1775 Duke Street, Alexandria, VA 22314

DATE: July 8,1998
LETTER: 98-CU-14


As you prepare to file your credit union's midyear call report, we want to inform you of some changes to our electronic data collection system. For the past several years, credit unions have been given the option of submitting call report data on disk using one of the PC5300-programs we provide. Currently we offer two versions of the PC5300 program: one for DOS and one for Windows. Both versions were included with the June cycle supplies mailed to you in mid-June.

We have decided to discontinue the DOS version of the PC5300 program after the December 31, 1998, cycle. Although the DOS version will be available for the remainder of 1998, it will not be included with the supplies mailed to credit unions in the future (September cycle for credit unions with assets greater than $50 million; December cycle for all credit unions). If you desire to use the DOS version, you must request a copy of the program from Customer Service at the beginning of the call report cycle by calling 1-800-827-3255. However, we strongly encourage you to use the Windows version of the PC5300 program.

We have several reasons for discontinuing the DOS version of the program.

  1. Year 2000 (Y2K) concerns. Credit unions that are unable to use a program other than DOS may experience problems with Y2K. We believe it is inappropriate for NCUA to support a program which may contribute to a credit union's Y2K problems.

  2. High level of PC5300 Windows use. Most credit unions (71%) which submit call report data on disk do so using the Windows version of the PC5300 program (December 1997 cycle data).

  3. Improved PC5300 Windows version. We redesigned and simplified the Windows version of the PC5300 program to allow for use on a variety of Windows platforms, including Windows 3.x, Windows 95, and Windows NT. This will allow more Windows users to use the program.

  4. Limitations of the DOS version. The DOS version is less flexible and limits our ability to make changes to the form and the edits included in the program.

All of these reasons convinced us that maintaining the DOS version is an unnecessary use of NCUA's resources. Therefore, the DOS version will not be available beginning in 1999.

We wish to reiterate that while the DOS version of the PC5300 program will be available for use for the remainder of 1998, it will not be mailed to credit unions with the call report supplies. If you desire to use the DOS version, you must request a copy of the program from Customer Service at the beginning of the call report cycle by calling 1-800-827-3255.

Again, we encourage you to use the Windows version of the PC5300 program during the June cycle. If you have any questions about the PC5300 program, please contact Customer Service at 1-800-827-3255. Questions about the call report should be directed to your examiner, state supervisor, or regional office.

We thank you for your cooperation and look forward to any comments you may have.

For the National Credit Union Administration Board,


