
Computational modeling and simulation are among the most significant developments in the practice of scientific inquiry in the 20th Century.  Scientific computing is particularly important for the solution of research problems that are insoluble by traditional theoretical and experimental approaches, hazardous to study in the laboratory, or time-consuming or expensive to solve by traditional means.  

Research programs in the Department of Energy’s Office of Science have identified major scientific challenges that can only be addressed through advances in scientific computing.

Specifically, the Office of Science’s Office of Advanced Scientific Computing Research (ASCR) program underpins the efforts of the other programs in the Office of Science.  Applied mathematics research produces the fundamental mathematical methods needed to model complex physical and biological systems.  Computer science research efforts enable scientists to efficiently perform scientific computations on the highest performance computers available and to store, manage, analyze, and visualize the massive amounts of data that result.  Networking research  provides the techniques to link the data producers, e.g., supercomputers  and large experimental facilities, with scientists who need access to the data.

Within the Department, the Office of the Chief Information Officer oversees capital investment process and information technology policy.

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