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October 16-17, 2003
Meeting Agenda

Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004

THURSDAY, October 16

9:00 am Session 1:   Beyond Therapy: Council’s Report to the President

Release of Beyond Therapy: Biotechnology and the Pursuit of Happiness

10:30 am Break

10:45 am     Session 2: Toward a "Richer Bioethics": Chimeras and the Boundaries of the Human

12:15 pm Lunch

2:00 pm

Session 3:   Biotechnology and Public Policy: Proposed Interim Recommendations, III

Discussion of Staff Working Paper: “Possible Targeted Measures to Defend the Dignity of Human Procreation”

3:30 pm Break

3:45 pm

Session 4: Biotechnology and Public Policy: Proposed Interim Recommendations, IV

Discussion of Staff Working Paper: "Possible Targeted Measures to Defend the Dignity of Human Procreation,” continued

5:15 pm   Adjournment

FRIDAY, october 17

8:30 am

Session 5: Biotechnology and Public Policy: Proposed Interim Recommendations, V

10:00 am Break

10:15 am

Session 6: Stem Cells: Recent Developments (Science and Ethics)

Discussion of Staff Working Paper: “Monitoring Stem-Cell Research: The Ethical Debates Reviewed”

Discussion of Staff Working Paper: “Application of Human Stem Cells in Research and Medicine”

11:30 am Session 7: Public Comments

12:30 pm Adjournment

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