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Green Power Switch News

Vol. 4, No. 2 — Spring 2004


Leading Corporations Visit Buffalo Mountain

TVA recently hosted the Green Power Market Development Group for a tour of Buffalo Mountain Wind Park. The Group is a collaboration of 12 leading corporations and the World Resources Institute (WRI) that is dedicated to building corporate markets for green power.

picture of TVA employees

WRI researchers work closely with corporate energy professionals to build the business case for green power. The other companies represented include Alcoa, Cargill Dow, Delphi Corporation, Dow, DuPont, General Motors, IBM, Interface, Johnson & Johnson, Kinko’s, Pitney Bowes, and Staples.

The Group is working to transform energy markets and develop strategies to enable corporate buyers to diversify their energy portfolios with green power and thereby help address climate change. Its goal is to develop corporate markets for 1,000 megawatts of new, cost-competitive green power by 2010.

Since January 2001, the Group has implemented or signed contracts for 112 megawatts of new green power projects and purchases—enough to power 84,000 homes. These purchases include renewable energy certificates, hydrogen fuel cells, wind power, electricity from other renewables such as biomass and geothermal resources, and the direct use of landfill gas for thermal energy. Group members are implementing these green power deals at more than 290 facilities across 24 states and the District of Columbia.

To learn more about the Green Power Market Development Group, visit its Web site.

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In this issue

Leading Corporations Visit Buffalo Mountain

A Business in the Spotlight
Also: Earth Day Events

Fourth-Graders Raise Money to Purchase Cleaner Electricity for Their School

Also: Poster Contest Winners

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—Gary Harris, Program Manager, Green Power Switch, P.O. Box 292409, OCP 2-400, Nashville, TN 37229-2409.