwood groves: a primer.. (PDF; 565 KB) Dring, T., G. Kuhn, M. Stannard. 2008. WA NRCS Conservation Footprints, Spokane WA. 2008. 2p. (ID# 7957)

Pullman Plant Materials Center Progress Report of Activities for 2007. (PDF; 628 KB) Stannard, M.E. 2008. WAPMC, Spokane WA. Feb 2008. 4p. (ID# 7865)

Conservation Shrubs and Trees for the Intermountain West. (PDF; 1.7 MB) Ogle, Dan, Loren St. John and Mark Stannard. 2008. USDA-NRCS, Boise, Idaho. Idaho Plant Materials TN No. 50 - January 2008. 19p. (ID# 7711)

Guidelines for Determining Stand Establishment on Pasture, Range and Conservation Seedings. (PDF; 259 KB) Cornwell, Jim, Dan Ogle, Loren St. John and Mark Stannard. 2008. USDA-NRCS, Boise, Idaho. Idaho Plant Materials TN No. 12 - January 2008. 8p. (ID# 7707)

Conservation Practice Standard, Critical Area Planting. (PDF; 33 KB) Kuhn, G. 2008. WA NRCs eFOTG, Spokane WA. 2008. 4p. (ID# 7956)


PO Box 646211/ 211-A Hulbert Hall
Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-6211

Telephone: 509.335.7376
FAX: 509.335.2940
Email: Mark.Stannard@wa.usda.gov