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Green Power Switch News
Issue No. 3, Fall 2001

Main story
Green Power Switch Gets the Green Light to Use Methane Gas

photo of landfillTo address the unexpected delay in delivery of landfill gas generation for Green Power Switch and move ahead with program expansion efforts, TVA is adding a new Green Power Switch generation resource.

Construction setbacks at the Middle Point landfill site in Murfreesboro, Tennessee, have created a shortage in the amount of Green Power Switch supply that is now available. To address the supply shortage, the Green Power Switch program will include the co-firing of a methane waste by-product from the City of Memphis’s wastewater treatment facility. The co-firing will take place at Allen Fossil Plant. Like landfill gas, the methane would otherwise be flared, or burned off.

This new generation source has been approved by the Center for Resource Solutions, the organization that accredits Green Power Switch. The methane fuel currently available from the wastewater treatment facility could produce more than 35 million kilowatt-hours annually and would eliminate the consumption of more than 17,000 tons of coal. Power production from this generation source is scheduled to begin in October 2001.

The Allen Fossil Plant methane co-firing project can quickly make up the supply deficit. Initially, the project will provide four megawatts of new power production. Once the deficit has been eliminated, the project will be evaluated for extension. Together with existing wind and solar resources, the Allen Fossil Plant project and the Middle Point landfill facility will ensure an adequate supply of green power, allowing the program to begin expanding to additional power distributors. The first group of distributors to be added is in the northeast Tennessee region.

Members of the Green Power Switch team will begin training the new distributors in October. Each distributor is being asked to select a Green Power Switch coordinator to assist in marketing the program to local consumers.

Orientation is expected to last about two months, with actual marketing to begin in the new locations in January 2002. Green Power Switch will be offered to additional distributors starting in the spring of 2002.

Read more information about landfill gas generation.

Comments or questions? Green Power Switch News is interested in knowing what you’d like to read in future issues of our quarterly newsletter. Please write us at the address below or send an e-mail message to We will be happy to notify you by e-mail when future issues are published at this site. Thanks for your help and your interest!

—Gary Harris, Program Manager, Green Power Switch, HRT 11D, P. O. Box 292409, Nashville, TN 37229-2409

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In this issue
Main Story: Green Power Switch Gets the Green Light to Use Methane Gas
Status Reports: New Solar Sites and Wind Power RFP
Perspective: Faith-Based Stewardship
Updates: Generation and Participation

Green Power Switch News Archive

Link to a PDF version of this issue (241 kb, requires Adobe Acrobat Reader).


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