United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Plant Materials Program Go to Accessibility Information
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Lockeford Plant Materials Center

Updated 07/15/2008

Lockeford, California

Lockeford Plant Materials CenterEstablished 1939

The Lockeford Plant Materials Center offers a 60-plus-year track record of finding plant solutions for the diverse Californian landscape. The Center has released over 30 conservation plants including varieties of blue wildrye, sulfur flower buckwheat, inland saltgrass and fourwing saltbush, and has provided technology on propagating native plants, rehabilitating after wildfire, landscaping with fire resistant plants and using vegetative controls for noxious weeds.



Special Features

These documents require Acrobat Reader.

2007 Progress Report of Activities (PDF; 4.75 MB) March 2008

Plant Guides for California - Plant Guides provide descriptions of a plant, its uses, and cultural recommendations.  The full list of Plant Guides and Fact Sheets can be found on the PLANTS database web site.



PO Box 68/ 21001 N. Elliott Rd
Lockeford, CA 95237

Telephone: 209.727.5319
FAX: 209.727.5923
Email: Dave.Dyer@ca.usda.gov